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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: 911 ()
Date: May 18, 2007 04:23PM

As a member of KCF I think everyone knows the truth about Cheryl. Everyone is so afraid of being snitched on and it getting back to her. But I do think they are narrowmnded and bigotted in their opinions. I have seen people destroyed over the years. I have seen the church discipline and handing peeps over to the Devil. I walked out on that one I disagreed. I no doubt will be lynched for speaking my mind. I must say a lot of what has been said on ere dont come as a surprise.So many peeps in KCF think they are better than others and play power games with peeps lives, nuff said.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: May 19, 2007 12:04AM

Hi 911
I hope you don't get lynched. It is horrible that people live in that kind of fear just for speaking their minds. I know from experience how a lynching for speakingyour mind feels, but on the plus side for me my fear of lynching turned to anger before it happened and I was able to leave. I got to the point where everything that they were saying just sounded full of crap, like handing people over to the devil and rubbish like that. I was scared I would loose my family and friends but I was so against the bile they were saying to people, that I knew I could not carry on living this lie even if it meant loosing relationships. I thought to be a christian was to have nothing but love and compassion and forgiveness in your heart, just like Jesus was supposed to have. I witnessed not one iota of any of the afore mentioned in that church. The peolple there when I was there are amongst some of the most bigoted, hatefull and jealous I have ever had the misfortune to mix with. And even after leaving their messages of bigotry stained my soul for years. I hope your fear of this lynching turns to anger for you too and maybe you can leave. My thougts are with you 911.

Firefly and Mr Dragon a couple more Zach De La Rocha quotes.

"With lecture, I puncture the structure of lies
Installed in our minds and attempting to hold us back
We've got to take it back
Cause holes in our spirit are causing tears and fears
One sided stories for years and years
I'm inferior? Who's inferior
Yea, we need to check the interior
Of a system who cares only about one culture
And that is why
We gotta take the power back."

"Fools follow rules when the set commands ya"

"Just victims of the in house drive by,
They say jump you say "how high?""

"Why stand on a silent platform?"

And here is a great Chilli Pepper quote from one of thier songs.

"I was not created in the likeness of a fraud
Your Hell is something scary
I prefer a loving God
We are not the center of this funny universe
And what is worse
I do not serve
In fear of such a curse
Shallow be thy name
2000 years look in the mirror
You play the game of shame
And tell your people live in fear
A rival to the way you see
The bible let him be
I'm a threat to your survival
And your controll company"

Hope you like them
Trina xx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 19, 2007 03:49AM

Hi 911,good to hear from you.Cheryl saying people trying to usurp her place at kcf,what rubbish! We've all heard that old chessnut before.Why cant doyle get discernment from God about all this thats going on with the fellowship like she claims that she's got a hot line to God! Your right yeti the fellowship is full of snivellers and snitchers,i've had personal experience of that as have most of the people that have left.911,i wonder how many more people at kcf that have a mind and can see through all this crap,me thinks there are many of you.This is not going away is it kcf?Tere are many members of kcf who are reading these posts,there are many more things to come out i know,WAKE UP YOUR BEING DECEIVED AND SOME OF YOU ALREADY KNOW IT LIKE I DID TILL IT WAS TIME TO LEAVE,I'll be back!!!

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: May 21, 2007 03:46AM

Hi everyone
Does any of you out there remember the college?
I think I spent most of the time the fellowship owned it there. my Uncle John W used to live there with his dog which became my dog, Nod. And so did my uncle Kev. I know it was burned down but I think that was fate sparing us from perhaps living there like a commune cos I know that at the time was the ultimate fellowship goal. Does any one remember the football match between the men in the fellowship against the young lads who used to harass the people in the college?
Any way take care y'all
Trina xxx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 21, 2007 05:36AM

Hi roesbud i remember the college,its a little scary when i remember it !

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 21, 2007 05:47AM

I met some good people at kcf,how i wish that they would come out of there,its not right that doyle has put a spanner in the works of the friendships i had at the fellowship,but i'm not stupid ,i know that they have chosen to abandon me but i dont hold it against them,ive always had the hope that i'll see them again(ooh! i nearly came over all Vera Lynn for a moment!!!).

