Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: June 07, 2008 01:54PM

Dave comparing critics with terrorists source: []

Their campaign of terror and hate is obviously far from over. So even the more modern meaning of the word "dismember" is not so far away from the truth.

"campaign of terror" You must be joking Dave. Chill out!

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2008 02:01PM by apostate.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Coolhermit ()
Date: June 07, 2008 11:05PM

The length of this thread and threads like it serve to illustrate the sheer vanity of these cult leaders. Rather than twisting and turning and obfuscating and blaming all and sundry why cannot these 'enlightened ones' simply take a humble step back and go, "Wow, I must be giving off a false impression and I need to seriously check out whether I'm on the right track" or something similar.

There would be no need of 300 plus pages of thread if Dave could admit to himself that he needs to humble himself and admit that he has flaws.

Hubris eh? It brings all down in time.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: June 08, 2008 12:25AM

A delight again to watch Ash expose the "Christian" hatred that David has instilled in, for anyone who purportedly threatens the greater glory of the JesusChristians, in this case his own mother);

I love the world because the message of the Bible if nothing else is love...and the more I spurn any show of affection from my mother, the more love I must then have for the "truth"..........(or then again, is it perhaps just the more love that Ash will have for the servitude of David....the "truth" that he lives for now!)

David's satanic idiocy........ there for all the world to see in the Australian Story!

Again, all my thanks Ash, for putting the years of work that David spent "cultivating" the media and "grooming" contacts, to no effect!

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: June 08, 2008 12:44AM

Dear Cool hermit,

Thank you for looking in on this forum once more.

You may see David McKay (asking his wife for an "objective" opinion of him?) in a small clip on the FERAL's just a sadistic psychosis now....the more he is criticized, the more those who criticize him are "disobediant".....circular reasoning based on assumptions that are centered in his own delusions of grandeur.....

There is actually nothing that can de done for him now IMO....this forum can only hope to limit the damage he does to others, not to himself....

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: June 08, 2008 01:18AM

Kinda hard to recollect stuff when you're only 6 years old, so Malcolm will have to excuse me if I don't consider this childhood experience enough to guilt me into taking up arms against my brother. Those posting on this website have spent more time with my brother than I have, ..Davids Brother

Yes I HAVE spent a lot longer with your brother than you have, years and years longer than you ever have in your adult you're not going to "guilt me" into laying down arms against someone you really barely know, (and who I imagine has recently got in touch with his "dearly loved, long-lost brother" and with silky voice implored you to put a stop to the needless "attack" on dear old Mum...)

(...exactly how accurate were the quotes Brian obtained.....? DON'T GENERALIZE....commit yourself to describing where he was wrong....otherwise the suspicion in any blanket accusation, that you might make is that:

You're simply quoting the words David put to you, verbatim aren't you!!

and I really believe the only purpose of getting me to post here would be to hurt Dave by saying, look, we got your own flesh and blood to oppose you.
Davids' brother
Muppet's correct when she says that most of the people who post here are nice....I just happen not to be one of them...I'm happy for you NOT to post, after all

David's own "flesh and blood" (three out of his four children already DO oppose him)....

.....and how pathetic are you?'d sell out your own nieces and nephews, to placate the interests somehow who couldn't care less about you, (except when you're needed to attempt to somehow denigrate the accuracy of those on those board.....funny that your brother should get in touch again after so long, right during a period of media controversy when he knew this board would be under some scrutiny.....a mere, coincidence of course...the material you mention hasn't been quoted on this forum for something like a 100 pages.....first mentioned on page 187!!.....You haven't outlined what piqued your interest once more....urgent messages from Australia once again???)

There was no "attack" on your mother....but you may be a disgrace to a brave woman who tried to do what she could to help me and a number of others with her public condemnation of David.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Talamasca ()
Date: June 09, 2008 01:41AM

One of the most significant pieces of information to have been posted recently on the Jesus Christians website seems to have been largely overlooked.

And yet, it's arguably the biggest clue to resolving the key question of whether this little group is a genuinely Christian community or a cult. It's from a post that 'trial member' Kirstie posted on June 5th at 8.45 am. She wrote, in response to what I believe were totally inappropriate and personal comments about her husband:

"I was being told by Grace, Sue and others that I should consider what would happen if he didn't want to join and that there was a possibility that I would have to leave him to follow God."

Kirstie, thankfully, was too clever and strong-willed to fall for this outrageous and disgraceful attempt to drive a wedge between her and her husband. But here's my question. And with respect, it's not really a question for people on this forum. It's a question for the JCs who I know read this forum on a daily basis - and in particular the two long-standing members who I know are finally thinking of leaving, because they're good people who want to do genuinely Christian work.

Anyway, here's my question:

How Christian was that?


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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Offended ()
Date: June 09, 2008 04:24AM

Malcolm Wesley WREST
Yes I HAVE spent a lot longer with your brother than you have, years and years longer than you ever have in your adult you're not going to "guilt me" into laying down arms against someone you really barely know, (and who I imagine has recently got in touch with his "dearly loved, long-lost brother" and with silky voice implored you to put a stop to the needless "attack" on dear old Mum...)

You really must get a grip Malcolm, people will not respect the intent of this forum if you continue to make unfound accusations and attacks. I have not now, or every attempted to get you to lay down arms against David, but if I am wrong about this, please (someone else in a more civil tone) correct me.

Malcolm Wesley WREST
You're simply quoting the words David put to you, verbatim aren't you!!

