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Re: Mooji a cult!
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: November 09, 2018 04:20AM

Hi Constantin,

I hope you can get a plan together to leave the ashram. Perhaps if a lot of people are leaving at once, at the 'shut down', then you could go too?

Another thing you could do is pretend that you are only leaving for just a few weeks and then never return! That way people will not try and convince you to stay.

Can you explain how shut 'down works'? What criteria is used to judge who gets kicked out and who stays? Do people get much notice that they are being kicked out?

The money issue has intrigued a lot of people. The Moo Foundation do publish their financial records, as I have found them online, but I am not sure how accurate they are. The Ashram at Monte Sahaja is registered as a business, I am told and so would have to pay tax. I don't know how it would work, using free labour in the form of volunteers, but being registered as a 'business'?

Do you know if any of the inner circle members receive wages? Or do they just volunteer their time, too?

It might be that some people at the top of this cult are drawing exorbitant salaries. Who knows?

One other thing, if people staying at the ashram have to pay accomodation costs, they how do they afford to stay for years there? If the don't receive wages? Just wondering.

Thanks for writing back, Constantin. Please contact me via private message if you need any help.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: November 09, 2018 04:29AM


Thanks for sharing your story with us. That has really bothered me too, that people worship Moo and that some think he is the second coming of Jesus or whatever.

I seriously do not think Moo is the second coming! Believe me, he would not charge money for Satsung if he really were Jesus. He would be out preaching to the masses, not holed up in a compound with a lot of delusional people.

But the sad thing is that Moo allows people to think he is some kind of God. He does not try to correct them. He preys on vulnerable people this way. It is very exploitative.

Startingover, do you remember the first names of the two women you spoke about, one English and one Austrailan? The cold, unfriendly women? Please only the first names? Very curious.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: November 09, 2018 04:47AM


Can you explain a bit about the 'back lash' people who speak out at the ashram receive?

I think this is very important. The fact that people's opinions are being silenced and genuine concerns are not being addressed is what makes a cult so damaging to it's members.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: November 09, 2018 08:23AM

Thanks Constantin and StartingOver for postings about Monte Sahaja so directly, it constantly wakes me up to the truth, who actually Mooji is.
Constantin please do not get compromised in Monte Sahaja, could you start up a small conspiracy organization there, or a small conspiracy cell with other people/members with name for instance "free Monta Sahaja" or something else? We need more contacts there in case you may leave soon. Thanks again.
Sahra71 it's a good idea about "the Ashram at Monte Sahaja is registered as a business, I am told and so would have to pay tax. I don't know how it would work, using free labour in the form of volunteers, but being registered as a 'business'? wages, insurance, safety..and act."
I may send email to Mayor about that and even ask him about a building permit for Christian chapel in Monte Sahaja, because Mooji said it was built up quite spontaneously and quickly by Grace. After that Mooji blessed the chapel to be later worshiped there as the second is the tragedy..
Moojibaba reflects on the culture at Sahaja the Ashram 2016 (chapel blessing)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/09/2018 08:33AM by Horowitz.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: StartingOver ()
Date: November 09, 2018 08:27PM

I don't know their real names but the English woman went by the name Priya. Im sure Moo gave her that name. I say these women are cold hearted because I remember sharing intimate stories about my struggles in life and they both just had a blank stare while I was spilling my guts. I could see they had no concern at all, they only wanted to pretend to be happy all the time. I just got a really bad feeling about them. There is also this Russian girl there who goes by the name Sonaja who is leading Moos film team there. She would go and tell Moo and others things about me,I don't think she liked me very much because Moo showed a special interest towards me, There are aot of bullies there.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: StartingOver ()
Date: November 09, 2018 08:36PM

I believe the Australian woman's name was Amara, not 100% though.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: StartingOver ()
Date: November 09, 2018 09:13PM

That was always one of my issues with Moo. He allowed people to worship without saying anything and when I would show independence and the express the importance of independence to others they would inform Moo and he would get angry. Once I did this and all of a sudden a Satsang was called and one of devotees starting telling a story about how in her culture (Islamic) that the students offered themselves completely to the guru so that he could chop their heads or chop what they are not. The whole meeting was just about worshipping the guru and the importance. I knew they did that because of me. Because of my vulnerability I believe that they thought it was easy to fool me.

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What's in a Name
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 09, 2018 09:20PM

StartingOver wrote:

I don't know their real names but the English woman went by the name Priya. Im sure Moo gave her that name.

Interesting. Rajneesh gave many disciples new names.

We need to learn more about this and get things clear.

This could have legal importance.

What if there is an emergency? How can that person's disciple name be tracked to
the name on that persons passport?

If people are given new names in the Moo group, is something done to record
their old name and new name?

Think what would have happened if Moo people had been injured or killed in the
2017 fire. How soon would their embassies and families known about this?

Naming Names -- Questions

1) Does Moo give people names?

If the answer to 1 is yes, here are more questions.

2) Which persons get new names from Moo?

Many persons?

A few persons?

What status do new named persons have in Moo's group?

If Moo gives people names, are they males and females?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/10/2018 12:34AM by corboy.

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At Monte Sahaja can you keep your passport?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 09, 2018 09:24PM

Do people at Monte Sahaja keep control of their passports?

What happens if people are made to leave?

* Do they have advance warning, are they given time to gather their belongings?
Say goodbye to friends? Can they keep their belongings?

* Do they have time to arrange safe transport?

* How easily can they arrange transport to leave Monte Sahaja?

* Can they get names of friends before they leave?

* Can they take adequate supplies of food and water when they leave?

Have any people been known to flee Monte Sahaja because they were afraid to tell anyone they wanted to leave?

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 09, 2018 09:29PM

They have possibly been told to "stay as the self" as they listen to your problems, which I'm told involves glazing over and not engaging with you in any way. Then they just report what you said to someone else. Such is the life of what Alexandra Stein calls a "deployable agent". I'm told they don't even think they're human anymore.

This makes sense within the doctrine of the group but, of course, what it mainly does is invalidate and devalue the already distressed individual. This is acceptable because the individual has been labeled as being "in their mind".

Soon they will be so confused and bewildered that they'll have only one option left: fall at Tony's feet, and kiss them while he acts embarrassed. It's Bhagwan's Devious Trap all over again.

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