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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 17, 2018 05:55AM

I absolutely reject any connection to Richard Spencer.

I absolutely detest Nazis.

I do not now nor have I ever hated all Jews.

I have criticized Pamela Geller, but I have never "attacked her for being Jewish".

The Holocaust clearly did happen. It's unfortunate that all anyone can seem to ever mention about it is "six million Jews" and rarely do the other millions of victims get a mention, or movies made about them. If my word count on that subject does not meet your approval, that isn't my problem.

I stand behind my criticism of Brooke Goldstein for using the Lawfare Project to (successfully) enforce censorship. I reject censorship of all kinds, even against the one group of people we are all forbidden from saying anything critical about. Yes, no one is special when it comes to censorship, no one is above the law.

Saying things that are intentionally untrue about a person, in a public forum, for the purpose of damaging or harming that person, does potentially have some legal liability, like if I were to create a thread on a forum accusing Lawrence Estavan of being a rapist. That is not protected speech and he would be well within his rights to take me to court.

But when someone is expressing their political opinions, no matter how vile we might find them - and Holocaust denial is horrible - the way to combat this is not through the tyrannical and Leftist practice of censorship, but rather we fight repugnant free speech with better free speech.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2018 05:57AM by Eric Allen Bell.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: July 17, 2018 07:38AM

Eric Allen Bell
I absolutely reject any connection to Richard Spencer.

Eric Allen Bell is Alt-Right. This is Richard Spencer's creation. Yes? No? []

Eric Allen Bell
I absolutely detest Nazis.

Uh,huh, except he keeps talking like them. Here is another person besides myself who has noticed this. []

Eric Allen Bell
I have criticized Pamela Geller, but I have never "attacked her for being Jewish".

He said Brooke Goldstein belongs to a " chosen group that doesn’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else" The link he provides to supports this assertion is to his written piece attacking Pamela Geller for being a disloyal Jew. What an amazing liar. []

Eric Allen Bell
The Holocaust clearly did happen. It's unfortunate that all anyone can seem to ever mention about it is "six million Jews" and rarely do the other millions of victims get a mention, or movies made about them. If my word count on that subject does not meet your approval, that isn't my problem.

Word count? He has written nothing, bupkis, nada, zero about the Holocaust until now, when he is defending Holocaust denial as free speech. That's just the way it is.

Eric Allen Bell
. . . if I were to create a thread on a forum accusing Lawrence Estavan of being a rapist.

There is no evidence that I am a rapist. Just like there is no evidence that I am part of a Jewish Supremacist cabal, or that I am a Evangelical, end times rapture ready Christian, or that I am insane, or any of the libelous things Lyin' Eric says about me.

Eric Allen Bell
But when someone is expressing their political opinions, no matter how vile we might find them - and Holocaust denial is horrible - the way to combat this is not through the tyrannical and Leftist practice of censorship, but rather we fight repugnant free speech with better free speech.

Oh baloney! He does not believe in free speech. He believes in lying, and invective. He wants to shut this discussion down. Just look at it for yourself. He has threatened me with legal actions numerous times for honestly discussing what Lyin' Eric Allen Bell has said, and done.

Now he wants you to believe he is defending Holocaust denial on the grounds of freedom of speech. Only a fool or a cult follower would swallow this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/17/2018 07:59AM by livingengine.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 19, 2018 01:24AM

Crazy Larry -

The only way you will ever get the last word on this ridiculous thread, the one you started with sock puppets, perpetuated with sock puppets, and then made your grand entry to talk compulsively about Eric Allen Bell, that thread - the only way you will have the last word is if you get me banned... banned for defending myself against lie, after lie, after lie.

You emasculated sad little man. Show a Psychiatrist all the many volumes of content you have posted on the web, about Eric Allen Bell, and I guarantee you that their assessment is that you are mentally ill.

Now that we got that out of the way...

I criticized Pamela Geller not for being Jewish, but specifically for being loyal to Israel first instead of America. But that's not as interesting, is it? I mean, if you want to really stick it to me with an accusation, on a thread that NOBODY is reading or cares about.

