Julia shares about the trauma of brainwashing. In studies it has been proven that when people leave a cult they are likely to suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder to various degrees. With the help of therapy these problems can be addressed and helped. The problem for many who leave cults, is they try to navigate a new life without support. In many cases, and in my own experience acknowledging that I was mentally unwell, because of what I had endured for decades, was the beginning of the journey to recovery. Therapy gives you the tools, to better manage your life and recover. Brushing repressed anger “ under the carpet “ causes further problems eg depression, anxiety, becoming a doormat. That is why I have learned to stand up for myself. I spent years frozen in terror, bullied in relationships and work situations. All because of the programming I received at KCF. I identify with the insanity that Julia shares, in this video