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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: paulch35 ()
Date: February 24, 2018 10:15AM

The church of Rome seems balaced so to babtist churches as for the Methodist churches the more after j. Wesley and Jesus the better . bible believing churches that aim to share the warmth of God , love . . . the KJV possibly the only true bible in English . . . evangelists of Liverpool may know me well . . . let warm be our message . . .

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: paulch35 ()
Date: February 24, 2018 10:24AM

The warmth of God , true love . . .

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: April 30, 2018 11:46AM

Paulch35 thanks for offering solutions for the the lack of fellowship so many on this site experience. I can only speak for myself, i have tried other churches for many years. But im afraid i am done with Christianity. My experiences at KCF changed me so much it threw me into a different direction which really does feel right. I wake up every day grateful that i am no longer a Christian.
I also have been diagnosed with Aspbergers syndrome, one of the symptoms being “ saying it like it is”. I was made to feel ashamed for this, and terrified with threat of punishment. What i found particularly traumatising was becoming the subject of the fellowship gossip machine, even from my so called dear friends, whom i loved and trusted. They would rather listen to gossip about me, and instantly send me to Coventry. Even though i made the effort to connect with them, they still treated me with total disdain. I reckon few of us could go through that again.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: April 30, 2018 12:10PM

This is a very interesting video
Check this out on abusive Pastors and Narcissistic personality disorder, he makes a very interesting observation about gossip and manipulation.

[] Paste this in YouTube

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: April 30, 2018 12:23PM

This is useful information about how to know the 10 signs of an abusive church
And help towards your recovery.


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: April 30, 2018 01:12PM

On confronting your Pastor


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: April 30, 2018 01:26PM

I’m sure you will enjoy this video


I found this to be fascinating, and such a good laugh, so many names spring to mind!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: howgodmadeu ()
Date: June 12, 2018 01:14PM

To whom it may concern:

We are here to help anyone who is fighting the good fight against McArthurism. We have been wanting to help, but wasn't sure how to do it. We have also been affected by McArthurism through our family...they were manipulated into following this cult by being recruited to visit other churches throughout the world. Our immediate family was hurt by our own family because we wanted to help. We decided to take a stand and not let McArthurism take our power away...we want to act, and not be silent any longer. If there is someone who is willing to take a stand with us, we can discuss further what we would like to do.

by John Lennon

Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people living for today
Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for
And no religion too
Imagine all the people living life in peace, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people sharing all the world, you
You may say I'm a dreamer
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the world will be as one

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: ALongTimeAgo ()
Date: July 10, 2018 12:52PM

It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted here (under a different name). I’m glad it still exists, though I have heard lots of reports saying the fellowship has really changed. I’ve also heard that people who’ve left have been blamed for everything that happened rather than Cheryl. I don’t know what to think. But I do know this forum has a lot of hurting people on it who don’t deserve to be brushed under a carpet and glossed over.

My question is, for anyone still reading, what would you want, if you could have it, from KCF as it stands now? An apology? An acknowledgment of what they did and that they now know it was wrong? Some kind of open statement? Reparations (what)? Or for them to be shut down completely or punished in some way? Or do you think it’s too long ago now?

I don’t believe in supernatural ideas like witchcraft so I’m not sure what to make of the recent ideas that this is what Cheryl was up to. But I am sure some of her more “out there” ideas didn’t come from New Testament scripture. I’m not sure I believe in god anyway so in that sense it doesn’t matter. Yet if someone is posing as a Christian maybe it does. And I do think there ought to be accountability. This is one of the biggest problems in my mind with a lot of evangelical, charismatic Christian groups and churches, regardless of whether or not they’re cults in that sense. Who are they accountable to? It seems like anyone can set up a church and register a charity and bob’s your uncle. The big established churches (eg catholic, c of e, Methodist and so on) have also had many, many issues but at least on some level there is some procedure for trying to change things when they go badly wrong, even if that doesn’t always work.

I was horrified to read the poster here from a few years ago talking about how they felt mocked for their family being poor. If I had any part in that I am so deeply sorry. Yes, those young people in their M&S and Next “modest” outfits still make me feel angry sometimes. I suspect they feel they’ve moved on now, they must be in their forties with careers and children now and yet I still can’t help but remember them as pretending to be earnest and holy whilst going out of their way to exclude anyone whose face didn’t fit, with the blessing/encouragement of the leaders (most of them were their parents, nepotism or what). Time has healed it a bit, or at least put it far down in the old memory banks, maybe it’s made them reflect too? Who knows.

What I sometimes find hardest actually is that this is so different from other people’s experiences that there’s no one you can really talk to about it. Not many people with the shared experience of growing up like this. Okay some American evangelicals have similar stories but even they can’t match the more wild stuff of a cat in a tumble drier being responsible for revival or whatever.

Sometimes I think I should write a book. But who on earth would find it a believable plot?

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: AintreeLad ()
Date: July 17, 2018 06:04PM

ALongTimeAgo Wrote:
> It’s been a very long time since I’ve posted here
> (under a different name). I’m glad it still
> exists, though I have heard lots of reports saying
> the fellowship has really changed. I’ve also heard
> that people who’ve left have been blamed for
> everything that happened rather than Cheryl. I
> don’t know what to think. But I do know this forum
> has a lot of hurting people on it who don’t
> deserve to be brushed under a carpet and glossed
> over.
> My question is, for anyone still reading, what
> would you want, if you could have it, from KCF as
> it stands now? An apology? An acknowledgment of
> what they did and that they now know it was wrong?
> Some kind of open statement? Reparations (what)?
> Or for them to be shut down?

I’m sure that answer is different for everyone who has posted here. I know people on both sides and you certainly get a very one-sided idea of the church from this forum, but not what I would call the whole story. The posts on here run from genuine hurt to vicious bullying attacks to almost incoherent nonsense, from people as varied as atheists to people who still claim to be Christians, so I doubt there would be a general consensus. The fellowship has changed a lot, as have the people in it. The majority of the posts here represent a partially complete snap shot of events over a decade ago, and don’t take into account that people do change over time, regret things, learn to handle situations better.

To answer your other question, no there isn’t usually a higher authority in independent evangelical churches, charismatic or otherwise, and this is by choice, as monolithic top-down organisations tend to do more harm than good. With a small fellowship the members can have direct control over the direction of the church or leave of things aren’t to their liking.

Yes, pretty much any group can just “set up” a church, and yes you need to be very discerning about joining such a group, and ask the right questions when going in. If anything happens that you disagree with, leave. If anything illegal happens, notify the police. If your tile there results in damages, go to court.

And remember that if you are a Christian, no one can insert themselves between you and God, and your faith is between you and God and no one else.

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