As a previous follower of Imzaia, I feel it is my responsibility to write here, in case it may be helpful to you reading. Revisiting the heart-felt accounts on this forum, from past followers and family members really adds fuel to this fire.
I'd like to address both family members who have lost a loved one to this group, as well as individuals who are visiting this page with a hint of suspicion in their heart that has lead them here as it once did for me.
First, family members:
Your loved one, no matter how much it pains you that they abandoned you, is not a bad person. They have been lead to believe that their involvement with Imzaia is a duty they have been selected for and is of highest benefit for all of humanity, including you. In fact, in this belief system, it is selfish for them to do otherwise. They have been taught to put aside any logical, rational thinking or even the guidance of their own emotions and senses, learning that these are fear-based and limiting ways of interacting with the world, which it is their responsibility to 'ascend' beyond. Their very 'personality', that you knew and loved so much, is a problem at the core of this belief system and it is to be transcended by any means necessary, often in subtle ways at first and then in more extreme ways. This 'blankness' of expression that some of you report seeing, is a reflection of this process. For me, this meant dissociating from my body, ignoring the warning signs of my emotions, and distancing myself from family, while simultaneously surrounding myself with Imzaia culture and members, creating an echo chamber of very particular ideas.
I do believe that the most insecure people are at the greatest risk of falling for these tactics because they are looking for someone to give them answers and meaning to a life that they don't feel in control of. Luckily for me, I was too stubborn to revoke my own will completely, and with the help of others in this forum as well as angels in my life, I was able to step out long enough to get a clear and obvious picture of what was really going on. It was a painful, deeply existential process to go through, and I am so grateful to have come out the other side.
For the questioning individual:
1. If something does not sit right with you, PAY ATTENTION to that. The sensations of your body and emotions are the way your soul communicates with you. You are both of nature and spirit, and to ignore these physical signs is to ignore your better judgment. Just as you step away from a flame that gets too close because it WILL burn you, stepping away (or at least questioning) something that does not feel right is a reasonable idea. Fear can be a powerful warning sign to you. Imzaia will paint fear as a weakness to ignore and overcome, and this is one of their greatest tactics for manipulation - to disconnect you from your own innate system of reasoning.
2. Are you really after the truth like you say you are? If so, you should be open to hearing the stories of previous members who have been negatively impacted by this group. For a long time, I ignored this forum though I knew it existed, because it was easier to write off people as 'misunderstanding' 'fear-based' 'weak' followers who did not understand the teachings, than it was to be open to a challenge. I have spoken to several ex-members, who have shared profound and deeply disturbing experiences that I could not overlook.
3. Are you really following your heart? Related to my first point, when you start dissociating from your body and emotions over and over again, you will no longer FEEL your heart. You will think that this 'blankness' you have developed, which is really your coping mechanism for not allowing yourself to feel what you feel and to use your human brain to think logically, is a sound place to make decisions from. It is not. It is a space for Imzaia to fill you with their 'special' ideas and to always be on board with doing what they want you to do.
4. Pay attention to what you see rather than what you hear. Anyone who can talk well can be a good salesman and manipulate you. What you see and experience is far more telling than the fancy ideas they speak about themselves and how the world works.
Aging is an illusion? Why do David Dube and the Imzaia followers look like they're aging at an exponential rate? "Oh, but their energy is so pure." Is it? or are you projecting from your own emptiness and the ideas they have filled your mind with?
They claim to be connected with people like Eckhart Tolle? Why would he never mention them? Surely a person with such a large following would provide tremendous benefit to Imzaia by bringing their grand mission to the world...
These people paint themselves as Godly when it's beneficial to them (i.e. want to gain a following) and human when it's beneficial to them (i.e. need money from you). When you start comparing actions to words, you will very soon notice a lot of inconsistencies. Of course, these can always be justified by a manipulative speaker, but try to think logically for yourself.
5. Research cults. This was one of the most helpful things for me. Watch documentaries about cults, watch interviews with ex-cult members. Very, very quickly you will see the tactics behind Imzaia's operations. Because it's all the same and it's all been done before, many times over. The chosen spiritual leader, the chosen followers, the grand mission to save the world, the dissociation from personality and seclusion for the outside world. Do some research. See for yourself. I highly recommend reading this speech on the limitations of group spirituality: []
Whomever is reading, my heart goes out to you. I hope that these words have been helpful to you in some way. Please reach out to me on this forum if I can help you in any particular way.