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Re: Dave Lakhani, cult mind control tactics, covert manipulation
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: January 24, 2010 02:13PM

Just found a really useful quote on covert persuasion from L Ron:

"THE ONLY WAY YOU CAN CONTROL PEOPLE IS TO LIE TO THEM. You can write that down in your book in great big letters. The only way you can control anybody is to lie to them."

- L. Ron Hubbard, "Off the Time Track," lecture of June 1952, excerpted in JOURNAL OF SCIENTOLOGY issue 18-G, reprinted in TECHNICAL VOLUMES OF DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY, vol. 1, p. 418

xenu info pack

from the horse's mouth.

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Re: Dave Lakhani, cult mind control tactics, covert manipulation
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: January 24, 2010 02:16PM

good one Stoic you say, right out of the proverbial horse's mouth!

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Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan will say anything to make the sale.
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 24, 2010 07:34PM

Kevin Hogan will say anything to make the sale.
He tries to sell people what they want to buy.

He says his book teaches you tricks to dupe people, as that is directed at the HUGE market of salespeople who buy those books. Salespeople are always looking for new tricks to try and make more money, so he is selling them what they want to buy.

He also throws in the opposite, that the tricks are not tricks, to use as cover, and to also try to sell to those chumps out there that think lying is wrong.

Previously, without seeing the page below, it came to mind that these guys have the ethics of the extreme capitalist libertarian, which means pretty much that anything goes. Its like an extreme version of Ayn Rand the Virtue of Selfishness.
Its very clear that Kevin Hogan has those extreme "libertarian" beliefs, mainly as a rationalization to sell anything to anyone using any way possible.

Its interesting to read the book list that Kevin Hogan recommends. []
The first book is called,

The Conscience of a Libertarian by Wayne Allyn Root
Notice he omits the full title:
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts []

Haven't read it yet, but it sounds just about perfect...the conscience of a libertarian, how the conscience of a libertarian is different from the conscience of you normal people. It would be interesting to see what is in there, but basically their idea is that its immoral to NOT take your money, if you are dumb/weak enough to lose it to them.

The list of Kevin Hogan books, shows he will say ANYTHING to make that sale, to sell the product. Whatever you THINK you want to hear to buy, he'll tell you he's selling it, even though the books are shallow and don't deliver.

Here's the other books Kevin Hogan recommends, and he recommends everything by Dave Lakhani.
Notice the overview is all there, covert hypnosis, sales, covert persuasion, manufacturing trust...this is why they spend so much time telling you straight me...I am on your me. They know just saying it can work for their target market, as those folks are far too trusting of salespeople, so they exploit that impulse.

How To Sell When Nobody's Buying - Dave Lakhani
Selling: Powerful New Strategies for Sales Success - Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan, others
Subliminal Persuasion - Dave Lakhani
The Attractor Factor - Joe Vitale
Stop Smoking Easily
The Secret Language of Business - Kevin Hogan
Covert Persuasion - Kevin Hogan,
Psychology of Persuasion, The - Kevin Hogan
Irresistible Attraction -Kevin Hogan,
The Science of Influence - Kevin Hogan
Covert Hypnosis - Kevin Hogan
Talk Selling Yourself To Others - Kevin Hogan
Your Way to the Top - Kevin Hogan
Through the Open Door - Kevin Hogan
The New Hypnotherapy Handbook - Kevin Hogan
Secret Behind Secret Law of Attraction - Kevin Hogan

Jeffrey Gitomer's Little Teal Book of Trust
Little Platinum Book of Cha-Ching - Jeffrey Gitomer
Little Green Book of Getting Your Way- Jeffrey Gitomer
The Hypnotic Salesman - Adam Eason

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2010 07:45PM by The Anticult.

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Covert Bullshitting 101 Applied Bullshit, Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 24, 2010 07:56PM

There is a review of Kevin Hogans favorite book,
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts

The Conscience of a Bullshit Artist. []
That would be a perfect title of this thread...

The Conscience of a Bullshit Artist.
The Confidence of A Bullshit Artist.
Applied Bullshit.
Covert Bullshitting Tactics.
Hypnotic Bullshit Techniques.
How To Sell Bullshit.
How To Lie and Get Away With It For A While.
Subliminal Bullshit.

There was a little book that was OK, called...

On Bullshit by Harry G. Frankfurt []
That works too.

