The Return of Lyin' Eric Allen BellYou knew he couldn't stay away. He has to shutdown this thread, and is not a supporter of free speech.
One can look back on this thread and find Eric Allen Bell trying to get me fired for something he said that was anti-Semitic. Even by his own standards he makes over the top anti-Jewish statements.
Eric Allen Bell is Alt-Right that is the group associated with Richard Spencer, a Nazi.
If you have not already done so, please check out Eric Allen Bell’s own supporters rebelling over Eric’s relentless attacks on Jews. []
This is not me “painting” him as anti-Jewish. This is his own supporters telling him to back off.
Eric Allen Bell claims that Holocaust denial makes him “angry”. But, he has never written one word about the Holocaust. The link he provides to support his claim that Holocaust denial makes him angry makes no mention of the Holocaust, none.
Eric Allen Bell accuses Brooke Goldstein of being a woman who thinks, “ . . . she belongs to chosen group that doesn’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else”. The link he provides to support this assertion is to his piece attacking Pamela Geller for being Jewish.
Brooke Goldstein is trying to get YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter to comport with pre-established Spanish law regarding Holocaust denial, and anti-Semitic materials. Eric Allen Bell makes no discussion of this. Instead, he brings up the Canaanites to imply Jews are a genocidal group.
Eric Allen Bell’s article – “Jewish Organization Demands Internet Censorship or Face Legal Action” is not about freedom of speech. It is about Jews, and that he does not like them.
This is his right, of course. He is free to dislike whoever he chooses. But to try to get us to believe this is not what he is doing is the act of a delusional cult leader.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2018 05:41AM by livingengine.