I know that many follow this discussion without participating.
I don’t think there will ever be a legal action taken against SoI.
I feel as though this subject that started in 2004 by a simple question is to be considered a divine court of law.
Many witnesses came forward, most of the secrets are now in the open, we have denounced and judged.
Narcissists and religious Fanatics (illusion of being invincible and protected by God)will never have the humility to accept their mistakes. Especially on the path of Krishna Consciousness that gives so much power to gurus.
They trick us that the path of Bhakti is one of love. No fear of god...
Then they hit you even harder than the fear of Satan with the fear of offenses.
I have realized that most so called Vaishnavas are quite passive. They say focus on your own spiritual life. Get on with life. Forget about those experiences...
All that counts is bliss and serving like robots 24/7.
The teachings mostly focus on a supernatutal level of tolerance and fear of offenses. So I will not blame them because they operate under a deep program.
All you have to do is to look at Iskcon and SoI to realize that the process is not perfect in practice. Even though in theory it is wonderful to feel Saintly, devoid of false ego, humble, servant of the servant of the servant...
There will always be 2 alternate Butler universes.
The real version:
This forum and how it truly is. Fear, control, abuse.... mixed with positives. Guru is not qualified. He is not the 33 rd Acarya. Lied about relationship with Bhaktivedanta (all letters are signed and dated), the followers are under a brainwashing spell...
The imaginery (Maya) version:
Guru is the pure representative of Krishna, faultless, he is the chosen one and son of Bhaktivedanta, the group is not perfect but we are all in a mental hospital, those who speak badly of us and gurudeva are demons...
I am going to add a link here to a blog of one of his disciples. This is truly how I once felt too. I had 100000 percent faith in Butler.
We are the minority who were graced by true vision and all iullusions were shattered.
We must make PEACE with the great division that will always exist between the 2 parallel Bulter universes.
Let the followers and Butler enjoy SOT (science of tripping) without psychedelics.