Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Date: April 03, 2007 06:20PM
Hi all,
[b:5bc622f0f7]AJG[/b:5bc622f0f7], I wonder what your purpose is in getting involved? You say you're not a 'cult buster', you have no connection with us or with KCF; whats in it for you, and how do you see yourself being a help here? Did someone ask you to represent us?
I have personally found your comments offensive, particularly as you don't know any of us or our situation, and your aggressive manner is totally inappropriate in a place such as this, as you would know if you actually did have any experience as you say. I appreciate your apologies.
You have swooped in here with your own agenda, I wonder when you will swoop out again? (I pose this as a genuine question, not a hint.) Are you standing by us for the duration, are you just here to claim some of the perceived glory in bringing down an organisation we are all attached to in a personal way?
What was it that inspired you to contact KCF directly?! I am fairly flabberghastered! What do you hope to acheive by doing this?
I hope that you are genuine, and that you haven't just popped in to inflame an already painful situation.