Swartz's Teachings Examined, and more of the sad plight of some ex-Andrew Cohen followersFrom one of the first persons to hear Heather's claims, to think something like, "Oh, Shiva! Based on what I know of James Swartz, she could be telling the truth," and then to have Swartz's own responses to questions about her claims confirm, to her and to many others, his guilt, came this message (copied below in part) regarding Swartz and the veracity of this spiritual teachings:
Hey, I just saw on the first page of results from Googling James Swartz's name, this article which came up number 3 on all results on the French search: [christianpaaske.wordpress.com]This article reveals Swartz in some of his worst, and typical for him, spiritual behaviors. In the article:
--It is discovered that he left out a verse of one of the key chapters of the (incredible, unsurpassable) Bhagavad Gita in one of his translations. The reason? The verse cast doubt on Swartz's own teachings.
--It is discussed that Swartz claims to be the student, indeed, the chosen successor, to a true spiritual teacher he neither seems to understand nor to adhere to.
--It is also discussed that Swartz has a purely mental understanding of
moksha. To Swartz, what he calls "enlightenment" is simply a mental understanding of concepts that normally takes two to three years.
--and more.
That James Swartz only has a mental understanding of enlightenment is no surprise. For one thing, it shows that he himself is not enlightened, or he would know better. For another thing, it reveals how the teachings can indeed be misused in terrible ways by a person that Heather, and he himself, have given much evidence towards being a "Sadist, Narcissist, and Psychopath."
In the same message chain in which my friend informed me of the article about Swartz detailed above, she again lamented the fact that Andrew Cohen people seem especially prone to falling for Swartz's new grandfatherly persona. One letter I read, allegedly to Swartz from an ex-AC person, was so obviously written by Swartz or one of his minions that I had to laugh, but my friend is very correct. Some ex-AC people for some reason seem to have a genetic attraction to frauds. Here is some of what my friend wrote:
Hi Trav,
Okay, I understand, but still, people should be warned about JS, including the naive people who are hosting him, and the naive ex-members of other cults who have fallen prey to him. It just seems like a website should be put up by someone, that is easily findable on Google, that exposes him. As it would be convincing, the old AC students, and others, would have to admit that they fell for another sociopath. It just seems horrific, that teachers who may have slight egos, and have gotten on minor ego trips, and thus hurt a few people when they got carried away by the adulation given them, are tarred and feathered on a mass scale online, whereas evil monsters, whether they are gurus, or politicians, get away with rape and murder.
Why aren't there all the expose articles on James Swartz that there were on Gafni, Cohen, Genpo, Adi Da (Ken Wilber's 'Rude Boys')?To her last question there are two likely answers. One is that not enough people care about James Swartz. Even at his highest point, he is still small time compared to where Gafni, Cohen, and Adi Da at one time were. Look what happened to John of God when his alleged sexual antics came out. Furthermore, imagine if Mooji had been revealed to be a likely rapist, a trafficker of underage girls, to have had his wife make money for him by performing live, on-stage sex shows, to train two underage female followers to follow her path as soon as they turn 18, to be a poisoner of dogs, and to be a deliberate mis-translator of holy text. That would have made the network news.
In comparison, "James Swartz? Who is he?"
The second reason there's not more about Swartz on the web and the various media regarding his fraudulence and (confessed and alleged) crimes is that the tipping point still has not been reached. People heard about but did not believe the Bill Cosby charges for years, until, one day, suddenly, they were generally accepted. The truths and charges regarding Swartz are still perhaps not widely known enough among the (relatively small) numbers who have been or might choose to be connected to him. Once they reach critical mass, though...
It looks very much like we are moving towards this tipping point. That is, especially if the persons who know Swartz to be a spiritual fraud, a confessed criminal, and (perhaps) a rapist with no conscience, keep sharing this site, the book and allegations behind
"Guru? The Story Of Heather", and what they know with others, both in person and in writing.
May the Truth win out.