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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: November 01, 2021 03:40PM

Thank you Mork and I am free for putting me straight

I will consider myself “Jolly well told off”!

As I live on the other side of the world, I am clearly not as aware as you both are.

It’s great that KCF have clearly taken on my suggestions, from many years ago. Good to see.

However they are still involved in very destructive behaviour, TO MY FAMILY.

They totally destroyed my relationship with my parents and myself. You are lucky Mork, you have your Mum who backs you up. Mine who I loved dearly, was taken away from me by them. Then she died…

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 01, 2021 04:49PM

Please do not project your anger on me because, I am human and I got something wrong. This is not a place to humiliate people. Or demean them this is a place of healing and recovery, for people who have many wounds!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 01, 2021 09:33PM


Do not call anyone names here. "Angry cranks" is name calling.

Personal attacks are not allowed per the rules you agreed to before posting here.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mork ()
Date: November 02, 2021 12:18AM

All I did was point out that there is new information, that what was being said was incorrect. If you were leaving the house with a bit of tommy ketchup on your face you’d want to be told wouldn’t you? Is the truth not important here? Or is it only important when it backs up your victimhood?

DARVO is an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim and offender". It is a common manipulation strategy of psychological abusers. The abuser denies the abuse ever took place, attacks the victim for attempting to hold the abuser accountable, and claims that they, the abuser, are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the reality of the victim and offender. This usually involves not just "playing the victim" but also victim blaming.

Deny - "I am human and I got something wrong."
Attack - "do not project your anger on me"
Reverse Victim and Offender - "This is not a place to humiliate people. Or demean them this is a place of healing and recovery, for people who have many wounds!"

Deny - "Oh Mork, I suggest you get a sense of humour!"
Attack - "You were so on the superficial fringes! Actually you haven’t a clue what we have been talking about, because you have not experienced it. You sound just like SR"
"I remember who you are now, and you were very argumentative and difficult then, especially with me! So get lost! It’s all your own stuff! as usual! No change there! Jog on!"
Reverse - "We know we were broken! Because we were abused!"

Picking up a pattern yet?

“...I have observed that actual abusers threaten, bully and make a nightmare for anyone who holds them accountable or asks them to change their abusive behavior. This attack, intended to chill and terrify, typically includes threats of law suits, overt and covert attacks on the whistle-blower's credibility, and so on. The attack will often take the form of focusing on ridiculing the person who attempts to hold the offender accountable. [...] [T]he offender rapidly creates the impression that the abuser is the wronged one, while the victim or concerned observer is the offender. Figure and ground are completely reversed. [...] The offender is on the offense and the person attempting to hold the offender accountable is put on the defense.”

Jennifer Freyd

I will not engage with you again.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: November 02, 2021 10:10PM

Emma Swain shares her experience of leaving the Pentecostal Church…


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: November 03, 2021 04:42PM

Julia shares about the trauma of brainwashing. In studies it has been proven that when people leave a cult they are likely to suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder to various degrees. With the help of therapy these problems can be addressed and helped. The problem for many who leave cults, is they try to navigate a new life without support. In many cases, and in my own experience acknowledging that I was mentally unwell, because of what I had endured for decades, was the beginning of the journey to recovery. Therapy gives you the tools, to better manage your life and recover. Brushing repressed anger “ under the carpet “ causes further problems eg depression, anxiety, becoming a doormat. That is why I have learned to stand up for myself. I spent years frozen in terror, bullied in relationships and work situations. All because of the programming I received at KCF. I identify with the insanity that Julia shares, in this video


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: November 03, 2021 05:31PM

A very honest sharing from Hannah Timson, discussing her Evangelical background, and the thought processes she went through, before finally leaving Christianity. I can identify with so much she has said. I am not an atheist however, neither am I a Christian. Much study of ancient civilisations and their cosmologies, have led me to draw my own conclusions about “ the truth “ of humanity. Through extensive research over a 20 year period, I have found “ true peace “ that I never had when I was a Christian. I particularly identified with “ the cloud “ over the head, she talks about. Always a sense of unease.


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Deprogrammed0110 ()
Date: November 04, 2021 03:22AM

Hi everyone!
I have just started reading all the posts on here. What a valuable collection of the “Truth” as we know it. Sorry to hear about your mum LYS. Unless you have been through the KCF experience, I guess you just wouldn’t believe it.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 04, 2021 07:07PM

Personally speaking I couldn’t give a “rats ass” what KCF think of me. There opinion stopped affecting me many decades ago. Who are they to judge me or any other person on this site? The pointing finger of judgement always points back at them! If you are still afraid of what they think, then you are not really free from them. The recovery journey will take everyday of the rest of your life. This is a classic example of were they have still got their hooks in you. Do the work!
There are plenty tools you can use out there. Loads on Loads of helpful meditations on YouTube. Detach from their name calling and look at why it effects you so much! DO NOT CONTINUE TO BE A VICTIM OF THEIR GASLIGHTING! Remember they are the sick bunnies. We acknowledged that being in KCF was making us mentally ill, that’s why we left in the first place.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: zoejogle ()
Date: November 04, 2021 07:53PM

I don't understand people who don't respect other people's faith. It's not complicated. All that matters is to have the respect and loyalty that other people, especially the broken and lost, need. There are many such people in this world, so it is worth accepting their interests and stopping judging them. [...] interests are infringed upon here, so I choose to be understanding and accept myself for whom I am rather than judging my every move.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/04/2021 11:01PM by rrmoderator.

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