The percentage of people suseptable to hypnosis is much higher than 2%.
Both Self-hypnosis and hypnosis often play a pivotal role in cults that encourage trance induction through some form of practice or exercise.
This would seem to apply to Diamond Way.
As pointed out by Yasmin people are very suggestable in this altered state of consciousness and can be manipulated.
2% was just the figure for people that can be hypnotized to act like chickens, Derren Brown chooses his marks very carefully.
Nydahl's use of hypnotic language is not very skilful, you would be exposed to more effective use during any television commercial break, and out of the many people posting here, only one reports anything like an experience of hypnotic mind-control.
Reading the link karam-mudra posted, the Open Letter from Joanne to Sogyal, published on Dialogue Ireland, [
dialogueireland.wordpress.com] If I understood correctly, it seems that she experienced something very similar, but in her case she puts it down to her own mind state rather than blaming Sogyal. Her issue seems to be more that she received no support or understanding.