During the election, the term "Alt Right" re-emerged and came to mean essentially the new right and Steve Bannon probably had more influence than anyone. It was at that time that Richard Spencer saw an opportunity. Years prior he had actually coined the term and tried to build a blog and organization around it, unsuccessfully. Instead he came up with a new name for his White Nationalist organization, that is, until he seized on what Steve Bannon was doing. Specifically, Hillary Clinton very publicly and I must admit effectively, painted all of Trump's supporters as Alt Right. Then CNN and MSNBC made Richard Spencer into a star. Since then, nearly all of us who were using "Alt Right" in our metadata and language decided to walk away from it. The term is broken and will remain so, thanks for that idiot Richard Spencer.

On the Holocaust: I'm not required to be lock step with you on this, am I? Does the subject need more attention in the blogosphere? I do not apologize for my criticism that the other millions and millions and millions of people who died because of Hilter, get no movies made about them that go off to have awards thrown at them. Yes, there is a bias in Hollywood. And I do not apologize for calling out the tribalism that exists there. THAT DOES NOT MAKE ME ANTI-JEWISH.

And a Jewish organization using legal action to silence any free speech they don't like, on the Internet, is a subject I will absolutely write about and more bloggers should as well... except, the penalty for even slightly sounding like you're doing anything other than singing the praises of everyone in that group, is great. Therefore, few have the courage to speak up and refuse to be bullied by those who use the word "Antisemitism" as a weapon.

You are pathetic. Your lies are transparent. Your endless criticisms of me highlight the fact that you don't have a life. Your punishment for trying to put my name out on the street, with literally hundreds of posts, is that you have be you. And what an awful existence that must be for a lonely old Beta Boy such as yourself.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/19/2018 01:28AM by Eric Allen Bell.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: July 19, 2018 05:58AM

"HAIL TRUMP!" - Eric Allen Bell

"HAIL TRUMP!" - Richard Spencer

"Pastorius said...
. . . saying "Jewish Supremacists" control the IMF, Federal Reserve and the U.S Treasury is a Nazi Trope.

Are you aware of that?

Do you have evidence to provide on these Jews who, if you are to be believe, are essentially controlling everything in America?

. . . are you asking me to make sense of the guy who thinks "I have many Jews as friends" suffices to clear him of anti-Semitism when he claims Jews control all the major governmental financial institutions in the United States?

I really can't imagine what's going on in his mind.

I assume he is intelligent.

So something's wrong. I don't know what it is. But something is very wrong."

Eric Allen Bell
When Geller saw bus ads in New York that were critical of Israel, she raised enough money to place her own bus ads, warning people about what Islam teaches. And she and her lawyer, David Yerushalmi even won numerous court battles, when the transit authority tried to stop her from getting those bus ads and subway ads posted and seen. And I’m glad she did it.

But it is important to note that the inspiration to do this was to defend and promote Israel. And a sizable percentage of those ads speak directly to Israeli interests.[]

Geller, Pamela. FATWA: Hunted in America (Kindle Locations 3176-3177). Dangerous Books. Kindle Edition.
We put these ads up in response to vicious Jew-hating ads that American Muslims for Palestine, or AMP, unleashed on Washington Metro buses in April 2014.

American Muslims for Palestine is the second coming of the Islamic Association for Palestine, a Hamas front. If this is evidence of Pamela Geller being an Israeli agent, then the Department of Justice, the FBI, the U.S. Treasury Department, and U.S. District Court judge Jorge Solis should also be considered Israeli dupes. This is ridiculous.

"Judge Reinstates Hamas/American Muslims for Palestine Lawsuit" - Algemeiner
In 2015, the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT) first identified at least five AMP officials and speakers who worked in the Hamas-supporting “Palestine Committee.”[]

Eric Allen Bell's piece "Jews for Refugees?" is not about HIAS, or anything other than Eric Allen Bell doesn't like Jews. []

The same is true of his piece about Brooke Goldstein which is not about Brooke, or free speech, or even Holocaust denial. It is about him, and how much he doesn't like Jews.

