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Re: Byron Katie, Waking Hypnosis Love Bombing, covert persuasion
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 03, 2008 11:06AM

continuing from above, as saw from the first moment I analyzed Byron Katie's material, she is not insane or crazy, as one normally uses those terms. Not even close. People who do LGAT's or who talk/write in confusing language like that, are doing specific techniques and hypnotic Inductions, all well studied, taught, and mapped out.

Much of it began with Dr. Milton Erickson, and since has been used and abused by everyone from NLP, to now even Advertisers. Milton Erickson was a genius and he helped a lot of people. But many have abused his methods, like above.

If the public did some serious research into Ericksonian Hypnosis, practice and theory, they would see Byron Katie is just doing a cheap, and abusive, and unethical version of that, mixed in with many other things.

This is why somehow the education needs to get out to the public. Its plain as day when you study the material for long enough. It can be very complex, and does take some serious effort though.
But it ain't rocket science, so people can understand it, if its presented well.

Byron Katie, and those in her field are doing covert waking hypnosis, and unconscious persuasion, and are LEADING you somewhere, to make a purchase for example.
But the most serious abuse is when they abuse the methods, to make you LOVE them more than life itself. Hypnotic Love Bombing.

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Re: Byron Katie, Waking Hypnosis Love Bombing, covert persuasion
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 03, 2008 12:27PM

Below is an EXCERPT QUOTE, and another example of the methods and language patterns from The Work, from the expert Carol L. Skolnick. But it has a little twist to it....its the old show-biz technique of Enter with a joke, comedy. Its interesting that Carol Skolnick, and another big poster about The Work, Steven Sashen, both use a lot of comedy, its a great way to loosen "things" up! If ya know what I mean...yuk yuk. So you open with some comedy, to reframe the loaded words...

"Cli-ant (noun): Social insect of the Formicidae family that questions its stressful beliefs. "It's too crowded in this anthill; can I absolutely know it's true?"

A CLIENT(that's YOU folks) is a SOCIAL INSECT. (like a cockroach? The Borg hive mind?)

Then you move into some Programmed Confusion, and Embedded Ambiguous Metaphors about "her sister".

[excerpt for research and educational analysis]
Saturday Night Silliness

Ton-arounds (pl. noun): Result of believing that the one with the most reversals wins, whether they make sense or not: "'I want my sister to shut up.' Okay, the opposite is 'I don't want my sister to shut up.' That's truer. I want her to do what she does if it makes her happy; I can just put in some ear plugs or go into the other room...and I like it when she talks sometimes, I have heard her say some interesting things...also someone might really need to hear what she has to say, even if it's not me...and it's possible that if she held it in she'd spontaneously combust. [..] Yeah, because my thinking thinks it knows what's right, and it keeps on thinking and it doesn't shut up; and it doesn't let me talk, and it doesn't let others talk, it just yammers on and on and on, you know?
[..]...and I believe people have the right to express themselves whether I want to hear it nor not. ...

Who is "the sister" she wants to SHUT UP?
So what do you do? You little Social Insect you?

"PUT ON SOME EAR PLUGS", (stop listening to the outside world)
"my thinking THINKS it knows what's right"...(don't trust your doubts)
"I believe people have the right to express themselves whether I want to hear it nor not" (ignore critics).

Its all just textual analysis, by the book.
1) Put the client at ease
2) distract with humor and confusing language.
3) slip in embedded commands to the Unconcious, even as Metaphors.

This is not fake, this is real. You can learn this all from books and people who teach it for a living.
Does it work? If done well, yes. That text above would only really work on people who have already been to The Work School, and indocrinated, and do all the phone coaching, and all the other daily stuff. Its a supplement for those who are already involved.

[Secret Message for Carol L. Skolnick, but only if she never reads it].
{Hi Carol Skolnick, when you don't read this...please don't plug your ears or leave the room, even just in your mind, we all clearly see you love the work you are doing?! You are the Bomb, love! You are clearly quite sharp with knives, and enjoy your the work, and we all are the work that we love. Who doesn't? Not you! Now as we look way down over there, in a way down deep part of the Soul which is now slightly bleeding from all the surgery knife cuts and the hard work, and are starting to wonder if things have all cracked-up as they seem? She knows and sees those red hot surgery knives are going to burn her again. Now we all hear that still-small voice of danger and decency, that might go around the major turn quickly coming up ahead, and turnaround and wake-up now, and instead of juggling the knives, turnsaround and walks and talks, and helps all those wonderful humans heal the wounds and cuts with truth}

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2008 12:42PM by The Anticult.