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Dave Lakhani, "con man" is short for "confidence man."
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 24, 2010 08:04PM

This is 100% correct and bears repeating 100x.
They are trying to gain your CONFIDENCE, your me...I am on your side.
They don't provide proof for their claims, just Stories.
They have their shills, business partners and stooges, who trade Amazon reviews and weblinks with eachother, tit for tat, in an echo-chamber of shilling.

They target human weakness, needs and vulnerability and EXPLOIT it for selfish-profit.
They use fear and scare tactics as well.
They don't feel guilt or shame, they are proud and brag and joke about their exploits while drinking beer and smoking cigars.

The word "con man" is short for "confidence man." Wikipedia's article on the confidence trick is pretty interesting: []

QUOTE: "A confidence trick or confidence game (also known as a bunko, con, flim flam, gaffle, grift, hustle, scam, scheme, swindle or bamboozle) is an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a confidence man, con man, or con artist, and any accomplices are known as shills. ... Confidence tricks exploit typical human qualities such as greed, dishonesty, vanity, honesty, compassion, credulity and naïveté. The common factor is that the mark relies on the good faith of the con artist."

Whenever someone charismatic says some variation of "trust me" and your gut doesn't feel right, get the hell out of there.

The Anticult
Whenever a person is dealing with a PROFESSIONAL persuader, one who does it for a living, one has to be extremely careful.
If your gut is acting up, or you are getting a headache, or getting dizzy, confused, dissociated, anxious, or even super-excited and manic, those are signals of self-protection and warning.
This is because the professional persuader is targeting and affecting your core beliefs and mental concepts, and using emotional manipulation.

This is why these professional persuaders like Byron Katie, spend so much time telling you...RELAX, don't be like a vase of open to change...surrender...

Other professional persuaders say:
...don't worry, you are perfectly safe...I am on your me...I drink beer just like you with my marketing buddies...I am not doing what you think I am doing...I am your good friend who has only Good Intentions...
...but if you don't think as I order you to think I will THREATEN to send my people after you, and yes that is meant to be perceived as a THREAT, I am a dangerous person, as I used to be covert CIA behind the iron curtain. (actually, it was covert security at the local mall).
...But I am your are perfectly safe, and I am on your side, as long as you think as I tell you to think. Now sign this document at my seminar which forbids you from criticizing me or my seminars, or talking about it.

Carrot and stick, pain-pleasure, threats and love-bombs.
Standard operating procedure.

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Kevin Hogan covert manipulation, tricking others to say YES in minutes
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 24, 2010 08:19PM

These Kevin Hogan book titles reveal a lot, about what he is selling, and to who, and how these players operate.

The science of influence : how to get anyone to say "yes" in 8 minutes or less!
By: Hogan, Kevin.

The psychology of persuasion : how to persuade others to your way of thinking
By: Hogan, Kevin.

Covert persuasion : psychological tactics and tricks to win the game
By: Hogan, Kevin.

The secret language of business : how to read anyone in 3 seconds or less
By: Hogan, Kevin.

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Kevin Hogan, covert manipulation, scamming others in 5 minutes
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 24, 2010 09:33PM

Have a look at this blatant shilling from another one of Kevin Hogan's "friends" aka Amazon stooges, or false identities.
He even uses a fake name "Sav McCauley" from a TV show Crank Yankers with Dane Cook which makes crank phone calls. [] So this fake Amazon reviewer shilling for Kevin Hogan, couldn't even contain his glee in using a fake name.

He's actually blatantly using the actual Kevin Hogan techniques, which are many of the exact same techniques used by Dave Lakhani, some in this thread.

These guys really try to use the blatant "TRUST ME I AM ONE OF THE GOOD GUYS" technique. They must have learned that to do that openly can work on some people, to try to override the persons natural feelings of being scammed, tricked, and duped.
So they just try to override those natural and healthy feelings of self-defense by saying...don't trust your feelings...have me... I am one of the good guys who is on your side...ignore your doubts.

Notice how he tries to flip it around to make those who are skeptics into "sick minded" people, when in fact they are healthy minded.
He closes with billion dollar blatant lies, and stuff about subliminals, which are more lies, subliminals have been proven to NOT work. They are a scam, scam, scam.

Notice the command..."YOU WILL LOVE HIM, if you buy his products now".
These guys know how to do those blatant techniques, and they can work on the most vulnerable.

