Re: Mooji a cult?
Date: May 11, 2020 09:48PM
I have been present on two occasions where someone has been ’sectioned’ and can assure you it is not an easy process to achieve, there has to be very good reason to do so. So don’t worry, your friend has not been dragged-off to some Dickensian institution by uncaring parents. He must in fact be quite unwell. Hope this helps.
Thankyou, that sounds more accurate. I was thinking exactly that, about the dickensian institutionalization.
I think he must have been acting out more than he realizes, I had my suspicions about how that was all happening. I really don't know because I wasn't there.
I do feel sorry for him, he has been diagnosed as schizophrenic, to him, it is a misdiagnosis and entirely false and inaccurate.
But I did feel something off was happening with him after a while of being at sahaja. He did start acting increasingly aggressive and violent after satsangs, after a while. and it was another reason i felt terrible about leaving, I feel like I left him in a very vulnerable position, but also couldnt help him anymore. I felt incredible guilt about that for years after i left
But at the time, I couldnt even comprehend all of the help I needed myself at the time
Do you think people there really do believe Moo is God?
I did. I truly believed that mooji was god incarnated on this earth as my guru.
I feel that anyone who would go there and ask the residents would be affirmed that a lot of him think he is literally a living manifestation of god. At least that's what your expected to believe there.
This is what a 'guru' is, to whomever that word means something to, the 'guru' is literally a living manifestation of god.
mooji reminds the participants and devotees of this quite often.
Some strictly think he is the REINCARNATION of Jesus/Ramana/Papaji/Buddha, and I am not exaggerating on that point at all.
Do you think these young women might be exploited in other ways, other than just as free labor and being taken advantage of in an psychologically abusive way? You don't have to answer that, if you don't want to!
Yes, I would like to speak on this as well. This was my FIRST hunch out of anything else I was feeling. Just like the lady who made that youtube video would say, something didn't feel right, and always felt 'off' there.
I got this strong sense, that at some point in the near or far off future, there would be MANY scandals and stories and controversies coming from this place, and from mooji. It was my gut instict.
I had a 'vision' of myself, in the position of Krishnabai, Lakshmi, and others, as one of his 'handmaidens'. I realized how close to that I was becoming.
I had been in very intimate quarters with mooji. Unfilmed unsensored meetings and events where I talked to him face to face, usually with the sangha around like a small satsang (examples of these types of meeting are sometimes filmed and posted in sahaja express, they are small intimate satsangs that happen at any time within sahaja with the devotees)
If i continued to 'put the work in' and strived for that position, of being one of mooji's 'girls', I feel I would've been there, maybe even to this day.
This 'vision' or whatever it was, was what made me make the decision to leave. I knew I was getting too close, and if I was put in a position like that, I'd never leave.
So, somewhere in me, I know that this is most likely involved in whats happening there, or in moojis world in some way, but I never had direct exposure, heard rumors there, or had anyone say anything to me about that. Thats the feeling I personally had from being there, and seeing the type of manipulative behavior that was happening all around me.
I will say, it would be VERY simple for something like that to be happening there and being covered up, or gotten away with by mooji, or any of the 'senior devotees' there.
Heythere101, did you need to get professional help to deal with all this?
Yes, finally I have, and I wish so much that is the FIRST thing I wouldve done
If I have any recommendation, it is to line up a councelor, therapist, psychiatrist, anyone professional to get help once you leave mooji/sahaja!!
Number 1 advice over all.
I coped very badly with all of the things I had seen and experienced.
I've been seeing a therapist only since last year in september, and it has helped immensely. I don't have any diagnosis for mental illness, but I have had some very serious issues to work on since this time of staying at sahaja.
If I had sought professional help early on, I feel I wouldve avoided a lot of self destructive decisions I made after leaving sahaja, and wouldve come through a lot of the pain, guilt and torment I felt, a lot faster.
I would've learned to view the experience objectively, instead of blaming myself for what happened, early on, and probably would not have made some very self-destructive decisions I regretfully, did end up making.
But yes, I am doing much better now, and can see things more objectively, and forgive myself for my past decisions. Now I am not living life in fear anymore.
Thankyou for the support!
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2020 09:53PM by Heythere1010101.