9 Ways to Spot a Fake Guru or Spiritual Teacher [by Paul Lenda]
Who is Mooji?
1. Charging a large amount of money.
2. Giving themselves fancy titles. Sri sri sri sri...
3. Inability to take criticism.
4. Overly focused on the end goal of spiritual enlightenment rather than the process of getting there.
5. Behaving hypocritically.
6. Focusing on fulfilling an egocentric desire.
7. Displaying spiritual materialism.
8. Behaving selfishly.
9. Promising a fast path to self-realization.
1. Charging a large amount of money:
Five days retreat with Mooji in Lisbon in 2018 in Aula Magna at the university campus, no food, and no accommodation. It's very expensive (275 EUR), high canceling fee (50 EUR), and no refund (10 days before start). Such canceling fees show it‘s not the satsang anymore but it’s the business although the aula has about 1500 seats. Mooji may not prepare any lectures regarding to particular spiritual topics. There may by only questions/answers setup and no meditation again.
Mooji.org: "Satsang Intensive at Aula Magna, Lisbon, Portugal, 23/2 – 27/2/2018. What is the price? The fee for attending the Satsang Intensive program in Lisbon is€275 EUR. The fee for online attendance is £95 GBP (early bird price of £75 until 15 January, 2018). What is the cancellation policy? Attending physically at Aula Magna in Lisbon, Portugal: In case you cancel your participation at least 11 days before the event starts, you will be charged a €50 EUR cancellation fee, and the rest of your payment shall be reimbursed to you. If you cancel your participation to the event with 10 days or less before the event starts, then you will get no refund of the event fee. Please note that tickets are non-transferable, and as such it is not possible to sell, give or otherwise transfer your ticket to another person.
2. Giving themselves fancy titles. Sri sri sri sri...
Tony Moo Young changed his name to Mooji, Sri Mooji, MoojiBaba and Sri Mooji Baba: (Sri: great/holy), (Ji: Sir), (Baba: guru/teacher/saint)). He took too many prefixs and honorific titles from other Indian spiritual teachers: Sri Ramana Maharshi, Papaji, Sai Baba. If people call him Sri Mooji Baba, it means in very modest form: Sir Great Teacher Moo. I am also wondering why he has adopted a lot of Hindu/Indian culture/customs, his Indian clothing, greeting, and words atc., although he comes from Caribbean/Jamaica culture regions and has lived in the UK most of his adult life.
3. Inability to take criticism:
Mooji avoids any criticism regarding to his person or his spiritual pointing in the most discussions and in addition, he is not critical of any other religions, politics, society or the outer world openly. Mooji was exposed some criticism at his second appearance: Buddha at the Gas Pump (2017) because he let his followers worship him. Mooji refused smartly such criticism from several points of view. Mooji has not set up any rigorous ruling in Monte Sahaja yet; ashram is a community of love, easy spirituality, sex, and money. For that reasons, there is no criticism of Mooji from inside of the community.
4. Overly focused on the end goal of spiritual enlightenment rather than the process of getting there.
Mooji usually talks about the completed enlightenment or spiritual self-realization significant parts of his satsangs and presents it, as if one reaches a full joy, tremendous happiness, deep peace, beautiful bliss, and unfathomable silence. Mooji creates and activates a kind of dopamine award in the minds of his listeners and followers and hypnotizes the audience with the huge spiritual expectations with achieving the pure Samadhi or a spiritual ecstasy very easy. Then the listeners get an unrealistic impression, that the attending any steps of spiritual enlightenments must always be a pure spiritual heaven and a permanent joy. Mooji’s satsangs or pointing out play mostly spiritually motivation role, present only spiritually recreation events, and are based on the unreal effortless approach of the instant spiritual awakening.
5. Behaving hypocritically:
Mooji’s huge hypocriticism is to talk about and explain states of the pure awareness or the self-realization, which he has not permanently experienced yet and to present them as if were his own spiritual achievements. Mooji pretends to be an enlightened being and a beloved master, but he is only a teacher. For these reasons, Mooji has also created the cult of a realized Guru in ashram to be better excused, covered up, and protected from his own spiritual failures and sadness.
6. Focusing on fulfilling an egocentric desire:
Mooji permanently fulfills his sex desires and sleeps with a lot of his young devotees in ashram and during traveling; his sexual life is very promiscuous. Mooji’s second strong desire is to seek name and fame for himself and to be recognized as a famous spiritual master, he has been working on his spiritual reputation purposely for many years.
7. Displaying spiritual materialism:
Mooji has built a large ashram in Monte Sahaja and announces it a spiritual heaven, where the highest pure consciousness resides. He associates places and himself with some spiritual radiations, extraordinary spiritual power, God’s grace, and spiritual and material prosperity. He presents himself as a more realized or holy person and blesses almost everything and everybody.
8. Behaving selfishly:
Mooji does not behave classically selfishly; I think that he is a giving person and he is ready to share a lot of spiritual or materialistic stuff. But Mooji is also very spiritually condescending to anybody who has had any spiritual deep experiences or awakening without his assistance or blessings. I have noticed that in several Mooji's satsangs. Mooji usually puts any spiritual experiences of other people down and falsely acts from the highest spiritual level of the void. He is a spiritually selfish, proud person, and he cannot bear the spiritual greatness of others. In addition, his strong cult of personality is a sign of the narcissism. He built up a large throne on a pedestal with golden picture frame behind him in the ashram hall; in addition he posts his photos almost everywhere. His selfishness lies mostly in his narcissistic personality features and his easy pseudo-spirituality.
9. Promising a fast path to self-realization:
Mooji is a spiritual populist like a political populist who has a simple and quick solution for everything. According to him, the spiritual awakening is simple, almost effortless, in a short time achieved, and with immediate benefits. Mooji mistakes the simple sensation, meditation, or silenced mind for the Isness or the true Self in his pointing out and exercise-invitations. Mooji has minimal spiritual genuine experiences and he could also be called a spiritual “fast food” Guru who serves an instant spiritual awakening “coffee”.
Mooji is not true and seems to be not an enlightened being at all, but more likely a group therapy amateur psychologist or a teacher.