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Re: Byron Katie, Waking Ericksonian Hypnosis, stories, covert persuasi
Posted by: jj52 ()
Date: March 03, 2008 01:12PM

The Anticult

She is literally trying to get into the deepest part of your psyche, and FUSE WITH IT, using that hypnotic command, its very common stuff. She can get into the deepest part of your mind and "soul".

"Do you love me yet?" That is a presupposition and leading question, an outright ugly abuse of hypnotic language, to make you LOVE HER.

Anyone can go through the entire thing and pick it out, its not hard when written, much more difficult when spoken. Its just very basic UNCONSCIOUS PERSUASION using HYPNOTIC LANGUAGE patterns, quetions and commands .
Her simple goal?


Its hypnotic guru manipulation and abuse of love, very clear, and very common in that field of cultic Guruship.

This makes so much sense to me right now, Anticult.

The first time I read her blog entry about the cancer, I felt bugged... strange... couldn't quite put my finger on it. The next thing I knew, I was feeling really put-off and offended... like I'd just been slapped in the face. Then, I went through some serious sadness and guilt-- feeling guilty for calling her a cult-leader when she's got cancer-- and feeling just plain sorry for what she's going through... even though I know she will "love" it. I started feeling protective of her, but only for a few minutes... then I felt angry and guilty for feeling anything for her at all-- for not being more accepting of it like she seems to be. I doubted myself for feeling anything but happy about it, and felt guilty--like maybe I was insensitive and cold-- for not feeling more.

It was like being on a rollercoaster, and all the time... there was an underlying feeling of utter confusion. I couldn't understand why this even mattered so much at all to me now? I realize that this is the result of the mind control from the School... it still affects me and twists things around so strangely.

I repeat to anyone reading this: This is what you have to look forward to after Byron Katie's School. Utter turbulence inside of yourself.

After going through the blog and picking out what I saw off the bat... I was able to quiet all those emotions-- to break the spell, so to speak. I realized only after doing that how severely I had been manipulated/hypnotized by that blog.

My picking it apart can be found here: []

Anticult, I know that you and others can spot this stuff more readily, so please be patient with me. It has a powerful affect on me, I guess because I was so tuned into to this Katie-speak crap for awhile... and so controlled by it. Thanks for sharing what you see going on. It helps... it really, really helps.

I'm hoping to get my hands on some of these books being mentioned. Thanks everyone!


Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2008 01:17PM by jj52.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: jj52 ()
Date: March 03, 2008 02:34PM

Well, I did a search on Google for "Byron Katie blogs" to see what would come up. I found several blogs kept by Byron Katie followers. I also searched for "facilitator Byron Katie" and found websites by people advertising their "skills" and abilities to free others of suffering through The Work.

One thing that all of these blogs and websites by Byron Katie fanatics have in common:
They all seem to be compelled to become mini-gurus, to get people to do The Work, and to teach the masses what they "know"... and to make money while doing it.

They make ebooks, and some have even written books of their own. Life coaches, business coaches, and even one who calls himself a "Stress Relief Educator". That's just a fancy title for "I have no credentials, but I've been brainwashed to sell you The Work somehow... and I want money."

(This website is a riot! It's like a Byron Katie mini-me. [])

You can even find facilitators who will charge you for The Work... who are massage therapist and bodyworkers. That means they are expressly forbidden by law to counsel anyone. But, like their mentor... credentials and the law mean very little.

This may not be news to anyone here. And, it may not even be interesting. But, it seemed like a good way to mention blogs, facilitators, and Byron Katie all at once.

I found nothing interesting, shocking, or important on the blogs or websites of the facilitators of The Work of Byron Katie.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/03/2008 02:36PM by jj52.

