Re: Dave Lakhani, Mark Joyner, Simpleology, Amazon
Posted by:
Date: January 26, 2010 03:34AM
An unhappy reader of Mark Joyner's "Simpleology" felt compelled to start a "discussion" of the book at Amazon:
Is This Book A Scam?
Is this book for real? Every review is five stars, and most of them appear to be from authors and people related to "simple ology." (from Patrick R. Bowman)
Someone called "Hopefully Helpful" responds to this discussion, and boy does he/she have a lot to say:
THIS WAS AN ACTUAL COMMENT I POSTED AFTER BUYING THE BOOK. MY COMMENT WAS POSTED APRIL 7 AND AMAZON ACTUALLY DELETED IT BEFORE THE END OF THE DAY APRIL 7. **** New Info **** My 2nd review was deleted as well. It had the 2nd highest usefull rating (32 useful votes) of this book (even with one star) and dropped the book from the top 100 to above 500, but after it was deleted, I noticed the book is now #59. I have just posted my 3rd review in an attempt to keep anyone from losing their money.
Yes, I believe it is a scam. I feel tricked. I feel horrible about buying this book. I am angry. I want my money back. And DON'T BELIEVE ANY POST THAT GIVES THIS BOOK OVER 1 STAR. I believe this book is a NEW MARKETING "SPAMMING" METHOD, that actually gets you to buy a book just to go to their website to buy other things! Why are there so many 5 stars? 16 posts only 6 days after release and they're ALL 5 stars! NO WAY!
I wish there were a way to declare this type of marketing a crime, but I bought it, so I have to live with it. BUT, I WILL TRY TO MAKE SURE THEY DON'T GET YOUR MONEY! Please, please, please make sure other people don't feel tricked like I did by marking this post as "helpful" if you think it is helpful.
WHAT THE AUTHOR ACTUALLY WRITES AND WHAT YOU THINK YOU ARE BUYING DUE TO WHAT THE TITLE OF THE BOOK SUGGESTS ARE NOT THE SAME AT ALL. In fact, the author clearly states on page viii (before page 1 even begins!) that it is ESSENTIAL TO DOWNLOAD SOFTWARE AND A COMPANION GUIDE WITH THIS BOOK. (I feel unsafe because I gave my email to them, and I feel believe the real reason the author wants you to buy the book is to go to their website and buy stuff). It could lead to shelling out more money if you go through with it) Here's an actual quote what I mean: "This is essential! We've made all of this available to you completely free of charge, so please do this now before you begin reading this book." What? Isn't this a book I bought? It is free, so no harm, but I bought a book to read. Not simple. Simple-ology? Or market-ology with tricker-ology via misrepresent-ology? I went out at night at 10:30pm to get this book, got home and started reading at 11pm only to find out I needed to go to the computer, turn it on, while waking my wife and child. No thanks. I did, however, read the entire book the next day, and was just as disappointed. Read on.
PS. Everything I wrote above was before I went to the web site. I didn't want to post this message until I did that. I AM EVEN MORE ANGRY THAN BEFORE! I WAS JUST INTRODUCED TO (IN MY OPINION) AS MUCH OF A TRICKY, SCHEMING ATTEMPT AT TAKING MY MONEY THAN ANY SPAM MESSAGE I HAVE RECEIVED. After registering, one of the first things I was shown, was a long description of how to create more physical energy, feel better, etc, etc. But, . . . for $97 (after a free trial). This appears to me to be a way of spamming me for $23, except not through my email, but buy tricking me into buying a book I then went to the part of the website that provides the "free stuff" talked about in the book. I was so confused, I just stopped. I feel horrible about myself for falling for this. Now they have my email and I feel I will be receiving messages from them to buy stuff.
Please, don't buy this book. In my opinion, I believe the book is a "snake oil" peddler in modern day clothes. Who knows how much money they have made already. I wish there were a way to declare this type of marketing a crime, but I bought it, so I have to live with it. BUT, I WILL TRY TO MAKE SURE THEY DON'T GET ANYONE ELSE'S MONEY.
DO NOT BELIEVE ANY COMMENTS THAT SHOW MORE THAN 1 STAR! All I wanted was to sit down and read a book, and now I am writing my first post ever because I am so angry.
I'll bet you, after this post, there will be plenty of 4-5 star postings that will try to push this post to the page where you can't see it. Please, help other people by keeping that from happening by marking this is helpful. (only if it really IS helpful)
[bold emphasis above is mine]