Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: August 27, 2013 12:36AM
Well folks things just go from bad to worse in KCF, it seems the praying against people, Christians and other churches for their destruction continues.
Jesus's message was so Simple, Love one another, as I have loved you, that is the law of love.
the law of reaping and sowing is so simple, as you sow so shall you reap. So if you pray for a persons destruction, that is not in line with God's love, you will reap that destruction in your own life. God's forgiveness is infinite, his blessings love and Grace are new every morning, that is the God of my understanding.
So whilst KCF and their leaders continue to pray for people's destruction, I am afraid they will reap that in their own life.
Even people who practice Witchcraft are taught this, if you put something negative out there, it will come back to you three-fold. it is a spiritual law, that goes right across all the faiths. why? Because as human beings their are laws set up
to protect us from our own selves, because we are not God!
So what should you be wary of if you want to live a life full of love and peace?
1) Look at the behaviour of your fellow Christians, doe it reflect love peace and kindness? The bible says " a tree is known by its fruit". Check out their fruit?
2) Are teachings filled with paranoia, accusation and condemnation? How does it make you feel when Cheryl Doyle does her teachings? Do you feel confused? Frightened? Paranoid? Or do you feel peaceful, loved, comforted?
3) God commands us to love everyone, and to love your enemies as yourself? Do you see this being played out in KCF?
Or do you feel, "Less than", lonely or on the outside looking in?
Check out the bible references for the fruit of the spirit? Do you feel the daily peace and happiness, that is the reward of those living a spirit filled life? If you don't and if you have concerns you need to ask God why? What's going on? And if you are willing to listen he will speak.
The most important thing to know is God will never fail you if you ask for help. Be bold and be strong and stand by the courage of your convictions and he will supply a way out!
Sending love and prayers to all those in KCF that are looking for a way out x