I just Googled Byron Katie to see if any of these threads come up, but I went through 5 pages and didn't see anything.
What can we do to make the Rick Ross site come up sooner when people Google Byron Katie?
Many things.
First off, Google Byron Katie and a "negative" word, and see what comes up then!
But this is how to get a better Google ranking.
-each time you post, use full words, no just BK, but Byron Katie, and full names and words, those are KEYWORDS. And fill in a good descriptive TITLE to each post you make!
-LINKS LINKS LINKS: each person needs to go and post some links to these threads, on other message forums, blog comments, everywhere. Make 1-3 new links each day before you read the forum,or something like that.
Link to the main page, or a specific post. You can get the link to the specific post by pressing on the DATE in the post.
Then make those LINKS and use good cross-posted keywords in the link, that contain Byron Katie, and the specific detail. Once there are 100 links to this forum, then it may appear. BUT, Byron Katie has her Katie-bots doing this to, of course.
some good words appear to be- - which is how someone might type it in.
- Byron Katie scam?
- Byron Katie cult?
- Byron Katie weird?
- Byron Katie hypnosis
-Byron katie SHAM
For example, post to Factnet, to other skeptical forums...
BIG NAME BLOGS. If some big name blogs cover it, that's good. already there are a few links out there.
Google Blog Search, search for Byron Katie blogs here, and make some comments!!
Search Google and Google blogs, for Byron Katie and various keywords, and help people.
So I would say, the way to help more people, is more linking, more posting, more excerpts and cross-posting, etc. Over time it can really help people. They can sit at home and think about things.
For example, search for PSI SEMINARS. [
Isn't this about trying to get the word out, and get some education into the public about the dangerous effects of these programs?
There is not near ENOUGH linking and excerpt cross-posting going on about this subject in general. Nowhere near enough.
It is going to help the public much more if folks even just make 2 new links or excerpt cross-posts each day, to blogs, other chat-forums, anywhere. Hey, if 10 new links were made each day by a handful of people, word gets out. (groups like BK organize that stuff like crazy)
As a matter of fact, all the cross-posting and linking will help HUNDREDS of people for years to come. Even thousands of people. For years people will read it. Cross-posting fair-use excerpts for analysis is legal and moral. Its totally fine, and its very important.
I say the MORE cross-posting and linking, the better. this is not navel-gazing...its serious stuff, and it helps people.
Its about doing good things to help many people!
If a person makes maybe 3 links and excerpts, etc, each day, within a month its all over Google.
the person who doesn't know about all the LGAT and mind control can learn all about it!
This is why most LGATS and culty groups hate the internet.
Now they are trying to control it by having their own people make a zillion post and links.
So to help real people, learn from other people, go out and LINK all over the place.
It can help people, it can even possibly save a life going down the drain to one of these groups.
Education,Awareness and Knowledge is their enemy.
Ignorance is their friend.
So post, link, fair-use excerpt, and who knows, maybe some real folks will be helped out.