"Even then karam-mudra seems rather unclear about what actually happened."
Suanam, that it a mere assumption. And of course "...western evidence based thought..." is not your point, not at all. When you told me something here about "wind-disorder", a term of the utterly superstitious concept of Tibetan medicine, you have no right to appeal to the western concept of clarification and reason. Like nearly all followers of TB don´t have.
As I wrote here as an anwer to an Open Letter from Joanne to Sogyal, published on Dialogue Ireland:
Hi Joanne,
it breaks my heart reading your open letter while feeling how you are standing in need of resolve. You will only find it in freedom and in deep self-respect, not in depending on Buddha or Dharma or Sangha or what a teacher ever. So send Sogyal packing for ever and don´t wait for some “resolving” words of him.
Like I did with Ole Nydahl, you find my open letter to him here:
As far as I understand your story I think, you have never been psychotic. It only looks like that. I see a violently opened Kundalini in your case and the best for – in my eyes – psychopaths like Sogyal
is to discover missing knowledge about that technics and practises in the Western world, which are called “giving Shaktipad” in India, where Gurus are able to open the Kundalini of their students. Lamas, no, only the so called enlightened Lamas, who are just in a altered state of mind, are able to do the same and they keep it for secret . So the opened Kundalini is not a disorder, it means the state of liberation or enlightment, which should be very critically researched. The process to that state is accompanied by disorders. At least, depending on the strengh of your personality you will come through. A typical disorder on that way is addiction.
How Sogyal opened the Kundalini of a naturally gifted female student you find here:
Meanwhile a lot of research is done and I am an expert by experience and an expert by studying in this field. So don´t argue that I am unclear. I just do not considerably publish that contents here , it would go off topic too far, but I remember, I posted the link to Leo Sannella´s bóok: Kundalini: Psychosis or Trancendecy.
And the case will not bring some more clearness about the topic, because there will be only a decision on my right of speech or Nydahl´s right of protection of his personality.