Besides- the world needs more gay poets. Al's poetry is fab- he's really talented and wonderful. Bring it on Al!xxxxx
Yeah, "A GOOD HARD F**K" and "A Gay Christmas" are real literary masterpieces. Al's a regular Walt Whitman.
Seriously though: look, before you yell "Homophobe!", I want to say that I don't care if Al's gay. I am not making fun of him. I never said that there is something wrong with being gay. What consenting adults do behind closed doors (as long as nobody is getting hurt) is their business, and none of mine.
The first time I saw those pix was like six months ago, and I never pulled them out before now because they have nothing to do with the topic at hand.
Al's latest round of bulls**t set me off and I decided to take them out of the closet, so to speak. Al outed himself already. All I did was Google his name.
I am sick and tired of the childish antics of Al the gay poet/Jehovah's Witness/Jesus Christian supporter/transvestite/erotic poetry author/Internet troll.
All that I am doing is simply trying to get him to quit trolling these boards, stirring up drama, and starting trouble. I want him to understand that this is not a game nor anything to be taken lightly. This is serious, and not a place for high school rumor-mongering.
He put those photos online, and they are publicly accessible. It's therefore "fair game." Don't dish it out if you are not prepared to take it, Al. Don't put pictures of yourself dressed like a woman out there if you are not prepared for people to see them, and don't complain about it when people read up on you. Don't call people names like "Satan's whore" or "dyke" unless you are prepared to air out your own laundry in public.
Al always projects his own gay self-hatred onto everybody else.
He has written me a couple of times threatening suicide, and once after he supposedly got his stomach pumped after swallowing a bunch of pills, and I urged him to go get some professional help. He is practically screaming out for it. The man has serious, serious issues.
There's nothing to be ashamed of in seeking psychiatric help, Al. I did and it worked for me. I do not judge you. You need help, Al. Please get it.
And please say hi to Wayne for me while you are at it.
Edited 5 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2008 10:16AM by zeuszor.