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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: October 08, 2021 04:59AM

I was abused at home mental and physical violence, I went to Gods people for help and support. My mother was a battered wife. My first memory at the age of 3 was trying to stop my father beating her up. I was parentified as a child, I was my mothers protector and servant. I was looking for kindness and love really that’s why I joined KCF.
Today I have healed most of the damage, caused by my family and KCF, but I have war wounds and PTSD. I agree with what you did about the praise MOrk, they used a hypnotic model. Like you I have found inner peace in other ways, meditation and the healing arts. I do have a sense that I am loved by the universe, I suppose that is my miracle. This site has helped me so much, to be able to share things on here that I have never shared with anyone, is so powerful. I don’t care that KCF watches this site like a hawk, they are so obsessed with playing the victim, it amuses me greatly. So thank you all my fellow sufferers on here, you have helped me so much, and I am grateful for you all xxx

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: October 08, 2021 07:22PM

I am very suspect about tongues too. I remember Cheryl checking to see if we had demonic tongues. What kind of check is that? Surely that defeats the faith and relationship we had with Jesus. So that means she was alluding to the fact that when she prayed with people, they still got demonic tongues. Just consider that thought for a moment???????

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mork ()
Date: October 09, 2021 04:02PM

There is a power in telling your story, whether here or to someone you trust. I've found in myself there's a compulsion to talk about it and to try and figure it out. Many people who share our situation have felt the same urge to talk about it. I've found writing helps.

I had a question to pose that I've been mulling over for a while and wondered if you guys have thought about it too. Do you think that forgiving lets them off the hook? What does forgiving mean to you, I suppose is the question?

Not a trick question or anything, and I hear the huge amounts of hurt that is here. I'm not even sure there is a correct, definitive answer to forgiveness it means different things to different people. I was blown away by Figen Murray forgiving the Manchester bomber for killing her son. Her testimony is really powerful to hear.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: October 10, 2021 03:51AM

I can’t be like them Mork, for years I was bitter and twisted over what had occurred. As I have been able to share this stuff, I suppose I was able to unpack it. Mostly through meditation, I have forgiven them for my own good really, especially my best friend I shared about, but others I can’t quite get there yet. I suppose it’s a process. I don’t feel it is dependent on them being sorry for what they have done, and continue to do. I’ve adopted a screw ‘em approach for some individuals. All their crap is their crap to deal with, not mine. Some I would like to punch in the face, those feelings make me want to continue to keep fighting for the truth, for the benefit of other vulnerable people. I have met up with a few people before they died, they felt unable to support me because they were weak and were frightened what KCF would do to them what they had done to me. I forgive them because they made an effort. Not all are totally under their spell. Also I have met people who still go there, yes KCF some of your flock have their own minds after all. But I have mainly forgiven some people, because it helped me release and heal the old wounds. Why should I be resentful and unforgiving like some of them are for the rest of my life.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: October 10, 2021 02:37PM

I’m still very angry at the injustice I’ve endured. I’m angry at the people who so wanted to climb the ladder of influence that they stamped on me on the way up. I could name names, but what’s the point? They are oblivious, as they are the centre of the universe in their mind. Sad, people pleasing entities, that would do anything for promotion, even sell-their own souls! Separate families ,destroy relationships, NO, NO, NO, I have not forgiven them. S.M, A.R. J.Sm M.K, S.H, N P, S.R ,B.A ,G.W, A.P.I, your karma is coming.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mork ()
Date: October 11, 2021 03:48PM

I can understand both sides - why anyone would be angry after their treatment, and I can understand how someone could forgive. As far as I know, nobody is saying sorry or asking for forgiveness so why would we? I felt a huge sense of relief when I decided to forgive the hurts I've been dealt. It doesn't mean I've forgotten and if it came to taking some action I still would. I'm not sure I can ever forgive the actions or their effect on my family. I don't know.

I do find myself asking why I return here and if I should leave it all behind. As long as lies about my family keep being spread (as they have recently) and as long as we hear of things that are damaging to people (like knitted relationships) it's important to have someone challenging that. I'm all for people having their own set of beliefs as long as its not hurting others.

It also amused me to think that there is a scriptural precedent for writing about events so long after they occurred. The gospels weren't written until 20+ years after the events so any challenge to writing about events here could be levelled there too.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/11/2021 03:50PM by Mork.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: October 11, 2021 08:46PM

They have recently affected my family Mork…
While that crap still goes on, it makes me more determined to tell the truth. If I told you what they had done recently, you would be astounded. I’m actually too astounded to talk about it yet. However I will in time.
Believe me they have no concept of the word “ sorry”.
You would think the “regime” would have changed from lessons learned after the passing of Cheryl and Dave. But no they continue with their dirty tricks. How proud I am of Liverpool Writer starting this thread, he smelt what they were, straight away. As many family members did, watching their relations at a vulnerable time in their lives, running to Cheryl and Dave, like they were long lost relatives. They are to be forever despised for that, and after the “ love-bombing “ phase ceased the “ vice-like “ grip of twisting doctrine began, imprisoning their victims like a female black widow spider in the middle of a web. Until all the life and individuality of the person is sucked out, and all they can see, is a life ruled by false doctrine and brainwashing. Willing little lambs to the slaughter, by wolves dressed in sheep’s clothing. They are predatory monsters of the lowest order. If you know the truth, get out whilst you can!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: October 11, 2021 09:34PM

It’s quite shocking, to see how amoral they would stoop to be. These people are serious Narcissists and psychopaths. They don’t care who they damage along the way to attaining their goals, prophesied by fake-prophets, and fake tongues.

More on escaping… A person who is local, share how he escaped.


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: October 11, 2021 10:25PM

More on the characteristics of cults. Recognise the signs!


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: October 11, 2021 11:31PM

A more comprehensive look at cults, and how to escape.


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