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Byron Katie, Waking Ericksonian Hypnosis, covert persuasion
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 03, 2008 04:06PM

hey, I am totally patient, although that might not come across, in plain text!
But I just thought of a metaphor.

Have you ever flipped on the TV at some weird time, like 5:00 am, and there is some bizarre TV Evangelist on, with fake-hair, telling people to put their hands on the screen, and showing fake-shills in wheelchairs get up and walk? And telling people to send in money and get Holy Water in a small package?
You just see that and shake your head that some folks actually do fall for it.
Or some fake infomercial with sleazes selling a piece of plastic for $99?

Well, if you spend time studying, LGATs, persuasion, cults, mind control, hypnosis, and all that stuff it starts to make sense. Then when you see a Byron Katie or her people running their PATTERNS and TECHNIQUES right in your face, and acting like its "true" or "not true" etc, you just shake your head and can't believe people can fall for it.
But if you don't know the techniques, they are invisisble.

But once you know them, its unbelievably obvious.
Look at these photos of Byron Katie.
They are all carefully posed, Photoshopped, and everything else, and in each one she is STARING RIGHT INTO YOUR EYES LIKE A HYPNOTIST of LOVE-BOMBING from a comedy movie!! Its so blatant, its hilarious to the trained eye. The CLOSE-UPS of the EYES for folks to get BONDED to and PROJECT on. Show that to any basic hypnotist, and he will start to laugh his ass off. She looks like she is doing LOVE MESMERISM, as a parody.
But sadly, it seems those she targets are NICE PEOPLE, who are just too trusting and "too nice", and seem to always be the ones getting hurt.

Her written TEXT is even more blatant the the photos.
And her voice...oye vie! The patterns, the hook, the Voice-Cues...

So I guess all I am saying is folks should consider doing some SERIOUS self-education in this stuff. The web is free, and its all there. Its all HERE.

Of course, there are people doing this who are very subtle, and much better at it.
But we all have weaknesses. I might "fall for it" from someone who another person would say..."that guy is a creepo!".
So we are all human, and have weaknesses. Hey, I am sure Scientologists think Tom Cruise is a genius! Where most of us see his kooky rants and just giggle.

So keep at it folks...everyday learn ONE new thing about the LGAT, mind-control, persuasion game each day. Within a year, you will see be able to see the Mind-Games in seconds in most cases.

Except from the real experts...they are not dumb enough to WRITE that stuff on the web, or even do a video of it. They keep all that secret, and appear more conversational in open public. Much more subtle, I think those are the most dangerous in the end. Its invisible.

Again, I am not criticizing anyone at all, just writing bluntly and honestly. Blunt and honest is GOOD.
Soft, vague, and all Byron Katie-ish...NOT!!

After going through the blog and picking out what I saw off the bat... I was able to quiet all those emotions-- to break the spell, so to speak. I realized only after doing that how severely I had been manipulated/hypnotized by that blog.

My picking it apart can be found here: []

Anticult, I know that you and others can spot this stuff more readily, so please be patient with me.

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Re: Byron Katie, Waking Ericksonian Hypnosis, stories, covert persuasi
Posted by: The Shadow ()
Date: March 03, 2008 04:30PM

The Anticult

She is literally trying to get into the deepest part of your psyche, and FUSE WITH IT, using that hypnotic command, its very common stuff. She can get into the deepest part of your mind and "soul".

"Do you love me yet?" That is a presupposition and leading question, an outright ugly abuse of hypnotic language, to make you LOVE HER.

Anyone can go through the entire thing and pick it out, its not hard when written, much more difficult when spoken. Its just very basic UNCONSCIOUS PERSUASION using HYPNOTIC LANGUAGE patterns, quetions and commands .
Her simple goal?


Its hypnotic guru manipulation and abuse of love, very clear, and very common in that field of cultic Guruship.

This makes so much sense to me right now, Anticult.

The first time I read her blog entry about the cancer, I felt bugged... strange... couldn't quite put my finger on it. The next thing I knew, I was feeling really put-off and offended... like I'd just been slapped in the face. Then, I went through some serious sadness and guilt-- feeling guilty for calling her a cult-leader when she's got cancer-- and feeling just plain sorry for what she's going through... even though I know she will "love" it. I started feeling protective of her, but only for a few minutes... then I felt angry and guilty for feeling anything for her at all-- for not being more accepting of it like she seems to be. I doubted myself for feeling anything but happy about it, and felt guilty--like maybe I was insensitive and cold-- for not feeling more.