Pure speculation on your part based on absolutely nothing except anger. However, I will let you know that after this exchange, I did fire off an email to my brother, basically saying that while I do not like seeing my mother on the RR forum, I also take issue with hearing that she is on the JC forum. The ONLY side I have ever taking in my posts, is my mother's. You really must decide what you believe, first you believe David thrives on persecution including that of his mother's, then you decide he would implore me to remove any record of this persecution. Why is it so hard for you to believe I might care for my own mother WITHOUT it being some mindless act dictated by your nemesis?

Malcolm Wesley WREST
.....and how pathetic are you?'d sell out your own nieces and nephews, to placate the interests somehow who couldn't care less about you, (except when you're needed to attempt to somehow denigrate the accuracy of those on those board.....funny that your brother should get in touch again after so long, right during a period of media controversy when he knew this board would be under some scrutiny.....a mere, coincidence of course...the material you mention hasn't been quoted on this forum for something like a 100 pages.....first mentioned on page 187!!.....You haven't outlined what piqued your interest once more....urgent messages from Australia once again???)

And again you resort to name-calling. I pretty much know that my nieces and nephews DO NOT consider my coming to my mother's defense as 'selling out'. You will be hard-pressed finding any of my nieces or nephews to have an ill word about me. Unlike you, they don't hate their grandmother just because they have issues with their father, and they likewise don't hate me for trying to protect my mother. If you really want to succeed in the law profession, you should try and get a few facts correct. My brother has not gotten in touch with me at all. The material I mention was not just quoted in this forum, but also resposted in it's entirety here on the RR Forum.
Let's do a integrity check shall we Malcolm?:
June 07, 2008 06:02PM Malcolm makes a post on this page (3 entries after the repost of Brian's letter the RRmoderator cautioned him about last December, posted AGAIN June 4th)
June 07, 2008 07:18PM just over an hour later, Malcolm says the material has never again been mentioned, and that I am posting because I get 'urgent messages from Austrailia'.

You have to at least give the appearance of being honest if you want to win people to your cause Malcolm. Many people on this forum feel you do more damage to their cause than help because of your foundless accusations and name-calling. Brian and I have come to an agreement because he is not consumed with hatred like you are. If you must be filled with so much hate, please stop pepper spraying every person that posts here with name-calling and accusations of being a David robot. You've get more out of the forum, and people might actually take your posts a little more seriously.

Malcolm Wesley WREST
.....There was no "attack" on your mother....but you may be a disgrace to a brave woman who tried to do what she could to help me and a number of others with her public condemnation of David.

Rick Ross would disagree (and has), and he even did it without name-calling.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 09, 2008 05:38AM

Let's stop the invective on both sides and focus on the topic of this thread, which is Dave McKay and his group.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: June 09, 2008 06:03AM


Better off dead? Did you catch that? This article is over 20 years old. Sue's entire adult life really has been one long coercion by DM. Sue would be turning forty soon, if she has not already. That's sad, isn't it? And with an ill father, too.

I think that I have met somebody that claimed to have a copy of that very ("better off dead") letter and will try to obtain a copy for scanning and archiving.

In reading your responses, Egypt-E, I am struck with the realization that no one can tell us certain things, we have to discover them for ourselves. I just pray that you don’t wake up over twenty years from now and think, “what have I done with the best years of my life?”

I wonder if Sue ever thinks this way?

They once told Sue's mom that she'd be "better off dead" than to see her daughter out of the group. This was over twenty years ago. And Sue's father was in the hospital, seriously ill to boot. DM split her family up years ago and now has Sue well trained to do the same to other families as well.

How Christian is that?


After TSGM tells Cherry that she feels sorry for her, Cherry says something; it sounds like "No, please don't." Can anybody make that out? What does Cherry3PO say there?


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/09/2008 06:09AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: apostate ()
Date: June 09, 2008 01:25PM

Joe, from Basketball, to vollying for "prophet" status. Source: []

Now, on to my real point. What I am (rather cautiously) postulating here is that Barrack Obama WILL win the populous election to represent the United States in the upcoming election this year -- much the same as Al Gore did in winning the populous election over US president George Bush eight years ago -- only before he is allowed to take office, something cataclysmic will happen making it "necessary" that George Bush stay in office a bit longer, or something to that effect, with the ultimate reality being that Barrack will never actually be able to assume power as president, even though he wins the election. Now please bear in mind that this is all speculation, and that there is nothing in the Bible or from God saying specifically that this is whatt will happen -- but based on a combination of things the Bible DOES say, world affairs with the way current events are shaping up, and a little common sense coupled with logic/reason, it does seem to me that this is a PLAUSIBLE scenario for how events will unfold for the US over the next few coming months/year. I would not be at all surprised if soon after (assumingly) Barrack was elected president, America was destroyed (though I am hoping not to be too embarrassed if ensuing events end up looking nothing like what I have predicted here, leaving me with more than a little egg on my face!).

Defintely something worth considering, and I would appreciate comments on this theory from anyone else who has thoughts on this issue.

Well good to see you putting a time line on this Joe.

I note that Dave is not challenging you on it at all. After you are shown to be completely wrong, will you then come to your senses and see the absolute folly in you pretending to be a prophet? In the OT days such things would get you stoned to death. Tell you what, let us enter into a deal of sorts, ... i.e. if you get it right that G.W. Bush stays in office longer due to a "cataclysmic" event I will come to the JC's and let you whip me, but when you get it wrong, I want you to visit your mum ALONE for 1 day. Sound fair? Come on Joe put some weight of commitment behind this prediction of yours. If you are sure that it is a combination of "common sense coupled with logic/reason" you should have no difficulty with this agreement.

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