Almost too much--
A LOOK INTO THE MIND OF JAMES SWARTZThe post below was sent out early to a few people, including Heather.
After having heard from some of them, I toned down the text to "Inside the Head of James Swartz" posted below.
Heather even said that it might be nice to have a week away, perhaps thinking I was getting too close to this (awful) subject. I considered this, but then a message came from the beautiful woman in the Himalayas, who reported that she had reports of "James Swartz is so wonderful," and "How refreshing to be with him after the abuse of Andrew Cohen." (Poor persons. Swartz is by all the evidence at least as bad as Cohen, but they don't seem to have any type of "Bullshit Detector" at all. It took years for Cohen's organization to fall apart, and now they'll likely take a long time to see the truth about James Swartz...) How can I take a break with such sad things happening?
I must admit, I do wonder where some of the other contributors are to this message board. Perhaps each of them has mostly said all they have to say of such a sad topic and person, and perhaps wisely leave it/ him behind.
These other contributors, who it would be nice to hear from again, have included:
--Heather (also: MyNameIsHeather)
--Be True
Still other persons, who remain nameless, have written e-mail messages to me or to Devon Adler (author of the Swartz-allegation-inspired "
Guru? The Story of Heather") that, excerpted, were the base of other posts.
More from all, if it feels right to do this, would be wonderful.
Okay, so now, at last, the peek into the mind of James Swartz... The message I sent to my friends, followed by the toned down version, follows:
Having studied this person's life, doings, and thinking for over two years, this bit of "Swartz Thought" appeared one day.
As Squirts himself would say, "'I' didn't write it. It actually came from the Absolute, from All That Is..."
There was never a need to do that.
There was never a need to do anything.
Still, it happened. People saw me “do” it.
Well, she did, anyway. At least once I gave her too low a dose, and she was partly conscious while I savored her sweet innocence.
Except, I know that only those things can occur which All That Is lets happen. At the deepest level there is no Right or Wrong, and there’s no Sin. In my mind, I know this.
Knowing this is what I call Enlightenment. My version of Enlightenment is totally Mental, and it is true Freedom, since it allows me to “do” anything that “I” want, and with no guilt whatsoever. After all, why should I have bad feelings about what most people call “The Divine” had me do?
So the world has the idea that I drugged, brainwashed, and raped an underage girl. So what. I can with full veracity say that “I” did no such thing, since I fully understand that at the deepest level there is no “Me” to have done anything.
“Events happen, deeds are done, but there is no individual doer thereof.” The Buddha said that. He, and others who came to this understanding and who therefore taught similar things, set me free.
If I want to have sex with an underage Californian girl or a poverty-ridden widowed sewer cleaners in India, I have sex with them. If I need to leave truth behind to get something, I lie. If what some call “true” spiritual teachings do not agree with the wordy sludge that I fill my students with, I change the original teachings. I alter their meanings in “my” translations, and even skip whole verses of immortal works like
The Bhagavad Gita. My spiritual background? It’s very different than what I publicize, but since the false and “self”-aggrandizing version makes things easier for “me,” so what?
I’m James Swartz, but I really don’t exist, so this phantasm, this mind-body organism, can do anything. Has done anything. And will keep doing all “I” can get away with in this world full of stupid people who live beholding to their consciences, their “morals,” and with sensibility.”
Idiots, all. All they have to do is to learn my teachings and they’ll be as free as me. But none of my students have.
Not that I care. As long as I have enough money, a good place to live, and fine pussy to play with, what do I care? Not much.
It’s a bitch that this illusory physical form is now much older. My male part doesn’t work much or well anymore. Not like when I had the young girl, or even the sewer widows in India. My apparent physical energy is not so high.
Plus, some other “illusory” people are on to me. They know me perfectly, almost. They understand my teachings, but instead of following suit they try to warn persons about me, and to help the young girl “victim” to heal.
Suckers. Idiots.
For a while I thought I’d shouted them down. Screams, threats, and such have always worked before for at least a while. Then, when things got too tight, I always ran away, and then started again.
Except now, by worldly standards, I’m too old to do that again. But, the thing is, I can’t win in a battle of (worldly) truth with these folks. Because they’re right. “I” have apparently “done” everything they assert that I have. The sexual things, the killing of the neighbor’s dog, cheating, lying, stealing, distorting sacred texts and my spiritual background-- all of it, and (at this I laugh) more. There’s much they still don’t know about. Hah!
Yes, in the world’s mind, I’m responsible. Or I’m guilty. Take your pick. I know that. That is why, despite my spiritual knowledge and courage, at times I come across in the world like a “total chicken shit.” I’m ugly, short, fat, old, and I’m a mean bastard. People are scared of my temper and my tongue. They know I hold grudges, and that I’m good at distorting even good things about others into seeming bad or, at best, questionable.
People are scared of me. Hah! (In fact, my whole life, I’ve been scared of what others would do to me if they realized all that “I” had “done” and was "doing.")
I keep going, though. The power I feel over the people who come to “me” for spiritual guidance or counsel is like a drug. All That Is, The Divine, call it what you will, has made me susceptible to this feeling, and so what can I do? Just like bedding the 14 year-old and the sewer widows, at the time it felt good, and “I” could have done nothing else. Same with poisoning the dog, and all my bullying and lies.
Except, again, the feeling of Power I get when people think I’m special and really “Know” the “Truth,” and listen to my answers like they’re hearing Jesus or the real Ram, whoa! Whew! Indescribable…
I’m as addicted to that as I am to straight sex (leave that gay stuff out of it. That’s not for me. No way. I’m not interested in some man touching me or me…. No!).
I’m smarter than you. I know better. I do whatever I want, with no guilt. So far, though the world would judge me harshly, not many have caught on. My scam continues. I travel, I eat well, I do what I can with women, and I get off on my Power Trip, always while laughing inside at the bozos who fall for my “teachings”.
Judge me? The Feds are too busy with other stuff (I think). Other, more famous and popular teachers, make bigger targets (and while none of them are as “bad in worldly eyes” as I would be if they looked close, not many have). Good for me. Hah!
Yes, “Good for ‘Me’,” even though I be an illusion, or delusion, and am beyond “Good or Bad,” “Pride or Guilt,” or any of these dualistic concepts, at least at the deepest levels. Again, “Good for me!” (And screw “you!”)
This Enlightenment thing, my style of it, is quite a good deal. I’ve always wondered why more don’t do it?
Now that you’ve read my real teachings and how I’ve lived, what about you?