happytown wrote :
"Papaji also set himself up without any sense of being legitimised." Yes! A big part of this picture that people seem to miss is that Papaji is a highly questionably "guru". He made a big fuss out of meeting Ramana Maharshi briefly... (drive-by enlightenment!)
Those that study Ramana know that he authorized
no-one to teach self-inquiry, and was adamant that there was to be
no lineage in his name.
Therefore! this strips Papaji of any claim to lineage (overt or inferred) He is often mentioned as "a direct disciple of Ramana Maharshi". This is just trying to ride on Ramana's coattails..
Papaji declared to Andrew Cohen, "you're enlightened", "you're the one I've been waiting for", and "your eyes are like Ramana's" etc.
What Andrew then did, and became was off the charts abusive. Just read this! [
Therefore!!! Papaji showed terrible judgement, and discernment in declaring Andrew "enlightened". If Papaji was legit, he would have seen these latent traits in Andrew in a split second.
To me the biggest myth in this "Mooji" scene is the deifying of Papaji... It makes Tony (Mooji)
seem like there's a legitimacy to his
enlightenment. He then fluffs this up by kissing photos of Papaji as he passes them, and having his followers sing about Papaji etc. therefore entrenching the
myth even more.
Tony just has
Narcissistic Personality disorder:
Have an exaggerated sense of self-importance (sitting on a throne having your feet kissed, while people sing to him that he's "the King", "the Master")
Have a sense of entitlement and require constant, excessive admiration (He himself sells not one, but two photo's of his own "lotus feet" on his website. He's surrounded by people fawning over him, fanning him, wiping his forehead for him, putting his shoes on for him, standing with arms folded in prayer as he enters and leaves etc.)
Expect to be recognized as superior even without achievements that warrant it (the Papaji myth here...)
Monopolize conversations and belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior (watch any satsang video)
React with rage or contempt and try to belittle the other person to make themselves appear superior (read the first hand comments on this forum of him yelling at people etc.)
Behave in an arrogant or haughty manner, coming across as conceited, boastful and pretentious (
"I am my Master's highest teaching",
"I am the living prescence of Ramana Maharshi" (yikes!) Just read any of the comments from "insiders" on this forum about his behaviour "off camera")