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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Horowitz ()
Date: November 15, 2018 10:41AM

i yam what i yam,
I have written minimal two points for an official complaint against the Moo group foundation here:[]:

1) Mooji Media Ltd as a trading subsidiary of Mooji foundation-charity try to cash in on everything without paying any taxes including one gift-book shop and two cafes in Monte Sahaja ashram plus an attempt to run a pizzery restaurant there. They have to definitely pay a tax from the shop and two cafes. There enterprises do not have directly anything to do with the mission of the Mooji's charity. What about a pub in neighborhood farm or a kiosk along the street in the neighborhood, they are also entitled to file for the tax relief like Mooji's spiritual sangha in Monte Sahaja.

2) I have watched many video records at YT and I have some evidences about Mooji’s cult existence and personal narcissism, what is in the direct contrast with the mission of Mooji foundation and its daughter's the Associacao Mooji Sangha charity in Monte Sahaja ashram: "The promotion of moral and spiritual welfare for the public benefit."
For instance:
i) Monte Sahaja ashram shop: [] Bead necklaces-Malas, Blessed by Sri Mooji selling for E20-E40.
ii) Monta Sahaja ashram at Guru Purmina (Guru celebration) at 0:08-0:30: Mooji'mobile of flowers: []
iii) The Love of Mooji, [], at 0:07: The bizarre and large Mooji's face photo almost everywhere.
iv) Mooji on a pedestial and in golden picture frame like a Hindu God at Monte Sahaja ashram hall at 1:35: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2018 10:57AM by Horowitz.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Sahara71 ()
Date: November 15, 2018 10:56AM

Good on you, Horowitz,

I think the use of trance induction in Mooji's "The Invitation" should also be included. Using trance induction on people without their consent could hardly be in the public interest.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: Wombat ()
Date: November 15, 2018 04:32PM

Sahara71 Wrote:
> i yam what i yam,
> I think it's OK because I am not a blogger, nor am
> I acting with malice. I am just a concerned
> citizen worried about cult activity.
> If Rick Ross has any problem with what I write,
> then he is free to delete my comments from this
> forum. I would not take any offence.
> Startingover called Moo a 'bastard'.
> Constantin said he ran a cult and had an unusual
> interest in other people's sex lives.
> Applejuice said Krishnabai got into a physical
> fight with another woman.
> Happytown said that Moo runs a cult.
> Xivoparig claimed Moo was a rapist and a fraud. I
> notice that this post hasn't been taken down.

I don't mean to cause any offence but I doubt that you are simply a concerned citizen. Since you joined this forum over a quarter of the posts are from you, systematically gathering every shred of 'evidence' you can find -- even repeating evidence that has CLEARLY been discredited. Xivoparig's report speaks about an event happening at a time and in a place which is impossible to have happened. You know this! Why keep bringing it up as 'evidence'?

Also, Applejuice responded to so many concerns, answered your questions and repeatedly gave information that says this is not a cult, but you pick out one tiny thing simply to be able to add another name to your list of 'negative reports'.

Please, go ahead and investigate and report, but you must know that mis-information will actually run counter to any legitimate complaints.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 15, 2018 05:46PM

Applejuice it turned out didn't really know much when challenged. A lot of what they said may apply to lower level members, but Constantin seemed more on the money when it came to the deeper experience.

Although Applejuice had some valid concerns about worship and mental health.

Applejuice also claimed that a long time devotee simply gave up her devotional nature and disappeared in the middle of the night for no real reason other than a booty call, and is now not speaking to her former guru, friends and colleagues, but is still somehow held in high regard.

That sounds pretty incongruous to me. I mean, perhaps you have an argument with the guru, but all your friends too? My question is whether "friends" is the right word, or whether it is more like Versailles courtiers in the age of Louis XIV, who watch which way the wind is blowing and act accordingly.

"L'état, c'est moi!" Louis XIV.

I wonder if Mooji has "Lit de Justice" with the trustees, where the king can just turn up and force through whatever he wants, and they have to agree because their jobs, world view, living arrangements, and all their personal relationships depend on it.

And on that note, do people who fall out of favor lose their "Levée" privileges?


Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2018 06:02PM by happytown.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: i yam what i yam ()
Date: November 15, 2018 06:02PM

Yes, it IS funny how seriously Sahara71 is pursuing this, for someone who just wasted a bit of time watching some Youtube videos.

I mean, I kinda regret the time I spent watching "Epic Rap Battles of History", nevermind "Saturday Night Live" (which is seriously unfunny!!). Yet I haven't vowed to take them (or Youtube) down.

Maybe I've seen too many movies but my new theory is that Sahara71 is really Mooji's ex-girlfriend, working deep undercover and out for revenge!

At the same time - Wombat, pull the other one. It's clear by now that this is a cult, and people who say otherwise are just too far into it to see it, or don't know their definitions.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2018 06:08PM by i yam what i yam.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 15, 2018 06:14PM

Fortunately, whatever cults do, it tends to be culty, so attempts to disrupt the thread just add fuel. Seems to me like Neutrollization!

"neutrollization plays on citizens’ own critical faculties by first drawing them in and then confusing them. It is not about merely pulling the wool over their eyes, and it has little to do with coercion or silencing. Instead, it exploits and twists the idea of self-expression and citizenry action in a way that leads to withdrawal from politics."


And luckily there is a TON of literature now available so you can be aware of coercive persuasion and manipulation techniques.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2018 06:30PM by happytown.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: i yam what i yam ()
Date: November 15, 2018 06:25PM

Here are some of the places where Mooji acolytes can stay when they're in the area but not living at the ashram, for instance if they're day-visitors to Sunday Satsang:


I remember hearing at one point that the plan was for newcomers and the less-than-fully-devoted to be kept out of Monte Sahaja and encouraged to stay instead in this places instead.

I'm sure the weather is lovely, the countryside is idyllic, and it's all good for the local economy! It's just a shame it all has to be about Mooji.

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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: happytown ()
Date: November 15, 2018 06:56PM

Speaking of seconding to Portugal to build a haven, here's a guide to how narcissists isolate you:


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Re: Mooji a cult?
Posted by: i yam what i yam ()
Date: November 15, 2018 07:05PM

It's not really THAT far off the beaten track, though.

If Mooji wants to be a big-time guru, he needs his own island...


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Talk about money, expect disruption
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 15, 2018 10:13PM

This is getting heaty.

I have informed the moderator -- something any of us can do.

This is not the first time Mr Ross has had to come in here to deal with
our friend.


Rick Ross can be reached via PM here:


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