Kevin Hogan will say anything to make the sale.
He tries to sell people what they want to buy.
He says his book teaches you tricks to dupe people, as that is directed at the HUGE market of salespeople who buy those books. Salespeople are always looking for new tricks to try and make more money, so he is selling them what they want to buy.
He also throws in the opposite, that the tricks are not tricks, to use as cover, and to also try to sell to those chumps out there that think lying is wrong.
Previously, without seeing the page below, it came to mind that these guys have the ethics of the extreme capitalist libertarian, which means pretty much that anything goes. Its like an extreme version of Ayn Rand the Virtue of Selfishness.
Its very clear that Kevin Hogan has those extreme "libertarian" beliefs, mainly as a rationalization to sell anything to anyone using any way possible.
Its interesting to read the book list that Kevin Hogan recommends. []
The first book is called,
The Conscience of a Libertarian by Wayne Allyn Root
Notice he omits the full title:
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts []
Haven't read it yet, but it sounds just about perfect...the conscience of a libertarian, how the conscience of a libertarian is different from the conscience of you normal people. It would be interesting to see what is in there, but basically their idea is that its immoral to NOT take your money, if you are dumb/weak enough to lose it to them.
The list of Kevin Hogan books, shows he will say ANYTHING to make that sale, to sell the product. Whatever you THINK you want to hear to buy, he'll tell you he's selling it, even though the books are shallow and don't deliver.
Here's the other books Kevin Hogan recommends, and he recommends everything by Dave Lakhani.
Notice the overview is all there, covert hypnosis, sales, covert persuasion, manufacturing trust...this is why they spend so much time telling you straight me...I am on your me. They know just saying it can work for their target market, as those folks are far too trusting of salespeople, so they exploit that impulse.
How To Sell When Nobody's Buying - Dave Lakhani
Selling: Powerful New Strategies for Sales Success - Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan, others
Subliminal Persuasion - Dave Lakhani
The Attractor Factor - Joe Vitale
Stop Smoking Easily
The Secret Language of Business - Kevin Hogan
Covert Persuasion - Kevin Hogan,
Psychology of Persuasion, The - Kevin Hogan
Irresistible Attraction -Kevin Hogan,
The Science of Influence - Kevin Hogan
Covert Hypnosis - Kevin Hogan
Talk Selling Yourself To Others - Kevin Hogan
Your Way to the Top - Kevin Hogan
Through the Open Door - Kevin Hogan
The New Hypnotherapy Handbook - Kevin Hogan
Secret Behind Secret Law of Attraction - Kevin Hogan
Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Teal Book of Trust
Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching - Jeffrey Gitomer
Little Green Book of Getting Your Way- Jeffrey Gitomer
The Hypnotic Salesman - Adam Eason
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2010 07:45PM by The Anticult.