In fact, the truth about Kevin Hogan comes out in the review ...
...a con-artist out to make a quick buck, with a sick mind. Scam scam scam.

______________quote excerpt__________
0 of 1 people found the following review helpful:

By Sav McCauley

DONT listen to any sick minded people telling you that he is a con artist out to make a quick buck. Kevin Hogan is one of the GOOD GUYS who DESERVES to make good money.

Every cent I have paid has returned me fabulous inner changes that I can feel every day. Can I prove that ? WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO !! Just because you can't see something, doeasn't mean it isn't there. I KNOW this works because I have presonal experience of it - thats all you need.

As one of many close personal friends of Kevin Hogan, I know what I am saying when I share with you that he has spent a great deal of his spiritual energies on establishing a fantastic reputation which speaks for itself, all you have to do is just BUY one of his many many fabulous and life revamping books to FIND OUT RIGHT NOW !!!!!

I for one, was particularly impressed with his subliminal change CDs which contain specifically implanted subliminal change suggestions that took over a year to record. As Kevin will tell you himself, even the government wanted to buy them for possibly billions of dollars, but Kevin didn't want to sell out because he thought his many loyal fans DESERVED TO KNOW first.

This is the kind of man Kevin is. He wants you to love him and **YOU WILL LOVE HIM** if you buy his products NOW. Put your faith in Kevin and see the light.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2010 09:40PM by The Anticult.

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Re: Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan, Wayne Allyn Root
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 24, 2010 10:52PM

The Anticult
Its interesting to read the book list that Kevin Hogan recommends. []
The first book is called,

The Conscience of a Libertarian by Wayne Allyn Root
Notice he omits the full title:
The Conscience of a Libertarian: Empowering the Citizen Revolution with God, Guns, Gambling & Tax Cuts []
I wonder if the following is true about Kevin Hogan's beloved Wayne Allyn Root?

(Wayne Root, whose book Kevin gave a FULL FIVE STARS to on Amazon: "It has my highest recommendation.")

This is some info on Wayne said to be from a former employee:

[[url=]I Worked For Wayne Root, Let Me Tell You About It[/url]]

The Real Wayne Root

I worked for Wayne Root for the football season in 2001. Since that time I do my own capping. I may not have made much money but boy did I learn that you want to stay as far away from an operation like this as you can. Here's what I learned.

1. His operation is a boiler room. You are given a script. You sell up front then one day after the sale the reloaders work on getting the customer to sign up for Wayne's eight other level's of games. We lied about Wayne's record all the time. Unless you told a potential client that Wayne hit 70% or higher you couldn't get any money.As soon as we finished selling someone for Wayne Root then he was handed to another salesman for one of Wayne's five other companies. The picks were losing so bad during the four months I was there that guys were giving out what they liked. It was the only way to stop a mutiny.

2. Wayne was a bigger liar than the salesman. If he had a newspaper guy on the phone he would say stuff that was totally untrue. He once told a guy that we had over 100 salesman at that time. I counted desks and office staff. It was 45 people.

3. He wrote and published a book within the last year. I talked to someone at the Gambler's Warehouse last month and asked how many copies were sold nationally. His answer was they had three copies of the book a month ago and still had three copies. I said "could he have sold more than a thousand copies nationally?". His answer was, "probably not". I'm sure Wayne will never give out figures on the number of copies sold.

4. He switches TV stations in which he puts his 30 minute infomertial on Saturday mornings every year. Here's the reason is he isn't getting the desired results? Whether it's WGN, Spike TV or a national cable sports network, it never is enough to make him happy. Unless he gets on ESPN he's not going to make enough money to pay for the outragious price it costs to produce and buy time.

5. He doesn't even bet the games he gives to his clients. Once in an interview he even admitted it. Whay would anyone in their right mind pay someone for selections they didn't feel strongly enough to bet? They would have to be a moron and be totally new to betting or using a tout.

Wayne Root is a pathological liar who loves himself. He's not an idiot and can sell a deal and make things happen for a while. I think eventually his company will crumble and he will try to move on to something else. Anyone who buys his stock should have their head examined. It's at .04 cents for a reason. It could be delisted any day now.

When I Googled "Wayne Root", I noticed the word SCAM pop up a bunch of times.

