Just a follow-up on the ridiculous and embarrassing attempts at intimidation and threats made earlier in this thread by Dave Lakhani, about the so-called "torrents".
Dave Lakhani is very experienced on the internets, as can be seen in their advanced web marketing strategies and many websites.
So of course he knows perfectly well that no files are posted.
He would have also clearly read that the suggestion was to NOT download or buy any of those materials, as they are too many covert manipulative tactics at play in them.
This thread is about cult education, research, and analysis.
He made a SUGGESTION that torrents appeared after it was suggested in these threads that they be uploaded. That is actually a deliberate double-disinformation. Its applied propaganda, with the emphasis on app-LIED.
Of course no torrents were suggested from these threads, and none appeared due to these threads.
That is a hard fact, that anyone can check.
A simple Google search for:
torrent "dave lakhani"
will show that there are hundreds of torrent links on the internet, and they have been there for YEARS.
Of course he would know about all of them for years, as they have Google alerts for their names, and know when anything about them is said online.
So why the obvious deliberate disinformation, combined with threats and attempts at intimidation? Clearly as a tactic to attempt to use random threats to try and FRIGHTEN and silence those who are analyzing the material and the tactics being used.
That is the identical tactic that has been seen 100x in these threads, from those who think they are above being analyzed and subjected to critical thinking.
Its like in the Kevin Hogan seminars, which feature Dave Lakhani. [
They tell people they will be "bound to secrecy" due to alleged "trade secrets"?
That is obviously bogus nonsense.
They are just doing the exact same techniques that every other LGAT does, to try and keep the tactics of the seminar secret, as then the techniques work better on people.
It appears those folks will have to sign some kind of gag-order release waiver, and if you speak up about what went on, then guess what? More threats and intimidation.
And notice that Dave Lakhani calls those who are analyzing his methods "spineless", which is another attempt to do a turnaround on people.
In fact, who is the spineless one?
Why won't he confirm who allegedly certified him as an NLP Master Practitioner?
Did he get certified, or not? Is it true, or is it bullshit?
Talk about spineless, by not backing up the claims made in marketing all over the internet.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/24/2010 05:44AM by The Anticult.