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: rosebud ()
Date: May 21, 2007 11:44PM

I hold it against anyone who abandoned frienship with me after I left. They knew me, they spent time with me, they had a lot of laughs with me, and yet still chose to abandon our friendship and that sucks eggs.. I never gave up on friendships with people who left and were my friends, even when told I had to, I let myself choose my friends not Cheryl Doyle or her "yes"men. I did meet people who at the time I respected because I they had great qualities I admired, and I pursued friendships with them. But when I left I was made to feel like I was evil. And people have said to me "Oh trina they can't help it. Remember when such and such left and we were told they were in sin and we shouldn't spend time with them". I think that is a lame excuse. I think if you care for someone, I mean truly care for someone, you will continue to care and see that person, even if that means you will get into trouble. Or even just to see them in the street and ask them how they are. Seriuosly I have seem people with whom I was friends with in the fellowship, do mad things just to aviod me. They haven't got the guts to blatently ignore me, they have to cross over the road or hide behind a baby ( I won't name you but I want you to know I think you are a coward) hoping I won't recognise them. But the all seeing Trini eye sees all. What did they think I was going to do or say??? Did they think I was going to whip out my voodoo doll and sacrafice a chicken. Or maybe have a pea soup excorsist moment!!!!! Or maybe tempt them to go to a rave ( I might of done that but only coz they needed a bit of excitement) I wouldn't even mind but some of these "friends" used to tell me how they felt unsure about being in the fellowship and wished they had the bottle to leave. So maybe it is sour grapes because I had the balls to do it instead of just wingeing about it.
It used to hurt as you can imagine. I loved my friends. Just a shame they only loved me for my christianity and my belonging to the fellowship.
Trina xxx

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: bruisednotbroken ()
Date: May 22, 2007 03:06AM

Trina, the pain of losing friends from the fellowship comes over very clearly in your post. I cannot imagine what it must be like to live in the same neighbourhood as those you once had good friendships with and find them taking extreme measures to avoid you. I am sad for the way you have been treated.

I belonged to a pentecostal fellowship and left that church to go to KCF. I had a lot of "friends" at my previoius church but once I left KCF and stopped attending Christian meetings and events I found myself bereft of friends. I have contact with one good friend from those days. I now ask myself...."what was all that church fellowship stuff about??" because I am now left without these friends. Church can be such a "closed circle" of friendships, to the point of being exclusive. So without the common activities, meetings etc. it seems to me that friendships disappear. I wonder if that is the way you feel about this too, Trina?

I realize folks at KCF were likely told to avoid those who left the fellowship and as you rightly point out....they could have made the choice to avoid that ruling and still kept in contact with you, not avoided you when seeing you out and about in the town etc. If and when they break free from KCF I am quite sure they will realize how misled they have been. That is my prayer for all those still ensnared by the teachings of Cheryl Doyle.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: dragonflyer ()
Date: May 22, 2007 05:45AM

Its nearly always the case that when you leave the fellowship everyone drops you.No one ever got in contact with me to see if i was ok after the many years that i attended the fellowship,they have no idea why i left surely you would be at the very least a bit curious as to why. i was dreading what lay ahead when i left it was a while till i saw anyone,then it happened ,i was snobbed i could'nt believe it,it did hurt.And like what happened to rosebud people avoided me or pretended they never saw me when in fact i know they did.The arrogance of some of the people at kcf overwhelms me,how dare you put testamonies on your site when some of you have betreyed your own families and children,God forgive you for the way you have treated your families which God has given you,i honestly dont know how you sleep at night ,it must take a real willfull effort.Do you really think that God wont ask you why you have done these things.All you current members who read these things have no idea of the hurt and tears that cheryl doyle has inflicted on some of the most godly people i know,you would be horrified,shame on you for not taking the time to find out whats gone on,because anyone who has left kcf would be willing to tell you their story,you are not accountable to doyle you are accountable to God alone,what have you done to His disciples,the ones that He loves with an everlasting love.Dont take her word for it find out for yourselves.

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Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: silversylvia ()
Date: May 22, 2007 12:11PM

I was a member of the Fellowship for a number of years. I left after realising that Cheryl Doyle was not acting like a Christian. True Christians show unconditional love and are able to say they are sorry. Cheryl Doyle is nothing but a dictator who controls everything even the way you think. I too saw many poor souls rejected and belittled by the Doyle clique. She is nothing but a cruel bully. In fact the bible describes women like her as having a Jezebel spirit (look up Jezebel and see)

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