Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: May 31, 2007 06:48PM
[b:e3cfb69d80]This is for someone else:-[/b:e3cfb69d80]
Hi everybody, esp the new people. I too am new to this site, although friends have kept me up to date with what’s been said. I think it’s good to talk – well here’s my story:-
I had the misfortune to spend 13 years of my life, and my children’s life’s their. From the very beginning it was fear, fear, fear all the way, as a young ‘baby’ Christian I met several people who become friends. A lot of young ones met in my house & horror of horrors, someone ‘snitched’ to the wonderful pastor Mrs Doyle. The next thing I knew I’m out of fellowship for 6-8 weeks (along with others, but we didn’t know that at the time). My niece wasn’t allowed to come and visit.
During this time it come about by counselling (2 Christians sent by the ‘chief’ to see what’s going on), that Mrs Doyle’s daughter was seeing two people one behind her boyfriends back. It involved me and another Christian, this poor girl must’ve beam 12/13 yrs I was 26 and had been saved about 12 wks if that. As they didn’t know who was tailing the truth. (We both were Cheryl weren’t we? And you knew that). We were summoned to the dreaded C&D living room and it was full of leaders etc. we were told to pick a stone so Cheryl would know who was lying. Before this I asked what did Dav Doyle mean when he said it was serious and it could lead to death = he said spiritual, physical and the dreaded ‘handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh to save your soul’. I don’t remember much but I do remember is going home and praying what kind of God would leave my children motherless as well as fatherless? I went into my daughters room and kissed her goodnight, and my sons too. I went downstairs and wrote a note of what to if I died – which I expected to happen. So now you know I’m the other person and you know I’m alive & happy. Cheryl Doyle you can’t escape the truth was your daughter was the liar, the one who ran away yet this abuse you inflected on me & rosebud did you apologise? You never put it right