Dave writes: [
"Actually, Casey, Anita has "responded" (in the way that all Rick Ross posters respond, which is by quoting us over there and responding over there, where they feel "safe"). It was a surprisingly civil response:"
And, curiously enough it is the same way that JC's respond to us.
"So now I guess we just sit and wait to see if she comes over here. I hope so, because it would probably represent a significant breakthrough in real dialogue if that happened."
Is Dave trying to suggest a RR critic has not attempted to have direct dialogue with the JC's? I have repeatedly tried and faced the mob, but it invariably ends with them making personal insults and then banning me because people who have not been "properly trained" might be confused by what I say. They only tolerate you while they think they are winning the argument. Any time you want an unmediated conversation, Dave, say the word and we'll set up our own discussion board where we can enact "a significant breakthrough in real dialogue".
"I think, Anita, that with exchanges like that, you might actually get better answers to your questions here than what you feel you are getting at the moment over there. Now that it is clear to everyone who you are (and I think you yourself have accepted that now), there really is no need to worry about me working out who you are, which seems to be what worries most other critics about posting here."My somewhat cynical view is that after Dave has taken your right to privacy away from you and that no longer intimidates you from posting, he now wants to see if he can humiliate you further. Some critics worry that when they enter a discussion and express an independent thought on an issue it will result in a mob ganging up on them firing personal accusations and insults, where their posts might be deleted or edited and where the whole discussion thread gets dissconnected from its original context and relocated under a heading that makes a witty, but derogatory play with their name. Or in my case, threats being made against someone else to force me to drop an issue.
"Personally, I admire your willingness to keep posting despite your identity being out in the open, and hope that it will act as a model for other Friends who have genuine concerns about us."I agree with Dave on that point. Its always good to stand up to bullies and call their bluff.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/24/2008 05:52AM by apostate.