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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: February 04, 2018 12:24AM

"the 'walking on water' intensive was completely sold out. There was some space left on the 'water into wine' five day, but only for shared accommodation or camping. I'll catch the next one. I hope no one crucifies him before October".

Said no one ever.

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The Mooji wall grows higher
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: March 20, 2018 09:26PM

Isn't there a quote about the fearful building walls?

You now need to sign a form in triplicate to visit the ashram at all, even for their open day free events. Complete with photo. If your name's not on the list, you ain't getting in.


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Re: The Mooji wall grows higher
Posted by: bringinthecat ()
Date: March 30, 2018 09:59PM

I went to mooji's ashram in 2014 for a few months. I was doing seva there on their building projects, building a new temple. I had a good time and got a lot out of it.

reading all this had brought back a memory that I feel I should share though, because it bothers me in retrospect. About the woman referenced as mooji's ex. We were gathered for one of the many spontaneous satsangs that take place there. About one hundred people were there I guess. It was a different feel, like something bad had happened. It was about some disgruntled student who had written an angry letter. It felt a bit uncomfortable, but the general vibe was that the student had got it wrong. It was about getting people's opinions on what had happened. It had a sort of tribunal feel, but whoever wrote the letter wasn't there.

towards the end, this woman identified as mooji's ex on this website got up and started shouting at him. It was awkward and sudden. She was very upset. I recall Mooji wafting his hand at her and saying "you were too attached".

anyway it's on tape and there were about one hundred people there I am sure. I remember at the time thinking that people are going through things in this ashram environment, and it can be very challenging. And of course mooji was a sage and not to be mistaken with a regular guy.

But four years on, and now especially with this #metoo movement always in the news, I had to reassess and speak up, albeit anonymously. In what other area would a sixty year old man leaving his partner for a much younger woman be accepted as being for her own good because she was too attached? It's ludricous. It'S weird how it seemed acceptable.

I know this is all hearsay, but as I said, it was all recorded in front of many witnesses.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: StartingOver ()
Date: April 01, 2018 11:03AM

Found this on Reddit


I recently posted a statement I found online regarding Mooji and an incident that happened at Sahaja and I see that it was deleted. With all due respect if we as students follow someone we have the right to know every aspect of him to be able to truly discern if he is right for us or not. I have seen many post that have been deleted by you guys that were seemingly making very valid concerns in regards to Mooji. I honestly am starting to become suspicious as to why their is a big effort to hide anything that paints Mooji in a negative light especially since he is suppose to be above all of this anyway. I would really appreciate a response and not a deletion. My text followed the guidelines of this reddit so i am really confused here. What is really the deal with Mooji and why are you guys blocking information about him? I never wanted to believe the rumors about him but one can only wonder why criticism of him is not allowed.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: StartingOver ()
Date: April 01, 2018 11:25AM

I was a long time supporter of mooji and spent quite a bit of time at Sahaja. As someone who was very close to Mooji and the Sangha I can tell you that sahaja is actaully wiretapped to record and monitor phone calls and conversations on the land. Mooji has spies there and uses them to give him info on those visiting which he uses to pretend that he knows what they are thinking. His old security who spent years with him is terrified of him. I recently has a conversation with him and really felt bad for the guy. It seems Mooji really screwed up this guys life.There is definitely a cult around him. I left him with my dignity barely in tact but I am very greatful I was able to escape as many are still there and not so fortunate. I really feel bad for alot of the people I know there as they think he is some God. Little do they know he is tricking them and using there vulnerabilty as a means of entrance into their minds. something has to be done to stop him. There is a documentary on Netfilx about the osho scandal, oddly enough spme of those people who were with Osho are now with Mooji. Really fucking scary.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: April 02, 2018 04:58PM


Bringinthecat thank you for speaking out personally though I have recorded the basics of this already earlier in the thread.

Starting over this sounds much more serious do you have proof? I know from that osho documentary that calls and conversations were being recorded.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 02, 2018 08:21PM

(Grim) History has shown that the danger quotient usually increases when
a charismatic leader retreats from society to an isolated compound and brings followers with him.