He doesn't like Jews, he favors Nazi rhetoric, he joins Nazi oriented groups, and he is entitled to do this. What he is not entitled to do, is get the rest of us to believe he does not do, or say these things, and have these affinities.

To insist on denying the reality that we can all see for ourselves is something a cult leader would do.

Attachments: Eric's letter to pamela about jewish supremacists.PNG (41.1 KB)  
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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 19, 2018 08:16AM

This is what is trending at the top of Twitter right now:

"Zuckerberg effectively defends right of Holocaust deniers to be heard on Facebook"

‘I find [Holocaust deniers] deeply offensive. But at the end of the day, I don’t believe that our platform should take that down because I think there are things that different people get wrong. I don’t think that they’re intentionally getting it wrong.’ - Mark Zuckerberg, Chairman of Facebook



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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 19, 2018 08:28AM

The idea that all Jews are secretly controlling every important part of American life, conspiring to take down Western Civilization, is ridiculous.

I spoke to David Duke on the phone, as he responded to my article that was a highly critical open letter to him. I was emailed a phone number and listened to him for a very, very long time. I believe he is suffering from many problems, but specifically as it pertains to this subject, he is suffering from Confirmation Bias. To Duke and those who follow him, anything can be yet more proof of a super secret Jewish conspiracy. I am not part of that crowd.

Am I critical of the tribalism that goes on in Hollywood and much of media in general? You bet I am. Does that make me "Antisemitic"? Hardly. But you can keep trying to paint me with that brush Mr. Estavan, if that's what the voices in your head are telling you to do.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 19, 2018 08:34AM

I wrote several pieces that are critical of other organizations, such as Black Lives Matter. Does that mean, using Estavan Logic, that I must hate all black people?

What about my articles on Sanctuary Cities, where I'm critical of La Raza and illegal aliens? Does that mean I must therefore hate all Latinos?

So why would it be any different, if a Liberal Jewish organization, supportive of Israel and it's wall, but is holding public protests against Trump's proposed wall... Why would the only conclusion that can be drawn of anyone critical of this group be that they hate all Jews? This is lunacy.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: July 19, 2018 09:19AM

Three irrelevant posts from Eric Allen Bell.

One more time for the slow learners - go read EAB's "Jewish Organization Demands Internet Censorship or Face Legal Action"

It is not about the Holocaust, or free speech. It is about Eric Allen Bell's opinion of Jews.

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: Eric Allen Bell ()
Date: July 19, 2018 11:05AM

So you can read my mind and my heart? Because that article you site certainly does not express disdain for Jews.

And if I did hate all Jews, why would I have so many as friends and business partners?

Your attempt to paint me as an Alt Right Jew Hater is pretty weak. Add to that the fact that clearly no one is reading this or interjecting anything.

Don't you have a life?

There are real Jew haters out there, serious ones, dangerous ones. Why don't you focus on exposing them?

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Re: Eric Allen Bell
Posted by: livingengine ()
Date: July 19, 2018 12:01PM

Eric Allen Bell
So you can read my mind and my heart?

No, I can read his writing.

Eric Allen Bell

Because that article you site certainly does not express disdain for Jews.

Yes, it does.

Eric Allen Bell
" Does this woman think she belongs to chosen group that doesn’t have to follow the same rules as everyone else? You would almost think there is some unspoken rule that you can criticize any religious group, just not that one – or you do so at your peril.

I mean, when “God” tells his people to go into the Promised Land, find the Canaanites and kill every man, woman and child (that’s right, slaughter babies) but to save the gold and silver – what do you do? But I digress… We have bigger fish to fry than making sure one protected group doesn’t get their feelings hurt."

There are other examples of this. Eric Allen Bell does not like Jews. That is just the way it is.

He can try to twist other people around his finger, but that is not going to work here. i am immune to his cult leader powers.

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