Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 10, 2021 02:22AM

Truth wins Wrote:
> Where can you get such an Amazing trip? No magic
> mushrooms, Acid, LSD can offer you such an amazing
> vision.

Mushrooms you say. I know funny story. Two of polish devotee friends came to chanting. I knew them personally. One told me the story they left school, under the influence of a friend's narration, and they went to the forest, picked up hallucinogen mushrooms, put them in sandwiches and then went to the feeders and had visions.

We served like sheep together. Cool personalities, inventive and one very talented. Then one of them went to the Site for a project or to Australia. I do not know the details. Then a few years later - maybe 2 or 3 I don't remember, we met at the retreat and this person - with the whole narrative at SIF - admitted to me that he was experimenting with "mind expanding chemicals" again. I was shocked then, but today I'm not jet. And I understand that sweet-devilish smile ...

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2021 02:33AM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 10, 2021 02:30AM

Well, I will accelerate even more in my hateful offensiveness, beloved sweet mice, moles, butterflies, worms, birds, elephants, angels and piglets and I will tell you one more story.

Well, living in the best center of the best sect in Poland, under its strict regime, I made friends with one of the devotees. It was a tough regime, there were of course a lot of benefits - you know - kirtans, mantras, beautiful surroundings, limitations in seducing women, in a word it was conducive to spirituality, but also ironing.

Whoever brought the prasada with chocolate or dark tea could be burned at the proverbial pyre/stake.

I saw then that SIF Poland is the only bona fide sect with the only bona fide Guru - so this chance could not be lost or neglected.

I met a friend, liked the guy.

Well, this friend once after the program tells me - listen, there is such a thing. I take drugs. It's heroin. But only a little. It doesn't matter, does it?

I was terrified then. I liked this man. I had a weight of 10 tons on myself.

I thought - if I do not tell this to the Center Leader, he will be drugged to death and will lose his only chance of salvation.

However, if I tell the leader of the center that he takes drugs, he - the leader- will burn the guy at the stake and he will lose his only chance of salvation.

It was hard. Very heavy.

And now that I have become extremely offensive, possessed and have not come to my senses I hope you will read my scribbles carefully.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 06/10/2021 02:40AM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 10, 2021 09:49PM

I know that many follow this discussion without participating.
I don’t think there will ever be a legal action taken against SoI.
I feel as though this subject that started in 2004 by a simple question is to be considered a divine court of law.
Many witnesses came forward, most of the secrets are now in the open, we have denounced and judged.
Narcissists and religious Fanatics (illusion of being invincible and protected by God)will never have the humility to accept their mistakes. Especially on the path of Krishna Consciousness that gives so much power to gurus.
They trick us that the path of Bhakti is one of love. No fear of god...
Then they hit you even harder than the fear of Satan with the fear of offenses.
I have realized that most so called Vaishnavas are quite passive. They say focus on your own spiritual life. Get on with life. Forget about those experiences...
All that counts is bliss and serving like robots 24/7.
The teachings mostly focus on a supernatutal level of tolerance and fear of offenses. So I will not blame them because they operate under a deep program.
All you have to do is to look at Iskcon and SoI to realize that the process is not perfect in practice. Even though in theory it is wonderful to feel Saintly, devoid of false ego, humble, servant of the servant of the servant...

There will always be 2 alternate Butler universes.

The real version:
This forum and how it truly is. Fear, control, abuse.... mixed with positives. Guru is not qualified. He is not the 33 rd Acarya. Lied about relationship with Bhaktivedanta (all letters are signed and dated), the followers are under a brainwashing spell...

The imaginery (Maya) version:
Guru is the pure representative of Krishna, faultless, he is the chosen one and son of Bhaktivedanta, the group is not perfect but we are all in a mental hospital, those who speak badly of us and gurudeva are demons...

I am going to add a link here to a blog of one of his disciples. This is truly how I once felt too. I had 100000 percent faith in Butler.
We are the minority who were graced by true vision and all iullusions were shattered.
We must make PEACE with the great division that will always exist between the 2 parallel Bulter universes.
Let the followers and Butler enjoy SOT (science of tripping) without psychedelics.


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 11, 2021 02:59AM

Truth wins Wrote:
> I don’t think there will ever be a legal action
> taken against SoI.

I can assure you that there are grounds for criminal or penal-fiscal proceedings in the businesses of SIF Polska members - looking at the tax or employment history. Some of them are quick, stupidly quick to blame for offense, but it's not a problem for them to make a hard landing.

> I am going to add a link here to a blog of one of
> his disciples. This is truly how I once felt too.
> I had 100000 percent faith in Butler.

