Kirkby Christian Fellowship
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Date: May 22, 2007 05:45AM
Its nearly always the case that when you leave the fellowship everyone drops you.No one ever got in contact with me to see if i was ok after the many years that i attended the fellowship,they have no idea why i left surely you would be at the very least a bit curious as to why. i was dreading what lay ahead when i left it was a while till i saw anyone,then it happened ,i was snobbed i could'nt believe it,it did hurt.And like what happened to rosebud people avoided me or pretended they never saw me when in fact i know they did.The arrogance of some of the people at kcf overwhelms me,how dare you put testamonies on your site when some of you have betreyed your own families and children,God forgive you for the way you have treated your families which God has given you,i honestly dont know how you sleep at night ,it must take a real willfull effort.Do you really think that God wont ask you why you have done these things.All you current members who read these things have no idea of the hurt and tears that cheryl doyle has inflicted on some of the most godly people i know,you would be horrified,shame on you for not taking the time to find out whats gone on,because anyone who has left kcf would be willing to tell you their story,you are not accountable to doyle you are accountable to God alone,what have you done to His disciples,the ones that He loves with an everlasting love.Dont take her word for it find out for yourselves.