Here is something to look at.
Note how 'A' stated in her report on Jodys forum that BK actually seemed to WELCOME persons who arrived showing signs of mental instablity.
I'd have thought Katie would have screened more carefully to reduce her liability in these cases, but she actually seemed to welcome the more severely disturbed. I was aware that no deliberate or careful screening of mental and physical problems appeared in on-line registration. Signing up involved giving demographic info, sending money that would not be refunded, and not much else. We was not asked about diagnosis or medication until we arrived...a bit too late to shoo away people who had come from all over the world.
1) Most folks who struggle with mental illness tend to be shunned or disbelieved. So to be 'welcomed' as described by the informant quoted above, might by itself be intense
love bombing for someone who doesnt usually get a lot of affirmation, let alone from someone who has turned herself into a celebrity, meaning her photos on books are everywhere, including pop up adverts online, fliers on bulletin boards and new age stores health food marts and yoga studios, issues of throw away monthly mags that serve the new age scene.
And ---all the various Dharma/Yoga industry magazines. Those mags need to survive by selling advert space. People like BK have the dough to BUY acres of advertisting space and that means her face and name show up all over the place in new age venues.
Just because someones advert is in a Buddhist magazine, does not mean they are Buddhist. All it means is they have the money to pay for advertising space in that particular magazine.)Okay, so BK, by the definition of media exposure alone, rates as a celebrity. Ubiquitous marketing.
That's power, folks. Dont deny it. Ever meet someone you've only seen in the news but then you see them face to face?
Its trippy. Its powerful. Even if you can resist it, you still feel a tingle.
Now, here you are, mentally ill, feeling shame ridden already, used to people ignoring you, tuning you out--and someone whose face is all over the media is PAYING ATTENTION TO YOU.
Welcoming you in a way most of the non famous people in your life dont do.
Yowza. Thats looks like mega love bombing.
2) (This is sinister, but Ive been in homeless work and can vouch for this being true, too true)
If you are already mentally ill, when arriving at the hotel due to pre-existing biochemical and traumatic loading, or you later become destabilized as a result of the hardhships of the LGAT, here is the problem:
Suppose a crazed and dishevelled subject/victim to tell the police or the people at the hospital (whether they arrive during the workshop or afterward) that they need to be rescued from the celebrity leading the events or whose name is on the event literature.
The cops or the intake people at the hospital may only know of BK because they see her face on books ubiqutously displayed at stores, posters on the health food stores where they shop.
BK's face is as much in display in the new age scene as Barack Obamas face is in the mainstream media.
So...the cops or intake personell are likely to assume these people are not victims, but are crazed and that BK is part of their delusional system! They'll risk being ignored or taken to the hospital and snowed down with meds until they shut up.
You can get away with a lot if you decide to attract a following of disturbed people because they belong to a socially stigmatized catagory where no one wants to be with them or believe what they say.
Anyone who does 'welcome' them will seem like Jesus.
For those who want an idea of how hard it can be for mentall ill people or people crazed temporarily by stress to be believed, go read Rosenhans classic 30 plus year old paper paper entitled
'On Being Sane in Insane Places.
Rosenhan and several non psychotic accomplices did a participant observation experiment. They pretended to be crazy, contrived to be admitted to mental hospitals, and once there, they behaved eminently sanely.
While in the hospital, everything they did was labelled nuts. Making your bed neatly was labelled obsessive compulsive. Not making your bed was labelled disorganized, and so on. They were scapegoats. (
This was 30 plus years ago when there were sufficient funds to keep people in psych hospitals).
Now, if the organizers of the Work event find the police pounding on the hotel door...and BK happens to be leading it, she will probably know how to cool things down. And maybe the cops see her picutre a lot, figure shes famous and knows what shes doing.
And even if BK isnt leading the workshop (Janaki noted some people think BK will be leading a workshop, pay thorugh the nose arrive and find out BK isnt there in person, but is giving the talks via Skype and that counts as her being present).