I had 100% faith in the beginning too. Even 200%. Then there were doubts and distance from perceptions, analyzes that were confirmed years later by other members with similar feelings. Which does not contradict beneficial experiences - the very fact of openly proclaiming the idea of love for God above salvation, etc.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 15, 2021 11:40PM

I truly feel sorry for the SoI devotees. They remind me a bit of kids that are kept in cages all their lives.
It is only after decades that I am finding out about other Sanghas and how inauthentic SoI, the guru and the teachers are.
They really know what the hell they are doing by forbidding followers to look elsewhere and brainwash them to think butler is the worldwide expert in Bhakti Yoga.
Why can’t we read books from other respectable spiritual teachers in India? Why so sectarian and envious?
The folowers run around in spiritual diapers. They do not even know one Sloka in Sanskrit.
What does that crap is all about? Where is the study of Vedas?
What is this life of spending every single hour behind the computers making money for Wailana? Is this devotional service or Customer service training?
All these austerities for a Kindergarten 101 level Bhakti. Under the care of a guru who was in the process for like 7 years or 10 at the max? Is this some kind of a cosmic joke?
While the genuine gurus were trained since they entered the womb.
In that case I am accepting disciples too. I am very qualified after my few years of chanting. Lol! I can wash my own clothes and cook my own meals.
For the longest time I thought it was just us and Iskcon. Talk about being a blind follower.
This path has gotten as polluted as any other religious system. There is nothing that can be done but to avoid them like the plague. The fear of offenses will always protect criminals. No need for lawyers when you have such strict rules (that obviously were written for a different time and society. Not for the sick Western society and this age) that make people pee in their spiritual pants.
let us not worry so much about those are left behind. Their devotion is being rewarded by a very thick veil of illusion.
Most of them are protected by their lack of vision.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: IanKoviak ()
Date: June 15, 2021 11:46PM

Like her charlatan guru, Tulsi Gabbard is an expert at playing the field and appealing to the dull-minded:


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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 16, 2021 05:50PM

Truth wins Wrote:
> The folowers run around in spiritual diapers. They
> do not even know one Sloka in Sanskrit.
Some slokas they know. But they even in confrontation admit - poor knowledge of Sanskrit.

> What does that crap is all about? Where is the
> study of Vedas?
> What is this life of spending every single hour
> behind the computers making money for Wailana? Is
> this devotional service or Customer service
> training?
Promoting natural aging.

> All these austerities for a Kindergarten 101 level
> Bhakti. Under the care of a guru who was in the
> process for like 7 years or 10 at the max? Is this
> some kind of a cosmic joke?
Remember, very best friend of Alan is Patrick

> While the genuine gurus were trained since they
> entered the womb.
Yet they attacked by email bombing such a Sanyasi...No etiquette

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/16/2021 05:53PM by DaWatcher.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 16, 2021 05:52PM

IanKoviak Wrote:
> Like her charlatan guru, Tulsi Gabbard is an
> expert at playing the field and appealing to the
> dull-minded:
> []


“Mayor Lightfoot’s blatant anti-white racism is abhorrent. I call upon President Biden, Kamala Harris, and other leaders of our county — of all races — to join me in calling for Mayor Lightfoot’s resignation,” Gabbard tweeted two weeks ago. “Our leaders must condemn all racism, including anti-white.”

So ambitious


If Gabbard’s political obituary were written today it would likely lead with her 2020 run. She definitely made history, promoting herself as the “first female combat veteran to ever run for president.”

Any patrol? Any skirmish? Rescuing a torn soldier by IED under enemy fire?

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: Truth wins ()
Date: June 16, 2021 08:28PM

Imagine being born into this lie. What a miserable destiny. I used to think it was such a blessed birth.
Tulsi knows nothing else and sees the guru as God’s voice on earth.
She cannot very often think for herself and she must check everything with butler.
Her Iskcon speach is without a doubt written by her guru. I may be wrong but I could totally hear his style.
How miserable is this life? A life of a puppet.
All these people just base all their beliefs on the bliss and security they feel in their hearts. And the few supernatural phenomenon that are thrown to them here and there.
They are so ignorant when it comes to the nature of reality.
The Vedas or other scriptures do not hold all the answers.
They are all under a huge spell.
Tulsi’s dad is one of the superstars of SoI as well as few others that we all know about.
Now that I have vision, I look at these fake giants and feel truly sorry for them.
They lack judgment to a very scary degree.
When you surrender your mind, life and will, you are almost like a robbot.
I have seen Tulsi’s face when she lies about her Homosexual change of heart.
It feels really fake and uncomfortable.
Whenever I want to jusge them, I remember walking in their shoes. I had that blind faith and robotic mind too.
I really want believe that going back to Krishna is real. Because all those who suffer on the path of Bhakti Yoga giving away their minds, bodies, will, time....With all these lunatic gurus, deserve to go to “heaven”.
I just know for sure that most of us just wanted to change within and to also change the world in the SoI.
I thought we were God’s soldiers on a special mission and butler was the chief of the army.
Lots of good will and good intentions directed by a bunch of unqualified leaders who are linked to the master of unqualified gurus.
We must really have compassion for this mess. Most of us fell into the hole at one point.
As I said it before, what counts is that most are happy in their slavery.

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Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Posted by: DaWatcher ()
Date: June 18, 2021 06:54PM

Truth wins Wrote:
> I have seen Tulsi’s face when she lies about her
> Homosexual change of heart.

Especially in the context of using the controversial if not offensive term "supreme antifaggot".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2021 06:55PM by DaWatcher.

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