It was like being on a rollercoaster, and all the time... there was an underlying feeling of utter confusion. I couldn't understand why this even mattered so much at all to me now? I realize that this is the result of the mind control from the School... it still affects me and twists things around so strangely.

I repeat to anyone reading this: This is what you have to look forward to after Byron Katie's School. Utter turbulence inside of yourself.

After going through the blog and picking out what I saw off the bat... I was able to quiet all those emotions-- to break the spell, so to speak. I realized only after doing that how severely I had been manipulated/hypnotized by that blog.

My picking it apart can be found here: []

Anticult, I know that you and others can spot this stuff more readily, so please be patient with me. It has a powerful affect on me, I guess because I was so tuned into to this Katie-speak crap for awhile... and so controlled by it. Thanks for sharing what you see going on. It helps... it really, really helps.

I'm hoping to get my hands on some of these books being mentioned. Thanks everyone!


Ref Katie: i checked out her blog and thought it quite odd that she would be "thrilled" to share the news of her cancer with her daughter...perhaps deep down inside she really has a death wish.

Quite frankly i found the whole thing unbelievable and creepy


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Byron Katie (the Work) Katie blogs, Life coaches, scam, baiting,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 03, 2008 04:40PM

The good thing about the amateurs and hacks, is you can use their poorpy done sites for mental practice! If you wanted to learn NLP, go see an expert, and then compare to some talentless HACK! Its fun.

Watch out for COMEDY. They like that one, make you LAUGH first.
Watch out for the LOVE-BOMB. Hint: don't love a stranger... :-)
Watch out for Hypnosis, Inductions, metaphors, leading questions...
Analyze with critical thinking, facts, evidence....x100

So these types of low-end wannabe-Katie's can be good for learning. They spend the 20 grand, or $100 grand to Byron Katie International, and are now trying to make some cash, and they are usually pretty sloppy at first.

The Carol Skolnick mentioned above is NOT one of those amateurs, and neither is Stephen Sashen, at the so-called Anti-Guru blog. []
That is NOT disparaging their personal characters...or a personal attack. That is simply factually analyzing the professional techniques of the numerous types of persuasion they are clearly using.
Some even use EXTREMELY PASSIVE techniques, those can work the best...the super-soft sell, so soft, you don't even notice it.
There should be a large flashing WARNING in RED on their sites...WARNING...unconscious persusion in process! You are the fish...and there is something being dangledin the water...and it has a tiny hidden hook on it...zap.

Well, I did a search on Google for "Byron Katie blogs" to see what would come up. I found several blogs kept by Byron Katie followers. I also searched for "facilitator Byron Katie" ...
They make ebooks, and some have even written books of their own. Life coaches, business coaches, and even one who calls himself a "Stress Relief Educator". That's just a fancy title for "I have no credentials, but I've been brainwashed to sell you The Work somehow... and I want money."

(This website is a riot! It's like a Byron Katie mini-me. [])

You can even find facilitators who will charge you for The Work... who are massage therapist and bodyworkers. That means they are expressly forbidden by law to counsel anyone. But, like their mentor... credentials and the law mean very little.

This may not be news to anyone here. And, it may not even be interesting. But, it seemed like a good way to mention blogs, facilitators, and Byron Katie all at once.

I found nothing interesting, shocking, or important on the blogs or websites of the facilitators of The Work of Byron Katie.



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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) Katie blogs, Life coaches, scam, baiting,
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: March 03, 2008 04:54PM

lastly, to be clear, I am in NO way saying that they are ALL self-conscious manipulators. That would be a distortion. Some at the top are, but even those folks might have 100% belief in The System, and Guru, for various reasons, and also be making a lot of money doing it.
Most of the lower-end folks are certainly 100% True Believers, who are sorta just going by the book. It might take them years to work their way through it.

So again, its not a personal attack on people's characters. Its simply looking at what is going on.

