This message board has barely been up for a week. There are over 40 posts and 1100 views already.
James Swartz cannot be a happy camper. Apparently, truth is coming out about him, and in such a way that he can’t bully or bluster himself out of it for a change. Unlike what allegedly happened back in the 80’s, he can’t brainwash and threaten a drugged teenage girl to stay quiet about brainwashing, drugging, serial rapes, and interstate transportation of a minor for prurient purposes, which is a (no statute of limitations) felony violation of the Mann Act.
Unlike all the other times, such as when (before Heather went public in the winter of 2016-17) he strongly threatened a blogger who termed Swartz an ‘incubus” (a demon that has sex with sleeping women). Now he isn’t able to shut down an individual person’s attempt to expose him as a liar, a fraud, a criminal, and worse.
This time, conclusions regarding the allegations are not just coming from one person at a time. Now, a large and growing number of persons believes that they are seeing the truth, and, as it should be, are largely discovering it in Swartz’s own words.
Yes, people are finally paying closer attention. They are discovering in Swartz’s own writings that he doesn’t understand even the basics of spirituality. For instance, according to one astute analysis, in his own words Swartz tries to describe enlightenment and instead gives a poor description of an awakening, which is a different thing. Related, yes, but very different.
Many people awaken, but with their Vasanas and Samskara still intact, they are hardly ready to be teachers. An enlightened person is capable of teaching well, should he or she so choose. Inherently, enlightened persons are free of attachments to what, in “Guru? The Story Of Heather,” (free to read at www., are described as the five destroyers of teachers: the desires for fame, sex, money, power, and drugs.
As Swartz is looked at more closely, many are concluding that his life, his teachings, and everything he has written and done shows him to be a bully,a narcissist, a criminal, and totally unworthy of being a spiritual teacher.
Regarding women...
Swartz allegedly ruined the lives of two underaged teenage girls in the 80’s. He is said to have brainwashed, drugged, and raped them, leaving them fearful and scarred for life. In his own words he is proud of how he broke up quite harshly with at least one girlfriend. At breakfast with buddies in India in the early 2000’s, he delighted in sharing his tales of having sex with multiple widowed street cleaners and sewer cleaners. (This was during the years in which he bragged about poisoning the neighbor’s dog because it worked at night.)
Sandwiched around all these reputed sexual goings-on were two marriages. In the first, he had his wife perform sex acts on stage to support him. Allegedly, he had her do this with a bisexual man who he also publicly degraded for his homosexuality. The story goes that when time with him combined with her own frailties made her behavior even more erratic, and she was starting to lose her sex show stage appeal, he dumped her.
Regarding his second marriage, sources that claim to have been close to Swartz report that he has had a similar negative impact on his second wife. She’s not having sex on stage to get him money, but according to these sources she has helped him in coercing weak and elderly persons to give Swartz large sums of money against their better judgment,and perhaps against their will. These sources mention possible legal investigations of Swartz in Europe due to at lest one of these transactions.
What can a person say?
This is a forum designed to find out, “James Swartz — What Is The Truth?”
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If something or someone doesn’t come to give a very new perspective about this “teacher” soon, “the jury will be out.”
And if James Swartz is found to be guilty as charged by Heather and others, people should be warned.