In addition to the three posted responses to my last post, which are covered below, some e-mail messages came in.
One said that my slowing down or leaving the forum would (it was put more explicitly) arouse James Swartz sexually. Ugh. A reputed homophobe like him (scared of his own hidden impulses?) reacting like that? At his age? Really? "Why give that twisted f--- a sexual high?" it concluded. (I do believe the writer was trying to use sarcastic humor. She's done so before. Oh, well...)
A second message said that if even one more person could be saved from Swartz's distorted teachings and "sadistic, psychotic, narcissistic energy," how could I consider slowing down?
A third e-mail message said that it was my duty to fight the darkness however I could, and asked if I had found any American spiritual teacher at this time to be "worse" than James Swartz.
To that, I had to admit that I couldn't. Not only are his teachings knowingly false, his claims regarding his spiritual history to be mostly lies, and his own past to include self-confessed killing of a neighbor's pet dog and obsessive and constant sexual activity with poverty-stricken and desperate Indian widows (this in the early 2000's), but he is also a known and public bully of his own students and jealous critic of other spiritual teaches. So, to repeat, James Swartz, based on the above, and even without Heather's allegations factored in (even though Swartz's own reactions to them help to make them seem more "true" than "alleged"), is the worst.
As one excellent teacher was quoted in a post above, "You can be moral without being spiritual, but you can't be spiritual without being moral." (James Swartz, of course, has shown himself to be neither.)
Plus, there are the three posts above.
Corboy is right. It hurt nothing to write to Vance at Ashtanga Yoga Berkeley.
It would also not take much just to call the County Park in Washington State to give them a heads up.
Also, loyal Swartz-ites are most likely trying to cover his tracks and the revelations of his mis-teachings, confessions, and the accusations. (That later many of these loyalists will have strong regrets for having supported such a "teacher" cannot be doubted.)
Earthquake writes that all of this is Isvara, and all aspects of that can never be understood by any of us. (Very true, of course.) He/she adds that James Swartz has been strangely quiet in response to all of this.
That has interested me, too. It has to be killing him, not to respond in his usual shotgun-approach way, threatening, cajoling, offering, shouting, insulting, asking for friendship, and more, all in the same message, trying to find the weakness or hook he can use to "shut that asshole up!"
I can't believe he would ever conclude that he was incapable of finding 'the key to Traveler's silence." He had to keep the internal illusion that he's smarter than everybody else. It could be that Swartz has concluded "Traveler is too stupid to respond to my highly-intellectual messages, so why try?" It could also be, as I guessed early in this forum, that smart people around him have somehow got him to shut up. "James, every time you write something, he publishes it, and your writings can make you look bad." (No kidding there. His messages have basically proved Heather's accusations to be facts, and have shown him to have delusions of James Swartz = Jesus, among other things.)
Earthquake concludes that there still be more to do.
Seems so.
Valma writes about a possibility that I thought could happen early on. James Swartz acknowledging he'd made horrible mistakes in his past, including with Heather, and sincerely apologizing and asking for forgiveness.
Early on, I really did think that was a possibility.
Only after Swartz's own responses began to come in did I realize that he was not just unrepentant, but was about as spiritual as a Nazi executioner. An apology wouldn't be coming.
Very astutely Valma writes, "James now knows that any of his statements will be scrutinized carefully," which is another likely reason for Swartz's silence, as discussed above.
Valma adds that Swartz might conveniently try to have forgotten some things due to old age, but that Karma will never forget (plus, as has been posted about above, Swartz himself, after initial denials, admitted to having known Heather at the times in question and even threatened her with the revelation of parts of her "sordid" past if she didn't quiet down. As Devon Adler in
Guru? The Story of Heather, Heather herself in this forum, and I have pointed out many times, how could he have known her, and these things, when he was a 40 year-old spiritual teacher, and she a 14 year-old, unless...?)
Valma concludes that it would have been hard to imagine just a few months ago that such a public forum regarding James Swartz would have appeared, and that it has served its purpose.
Valma was the first to suggest that perhaps this forum has already done enough. However, much as part of me would like to devote more time to other things, Valma was outvoted.
Plus, another e-mail message came in. In part it read:
"Have you contacted
Be Scofield? She has a huge following. She hates bad teachers, and has gained renown for going after them, and successfully. Why not contact her?"
In fact, I have heard of Be Scofield. My author friend Devon Adler ever tried to contact her, but got no response. It seems she is after much bigger fish than James Swartz.
Despicable as he can be concluded to be, at least Swartz's following, on the scale of the really big teachers, is relatively miniscule. Would Be Scofield want to use her valuable time to go after an evil saber-toothed minnow when she sees bad sharks swimming around?
If anyone in this forum does have contact with her, please do ask her to take a look at James Swartz. Please do let her know of the Heather book, about who it's allegedly based upon, and about this forum.
Perhaps she might decide to examine James Swartz herself after all...
It's nice to finish this post with such a delightful thought.