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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 24, 2007 04:52AM

I'm sorry that you are so dissapointed doyles and co ,but you shouldnt measure everyone else by your own devious standards.David is telling the truth,this forum has nothing to do with lifegate,you really should get your facts right first before you point fingers.You see folks in the fellowship doyle has all the power an nobody can express an opinion,she cant control this though.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: May 24, 2007 07:38AM

On this forum, the only person I know of that goes to Lifegate Church is David Anderson. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!
I would like to see you all try to deny any of the things 911 has said. Ask yourselves this, Would Jesus be praying for our destruction? Of course not. You all should be ashamed of yourselves!
Honestly how can anyone still in there believe that you, Cheryl Doyle, are Gods messanger! Especially as the bile that comes out of your mouth is nothing short of blasphemy. With your demonic frogs, spinning and sexual issues I'm suprised you are not in Stoddard House( you know Stoddard House, that's the place were you have sent too many of your flock).
Anyway Cheryl, goodnight, sleep tight and don't let the karma bugs bite!

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: 911 ()
Date: May 26, 2007 09:07AM

I think most of you many know especially ex-leaders that Cheryl always defended herself in public that she didnt pray against Christians. But anyone who has been in ministry in KCF knows that what she does in public and what she does in closed meetings are too different things. She always says everyone is sworn to secrecy to keep the protection on the meeting. But at theses meetings very judgemental prayer is unleashed at unsuspecting individuals. I dont think she really wanted the general public to know that they are praying against Christians ,somehow. Thats why we are sworn to secrecy not so the demons cant listen in , but so the others wont get to know. Who might ordinarily leave KCF if they knew the truth.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: silversylvia ()
Date: May 26, 2007 09:13AM

I am very sorry David that you have been a victim of the lies and twisting mentality of KCF. The whole place seems to be run on chinese whispers. Started by Cheryl. I lost hope when I was there. I lost hope in christian integrity and love and could nt believe how hard and cold the leadership where to newcomers and visitors, it is very sad that it still continues. So many people I know and am still in touch with have visited KCF and are all of the same opinion. It is a very controlling place to be.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 27, 2007 06:51AM

Once again 911 i say that you are very brave coming onto this forum,and by what you've said it shows to some degree that these posts are not a pack of lies,i dont want to rub it in but its not good to live your life to please somebody else and to not persue things which you would have only to be put off by doyle and co.You live your life and dont put up with these lies anymore,your time will come as obviously you have a mind of your own like i'm sure many more of you have at kcf.This site has made some of you think and that can only be a good thing,well come on ! anybody that says otherwise must be scared of losing their control of the masses,dont be one of the masses,the majority is always wrong.Good on ya 911,keep thinking.........

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: John W ()
Date: May 31, 2007 06:48PM

[b:e3cfb69d80]This is for someone else:-[/b:e3cfb69d80]

Hi everybody, esp the new people. I too am new to this site, although friends have kept me up to date with what’s been said. I think it’s good to talk – well here’s my story:-

I had the misfortune to spend 13 years of my life, and my children’s life’s their. From the very beginning it was fear, fear, fear all the way, as a young ‘baby’ Christian I met several people who become friends. A lot of young ones met in my house & horror of horrors, someone ‘snitched’ to the wonderful pastor Mrs Doyle. The next thing I knew I’m out of fellowship for 6-8 weeks (along with others, but we didn’t know that at the time). My niece wasn’t allowed to come and visit.

During this time it come about by counselling (2 Christians sent by the ‘chief’ to see what’s going on), that Mrs Doyle’s daughter was seeing two people one behind her boyfriends back. It involved me and another Christian, this poor girl must’ve beam 12/13 yrs I was 26 and had been saved about 12 wks if that. As they didn’t know who was tailing the truth. (We both were Cheryl weren’t we? And you knew that). We were summoned to the dreaded C&D living room and it was full of leaders etc. we were told to pick a stone so Cheryl would know who was lying. Before this I asked what did Dav Doyle mean when he said it was serious and it could lead to death = he said spiritual, physical and the dreaded ‘handed over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh to save your soul’. I don’t remember much but I do remember is going home and praying what kind of God would leave my children motherless as well as fatherless? I went into my daughters room and kissed her goodnight, and my sons too. I went downstairs and wrote a note of what to if I died – which I expected to happen. So now you know I’m the other person and you know I’m alive & happy. Cheryl Doyle you can’t escape the truth was your daughter was the liar, the one who ran away yet this abuse you inflected on me & rosebud did you apologise? You never put it right

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: June 01, 2007 12:48AM

Yet another horror story! Just shows you doyle,these things come back to haunt you,its a pity you clearly dont have any feelings.Why didnt you put these things right? How can you look at all the folks at kcf knowing that they are all reading these posts,and starting to wonder whats going on ?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: June 01, 2007 12:48AM

Yet another horror story! Just shows you doyle,these things come back to haunt you,its a pity you clearly dont have any feelings.Why didnt you put these things right? How can you look at all the folks at kcf knowing that they are all reading these posts,and starting to wonder whats going on ?

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: June 01, 2007 06:05AM

Hello other person involved in the stone thing. Thanks for coming on and telling your side. I know it's hard to tell. You can still feel the humiliation can't you! But I am glad you are o.k. It should never of happened. We really were both telling the truth wern't we!
Trina xxx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: yetigoosemonster ()
Date: June 05, 2007 11:52AM

I know that God is moving on the hearts of the people of KCF. I know certain people know the truth and they have suffered in silence for years at the hands of Cheryl Doyles mood swings. How you seem in favour with her then she turns on you and you are out of favour. I know cos I was there just like you. I know many of you have talked about it in private with friends and confidants. So many of you feel trapped and dont know how to escape. A time is coming dear friends of KCF when you shall be free to choose. At the moment Cheryl Doyle holds the apron strings of control over you. I know many of you have dreamed of escape but you know the price is too high. Pray and you can be free... Fear not .... The fear you feel from Cheryl Doyle is not from God. God id much bigger than her power. Stand firm and pray and God will release the you from the chains that hold you.It is not Godly that you should feel terrified of Cheryl Doyle. In case you havnt noticed she does not radiate God s character like you would expect of a christian leader. Its all Fear ! Fear! Fear! as our dear friend has just shared. I know all of you know that. Why do you just accept it???/ TEST THE SPIRITS MY FRIENDS....YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT????OR ARE YOU TOO AFRAID????? I am praying for you to ghear God for yourselves Love Yetixxx

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