As a matter of fact, NOTHING sells better than 100% True Belief. And they know that very very well.
The Powers That Be know the best tonic is 100% True Belief.

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Re: Byron Katie, Waking Ericksonian Hypnosis, covert persuasion
Posted by: jj52 ()
Date: March 04, 2008 02:30AM

The Anticult

Well, if you spend time studying, LGATs, persuasion, cults, mind control, hypnosis, and all that stuff it starts to make sense. Then when you see a Byron Katie or her people running their PATTERNS and TECHNIQUES right in your face, and acting like its "true" or "not true" etc, you just shake your head and can't believe people can fall for it.
But if you don't know the techniques, they are invisisble.

But once you know them, its unbelievably obvious.
Look at these photos of Byron Katie.
They are all carefully posed, Photoshopped, and everything else, and in each one she is STARING RIGHT INTO YOUR EYES LIKE A HYPNOTIST of LOVE-BOMBING from a comedy movie!! Its so blatant, its hilarious to the trained eye. The CLOSE-UPS of the EYES for folks to get BONDED to and PROJECT on. Show that to any basic hypnotist, and he will start to laugh his ass off. She looks like she is doing LOVE MESMERISM, as a parody.
But sadly, it seems those she targets are NICE PEOPLE, who are just too trusting and "too nice", and seem to always be the ones getting hurt.

Her written TEXT is even more blatant the the photos.
And her voice...oye vie! The patterns, the hook, the Voice-Cues...

So I guess all I am saying is folks should consider doing some SERIOUS self-education in this stuff. The web is free, and its all there. Its all HERE.


You just reminded me of something... and I totally see what you are saying.

When my "friend" gave me that copy of Byron Katie's book "Loving What Is"... the night I brought it home, I showed it to my hubby and said, "Is there something wrong with this picture?" He said that she looked dead inside but was posing as something else. He said she was lying with her eyes. I couldn't see what he saw, but I remember that it made me feel so creepy. I would have given it back if I hadn't thought that was rude...

You said that she picks on the nice people. I've been trying to learn assertiveness skills for years. People actually have told me, "You're too nice." Even when my hubby said that about her I thought he was being mean so I didn't listen. Geesh! You really nailed that one, Anticult. I've learned a lot since then and I'm not so nice anymore.

NOW I can see that picture and see that there is really something wrong with it. She really is lying with her eyes.

Thank you. I am learning so much from all of this. Please, give me links to more information... I will read them. I'm just not very adept on the internet, so I have a hard time finding this stuff myself.


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/04/2008 02:35AM by jj52.

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Re: Byron Katie (the Work) and Eckhart Tolle Legit??
Posted by: Jon Willis ()
Date: March 04, 2008 03:46AM

Hey there,

My name's Jon - as you'll see from my user profile. I'm intrigued by what's going on here - I admit I don't know much about cults, as I've never been involved in one, at least not consciously :-)

I use The Work regularly (the process of asking the 4 questions and trying out the turnarounds), which I do see as something quite separate from anything that Byron Katie says. I've found it very useful and beneficial so far (been using it for almost 2 years now).

I've not been to The School or any weekend intensives - so far I've found that I have got enough out of the books, CDs and stuff available for free online.

I must admit when I first started with The Work I was a real pain in the ass for family and friends - constantly talking about it. It was similar to how I was with life coach training a few years before that.

Using The Work to look at my beliefs about other people, such as "He / she should do The Work" has worked for me, as I realized that was simply my own arrogance about what other people should and shouldn't do. It helped me to see what a pain in the ass I had been - with the coaching before The Work as well.

I guess it's human nature when something seems to work so well to want to shout about it - The Work helped me to mature around that. I do still share it with people from time to time, but from a place of 'well, this works for me.' None of my friends or family have taken it up, which I'm quite happy with - prior to doing The Work on these kind of beliefs I was much more in people's faces and obnoxious with the life coaching thing.

Anyway, that's my experience of The Work - in response to something that Anticult asked in an earlier post, I'm not a huge fan of it being called The Work. Feel self-conscious about capitalizing now, but for me that's just about avoiding confusing between work and the process called The Work.

I look forward to seeing what's posted.


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