Applejuice it turned out didn't really know much when challenged. A lot of what they said may apply to lower level members, but Constantin seemed more on the money when it came to the deeper experience.
Although Applejuice had some valid concerns about worship and mental health.
Applejuice also claimed that a long time devotee simply gave up her devotional nature and disappeared in the middle of the night for no real reason other than a booty call, and is now not speaking to her former guru, friends and colleagues, but is still somehow held in high regard.
That sounds pretty incongruous to me. I mean, perhaps you have an argument with the guru, but all your friends too? My question is whether "friends" is the right word, or whether it is more like Versailles courtiers in the age of Louis XIV, who watch which way the wind is blowing and act accordingly.
"L'état, c'est moi!" Louis XIV.
I wonder if Mooji has "Lit de Justice" with the trustees, where the king can just turn up and force through whatever he wants, and they have to agree because their jobs, world view, living arrangements, and all their personal relationships depend on it.
And on that note, do people who fall out of favor lose their "Levée" privileges?
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2018 06:02PM by happytown.