In that case, its up to the facilitators to deal with any problem.
Note: If you are a facilitator and a Situation happens and BK isnt around to take care of it, YOU gotta take care of it. And if YOU happen to have a clinicians license and the doo doo hits the fan, your license is possibly on the line. BK doesnt have a clincians license, so she doesnt have one to lose. Ever talk to your lawyer about this?)As for the therapists and nurses who might hypothetically take care of hospitalized people who have been Worked to breaking point, they may be too overworked or untrained to see the salient differneces between genuine cognitive behavioral therapy and this stuff.
Who are the cops, or the ER charge nurses or the shrinks in PES gonna believe?
The crazed sleep deprived people, some of whom may be off their meds to purify themselves, and with circadian disruption due to lack of sleep and in some cases, being thousands of miles from home who say that they lost it in a Work program associated with BK, whose photo is on all the brochures and books at the stores? (and online, too?)
The cops and intake people are far more likely to assume these folks are merely garden variety nuts and BK is part of their delusional system.
If they try to tell people what BK did to them, it will be written off as part of their 'delusional system.'
Finally if any of these poor people beg for help from passers by to be rescued, they are likely to be ignored.
People who work or routinely go through areas full of homeless people tend to get hardened and shut down. Especially those who have tried to help and have been scammed too many times.
And..if you want your Work subjects wandering the streets, the smart thing is take em to an area where the neighborhood is already innundated with crazed people whom everyone already ignores.
Because, if you had a sudden influx of crazed, starving sleep deprived people tipped out onto Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills, the merchants would go batshit and call the cops.
Finally, even if a local hospital were to catch on that something strange is happening, they cannot by laws governing confidentiality, say anything. They are professionals.
Meanwhile, BK the nonprofessional reportedly, from this account, oversaw this , as described by March 2009 participant:
At all times, there was a staff member in the back of the room speaking very softly into a dictophone, recording every story and event. Katie's books are largely made up of these stories and a release is signed at the beginning, giving permission for your stories to be used. One could literally feel the next book taking shape in that room. It might have been a "voluntary" exploitation, but exploitation it was, nonetheless.
The Shame module was perhaps the most disturbing unit in the School. I believe this took place in the morning of Day Three, although I admit to losing track of what day it was (we were always either in the windowless conference room, on the 30-minute silent and led walks around the blocks nearby, or, briefly, on the grassy lawn in front of the hotel or in the halls of the hotel when we were set free to do The Work with a partner).
(corboy note: lack of exposure to sunlight can be very disruptive to circadian rhythm and is very bad for anyone genetically loaded for bipolar)
In the Shame unit, we were instructed to write down the thing we'd done in our lives that we were most ashamed of, then take the mike and tell the whole group, then do The Work on it with a partner. Shaming is a subtle but powerful component of psychological abuse used in every torture and mind control process. People stood up and, sobbing or preening, revealed everything from bestiality and zoophilia to embarrassing physical features, infidelity to poor parenting that bordered on abuse. Many people told of having been abused and shamed by that.
The reward for producing a novel or particularly painful shame experience was Katie's cooing, warm approval and attention.
This was such a powerful exercise that, for the next few days, Katie would interrupt whatever exercise was in process to say that so-and-so desired to tell about their shame. Folks who had kept quiet during the Shame module apparently could not resist being part of it all, taking that microphone, and joining Katie's "family."
Although Katie said, after the confessions had begun, that we should not reveal anything illegal, many seemed not to understand that bestiality, child abuse, etc., were illegal in the US
(Corboy note, if BK 'doesnt read books' according to her husbands interview comment, *why should anyone take her advice on what can be talked about vs what is illegal?*
Note: some things are not only illegal, there is no statute of limitation, meaning you can be prosecuted any time in the future if a complaint is filed and there is enough legally admissible evidence to support a case for the prosecution. )Edited 8 time(s). Last edit at 03/29/2009 01:46AM by corboy.