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More on the Ofshe article relating it to the Butler cult:
On controlling communication within a group.
People were told to only associate with other devotees and preferably those more “advanced”. You were encouraged not to speak unnecessarily about any topics but g0d and guru. If you had some practical thing to discuss, keep the words to a minimum. Gossip was considered like eating “blood on crackers”, and yet a lot of people sure ate a lot of them! If you had to have contact with outside people, you were encouraged to try to turn them on to chanting, preach, and come to “gatherings”. Unmarried followers were warned against talking to the opposite sex. Everyone really was programmed to think that they were saving the world and cows by doing this!
You were also told to avoid talking to anyone from ISKCON, which was in the middle of its worst scandals. Butler did not want there to be any connection between his group and their group. He wrote about his lawsuit with the Honolulu Star Bulletin in the Dear Fanatic article posted earlier.
In Chris Butler’s group one often had the feeling that there were members who would sell you down the river for one false move. A cult member was not fearful of physical violence, but of being rejected, shunned, told to leave, or be told that their spiritual life was over.
Some people were dependent on their shelter and daily bread from Jagad Guru Chris Butler, so getting in trouble meant out on the street and homeless.
Chris usually threatened to “leave the planet” at least once a year. This meant that if guru decided to go off to Krish-nah land and left his followers behind, they would not achieve the ultimate liberation of serving g0d and guru. People actually believed that Chris could willingly go back to g0dhead at a moments notice and the only reason he stuck around this “miserable place” was to save his “miserable” followers. That’s a part of the myth that was well communicated amongst followers.
Sometimes he would get fed up with followers and disappear for a few months at a time, only to return to repentant followers with renewed energy to “worship” him properly (with enthusiastic free labor, adulation, and money).
From the Ofshe article:
“One of the essential components of the reform process in general and of long-term refreezing in particular is monitoring and limiting the content of communication among persons in the managed group (Lifton 1961; Schein 1960; Ofshe et al. ] 974). If successfully accomplished, communication control eliminates a person's ability safely to express criticisms or to share private doubts and reservations. The result is to confer on the community the quality of being a spy system of the whole, upon the whole…”
“Controlling communication effectively blocks individuals from testing the appropriateness of privately held critical perceptions against the views of even their families and most-valued associates. Community norms encourage doubters to interpret lingering reservations as signs of a personal failure to comprehend the truth of the ideology; if involved with religious organizations, to interpret doubt as evidence of sinfulness or the result of demonic influences….”
The oft repeated line was that “doubts are like demons”. No one would listen to your concerns and if they heard expressions of doubt, it would spread like wild fire in the group and go straight to CB’s ears. He could use the information to humiliate a follower or use the person as an example in public (or on tapes distributed to members around the world). He also might “fire” someone until they came begging back with tail between legs. Some people got habitually fired, but never kicked completely away. They would often go to an advanced devotee looking for “service”; people like Katyayani, Tusta, or Sudama when they were all around. I’m sure there were others.
So this essential component of the reform process and long-term refreezing was a huge part in the Jagad Guru Chris Butler Science of Identity cult. I am sure today it is even more sophisticated and controlling as it has spread to the next generations.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/06/2008 11:03PM by Vera City.