But if you, a Californian tax payer have a child in the public schools,
your child cannot learn about this from school textbooks.
Hindu nationalists have got what they wanted, via pressure groups that most
California parents are too tired and exhausted to know about.
How many non Desi parents in California and elsewhere have the knowledge to stay on top of politics in India and in the emigre Indian Hindu nationalist community in the USA?
How many California parents have energy to review their children's school work
and tell them,
'Honey, the Indian history module in your lessons is incomplete.
Your Indian history module should mention the central role that the caste
system has played in India for centuries.
"That's like teaching American history and NOT mentioning slavery and the Civil War, and the Jim Crow laws and the KKK and lynching and denying black people the vote.
"Your Indian history module should describe how caste violence is and discrimination are rampant in India today.
"India is not all beauty and romance. It is full of pain and violence along with the beauty just like America is. And India has people fighting for human rights
just like America.
"India has human rights violations, just as American history is poisoned by slavery.
"Next, you and I are going to read about something called Hindu Nationalism. They are in California and lobbied to keep genuine information about caste discrimination and violence out of your textbooks.
And because I pay taxes, I have to pay for your textbooks which have been censored by people who don't want you to know the full information about Indian history and politics today."
"And you gotta grow up and be smart because there is a Congresswoman for Hawaii
named Tulsi Gabbard who was born into a Hindu fundamentalist cult, she is friends with Hindu nationalists and she got elected because her constituents
did not fact check her background and the New Yorker magazine didnt fact check her background either.
"Later, darling, I will teach you about the advertising companies and how they
are targeting your older brothers and sisters to become lifelong nicotine addicts by marketing Juul vape devices on social media.
Now, how many California parents are going to have to time and stamina to do this?
17 hours ago
“Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard respects Senator Hirono,” McIlvaine said. She added that “no nominee for public service should be disqualified, either directly or indirectly because of their religion or religious affiliation.”
See, here's the problem with that. When a nominee for public service openly or covertly holds views that place his or her religion above the Constitution of the United States, that should be an IMMEDIATE disqualifier. When your "god" says women have to bear children against their will or gays shouldn't exist or your religion should be mandatory or your boss should decide what kind of healthcare you get, you have no business making and enforcing our laws.
"It seems Rep Gabbard is so interested in religious accommodation that she ignores the fact that not all religions want to be accommodating."
18 hours ago
Tulsi Gabbard is a pawn, bought and paid for by Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda Paramahamsa (i.e. Chris Butler).
Attacking her fellow member of the Hawaii delegation for "religious bigotry" was probably HIS idea.
Tulsi needs to realize that the brighter the spotlight, the faster the cockroaches will run.
17 hours ago
"...while he is her guru, his influence over her makes her dangerous and unreliable, because Chris is dangerous and unpredictable."
Russia has lots of experience in media censorship. So perhaps it is logical that Rep Tulsi Gabbard (D-HI-2) hires an agent of the Russian government as a ‘consultant’ to keep Hawaii media under control.
But Gabbard’s consultant, Chris Cooper of the Potomac Square Group, is no ordinary Russian agent. Cooper is allegedly one of seven identified as being at the center of illegal Russian lobbying efforts reaching into the Trump campaign and Congress