Re: Chris Butler, Jagad Guru, Science of Identity
Date: June 09, 2021 01:07PM
Truth wins Wrote:
> Those people have always been kind, respectful and
> avaialable. Even those I have never met in person.
From what I remember, of course the people who were, came in and after, obviously had their faults and weaknesses, but the tendency to work or devote among the most committed was evident. They gave their lives, abandoned their careers.
They were distinguished by their interest in transcendence, especially in Poland in the 1990s when money was flowing in a stream and people were choked with consumerism and capitalism. But they preferred God ...
Hence, it is doubtful, for example, that A.Tibby represents "his friend P. Bowler" as an icon. Ok, he got out of prison, changed, or simply from the very beginning Maryjane was the foundation of finances, but it's hard to believe that among sheep with hard work at SIF in Australia would be no better candidate for an icon, runner-up or example. Well, maybe this example of "conversion" is spectacular, it elevates the spirit in the church, etc. Unfortunately, in an educational sense, it is quite complicated for simple minds. He was in jail but for Maryjane, what is now allowed because even ex Senator Mike has always supported weed. He was a sinner, but he wasn't because he was giving donations. His mafia mates were also sinners, but were'not cause it was only Maryjane, but he denounced them, so he didn't get a life sentence of just 12 years. This trade in Maryjane was not a threat to anyone, but from the beginning they decided not to hurt anyone ...
Well ...What i can say the stuff is really worth of it....
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2021 01:08PM by DaWatcher.