> It's very interesting that the Moo Cult Compound
> (offcially called the Associacao Mooji Sangha
> ashram) states as it's aim:
"The promotion of moral and spiritual welfare
> for the public benefit.">
It's interesting to note that the group and the guru has become LESS easy to access as a result of such prosperity. All the free person-hours put into building the place, and now how easy is it to get in? In the end, WHO is benefitting?
According to this article, there are 40 to 60 people living regularly in the ashram.
Is that an accurate representation of the ashram environment? Since 150 were apparently evacuated during the fire, it seems not.
But it perhaps tells us how many people are in the inner circle.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/11/2018 10:52PM by happytown.