[[url=]Buyer Beware... of Wayne Root Sports Handicapping System[/url]]

[[url=]Wayne Root's Latest Scam[/url]]

[[url=]Wayne Allyn Root Marches On[/url]]

Some comments on the last item/article:

Waquoit|6.19.08 @ 9:17PM:
Is this guy Root, Wayne Root the scamdicapper? For VP? This is a joke, right?

Carl Kibermante|6.20.08 @ 8:22AM:
One September rolls around we won't hear much if anything from Wayne Root. He'll be producing and staring in his weekly football tout infomertial TV and radio show. From the looks of things this guy has run every business he has been involved in right to the ground. As long as he gets paid his salary and bonuses he's happy. If his high pressure boiler room business scams people out of their hard earned money then so be it as far as he's concerned. He's a regular con artist in most people's opinion that know him well.

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Re: Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan, Persuasion & Permission Granting trick
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 25, 2010 09:15PM

Below is Dave Lakhani on the Kevin Hogan website, promoting a sanitized versoin of the precise things he tried to deny he does in his book and programs.

He sets up the bogus fake Permission Granting trick, that he might not take your 3 grand to attend his seminar, which is just a manipulation tactic.
Of course, he's not the only one to do this, others try it, but it only works on vulnerable people, which is why they do it in the first place. It targets vulnerable people, and weeds out those who are accomplished business people who don't fall for that tripe.
They don't mention that part, but its the most important. They are Qualifying the customer, and frankly looking for "suckers" and vulnerable people with low self-worth who will fall for these tricks.

Also, the tactics of Safety, Authority, Scarcity, Trust, Power, Belonging, Rejection, direct commands done in a "joking" way....its all there.

He also doesn't tell people, that doing these tactics can DESTROY your business and reputation, as when people see you doing them, they realize you are a manipulative scammer, and you are then burnt toast.

_____________QUOTE excerpt for educational research and analysis______________

Persuasion & Permission Granting
by guest writer Dave Lakhani

...It seems a little egotistical for me to believe that I can give you permission to do business with me. But each of you are silently begging me to give you permission if I’ve done a good job of creating curiosity, desire, exclusivity and scarcity. Your emotions are screaming, “Let me in, I want to be a part of this,”...

The Trusted Advisor

Permission granting is an important distinction for you to understand because of the position of power it places you in. Permission granting also skews the relationship in your favor because only people with authority who we’ve exalted to some level (gurudom) can give us permission. So once you’ve placed yourself in the position that you can grant permission, you’ve also placed yourself in a trusted advisor’s position. ... you are in the position to have significant influence in the part of that person’s life that relates to what you do.

...You’ve often heard that people are silently begging to be led, that they are waiting for you to tell them what to do. That is very true when it comes to persuasion...

...They need the reassurance of permission in order to metaphorically close their eyes and fall backwards safely into your arms without fear of injury...

...A more overt way of giving permission is to simply tell the person what you want them to do next. You tell them the process they need to go through and then start them on the process.

...I’ve even gone so far as to tell people, “Hey, you have my permission to do this,” in a joking way. You have to be VERY sure that you do it in a non-threatening and joking way and that you have deep rapport with the person before you do it.

...Once you’ve given your permission, and they’ve accepted it, pull back the curtain and invite them in. Show them the value again of belonging.


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Re: Dave Lakhani, Kevin Hogan, Persuasion & Permission Granting trick
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 25, 2010 09:52PM

The Anticult, I find this quote from Lakhani to be a key phrase:

"Your emotions are screaming"

Is that really what we as consumers want? For our emotions to be "screaming"? Because of the various actions of a person SELLING things to us for HIS benefit? ($$$)

Speaking for myself, that is NOT what I want. I don't want some manipulative sales guy "persuading" me out of my money.

Did I say "manipulative"? Yes, I did.

That's what I find the various tactics taught in Lakhani's book to be. HIGHLY MANIPULATIVE.

Interestingly an Amazon reviewer of the "persuasion" book has picked up on the same thing: the manipulation....

"In the 1st chapter the author goes out of his way to define the difference between "manipulation" and "persuasion". If the editor dropped the 1st chapter and titled the book "Manipulation", the title would be accurate. In true sales form, the author tackles the main objections at the start of the pitch, and then moves on to make the close."

(note: bold emphasis is mine)

Another quote from the same reviewer (Bob H):

"This book is a self-hurt book wearing self-help clothing."

[[url=]Poor Amazon Reviews for Lakhani's book "Persuasion"[/url]]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/25/2010 09:57PM by helpme2times.

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