Startingover wrote"

",,,oddly enough spme of those people who were with Osho are now with Mooji. Really fucking scary.

Rajneesh/Osho, eh?

Here is a Mooji quote from 2013


August 18, 2013 ·
What chance is there to discover the final Truth?
Here, with me, every chance, because I don’t accept you in the way you present yourself. This self-portrait I disregard. It is a poor work of art or heart.
You want to be here as Miss and Mr Sannyasin, Miss and Mr Hormone, Miss and Mr Spiritual, Miss and Mr Special, Miss and Mr Chosen, Miss and Mr Yogi...
I am sorry... not here. I have no space for you.
Try again another time.
When you run out of titles, come back.
But who will take this risk?

~ Mooji

18th of August 2013


If anyone wants further information, there's a detailed description of
the Rajneesh/Osho ashram as it was in 2007, in Anthony D'Andrea's book, Global Nomads Techno and New Age as Transnational Countercultures in Ibiza and Goa 2007

Might be good to plough through the entire chapter - people who know the routine at Mooji's place can compare what they know to the descriptions of the Osho ashram meditation center and see if there are any similarities.

THe book is available via PDF here:



While in India, many of these
Ibiza-based expatriates have become sannyasins, following Osho to Oregon
and then back to Pune. As sociologist Danielle Rozenberg states, Ibiza is
an ‘island of sannyasins’ (Rozenberg 1990: 82).
During the 1980s, while participating in Ibiza’s nightlife, they have
imported various New Age techniques from the US, including the use of
MDMA for therapeutic, meditational and recreational uses. In their interactions
with British and German clubbers on the island, sannyasins have
inadvertently contributed to the emergence of the rave movement, a culture
centered on electronic dance music and digital art. Techno then rapidly
flowed into the mainstream explosion of rave parties and corporate nightclubs
in Western Europe, thus delineating one countercultural genealogy
that runs from Pune, to Oregon, to Ibiza, to London, and to cosmopolitan
segments of the global youth.

Those at the ashram (and one must have considerable funds to afford residence at the ashram ) are expected to be open and expressive in their emotions.

They may learn the habit of obedience while there and if any of them get linked up with Mooji, perhaps this is convenient for him. Could they have already been schooled in obedience at the Osho ashram before being recommended to see Mooji?

Some descriptions of Pune ashram life from D'Andrea's book can be found here:


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/02/2018 09:33PM by corboy.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: zizlz ()
Date: April 03, 2018 12:56PM

Meanwhile on the moderator keeps deleting everything even remotely critical of Mooji or the cult surrounding him. Recently someone made a post addressing this censorship, and of course that post was deleted by the moderator as well. Here's an archived snapshot of it:

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: April 06, 2018 10:59PM

A few late thoughts on that London Real interview.

1. If you look at the rest of the channel, mooji's videos come alongside government conspiracy videos and a whole array of dodgy looking geezers.

2. He talks... and not for the first time... about how he admires the outlook of one his followers called Lakshmi, who says that they do everything with full passion, even when they're wrong.

Am I missing something here? Because the idea that it doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it with full passion is... well it's just wrong isn't it? Hitler was passionate.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: April 07, 2018 01:55AM

In my opinion, from what you guys are describing, Mooji is taking himself and his followers ever deeper into isolation -

physical isolation via the ashram and its entry protocol,

digital/informational isolation by censoring attempts by non disciples to dialogue with him.

Agreement only is what Moo apparently wants.

Looks like Moo is creating a closed society. What distinguishes a closed society is it regards its own values as the total truth and allows no incoming information that gives members a reminder that there are options outside of the closed society.

Where it gets scary is when too many disciples are so scared of the exit costs of leaving that they do not even want to admit that they are feeling afraid.

Feeling afraid while denying that you feel afraid keeps you gridlocked. It also consumes lots of mental and emotional energy and makes the thought of leaving seem impossibly complicated.

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