Eric Allen Bell
I absolutely reject any connection to Richard Spencer.
Eric Allen Bell is Alt-Right. This is Richard Spencer's creation. Yes? No? [
Eric Allen Bell
I absolutely detest Nazis.
Uh,huh, except he keeps talking like them. Here is another person besides myself who has noticed this. [
Eric Allen Bell
I have criticized Pamela Geller, but I have never "attacked her for being Jewish".
He said Brooke Goldstein belongs to a " chosen group that doesn’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else" The link he provides to supports this assertion is to his written piece attacking Pamela Geller for being a disloyal Jew. What an amazing liar. [
Eric Allen Bell
The Holocaust clearly did happen. It's unfortunate that all anyone can seem to ever mention about it is "six million Jews" and rarely do the other millions of victims get a mention, or movies made about them. If my word count on that subject does not meet your approval, that isn't my problem.
Word count? He has written nothing, bupkis, nada, zero about the Holocaust until now, when he is defending Holocaust denial as free speech. That's just the way it is.
Eric Allen Bell
. . . if I were to create a thread on a forum accusing Lawrence Estavan of being a rapist.
There is no evidence that I am a rapist. Just like there is no evidence that I am part of a Jewish Supremacist cabal, or that I am a Evangelical, end times rapture ready Christian, or that I am insane, or any of the libelous things Lyin' Eric says about me.
Eric Allen Bell
But when someone is expressing their political opinions, no matter how vile we might find them - and Holocaust denial is horrible - the way to combat this is not through the tyrannical and Leftist practice of censorship, but rather we fight repugnant free speech with better free speech.
Oh baloney! He does not believe in free speech. He believes in lying, and invective. He wants to shut this discussion down. Just look at it for yourself. He has threatened me with legal actions numerous times for honestly discussing what Lyin' Eric Allen Bell has said, and done.
Now he wants you to believe he is defending Holocaust denial on the grounds of freedom of speech. Only a fool or a cult follower would swallow this.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2018 07:59AM by livingengine.