Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: February 26, 2008 07:16AM


You know and I know that with one phone-call you could confirm that what a recent Non-JC poster has posted on your forum about me is totally and completely false in every respect. I leave it up to your conscience whether to allow it to remain would dignify the "Publishing the Truth" thread.

I am still wondering what would happen to any Quaker members who might take up your invitation to join your forum? Surely you would not "gobble them up"?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2008 07:21AM by Blackhat.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: February 26, 2008 11:58AM

Dear Blackhat,

But of course, why would David want to do that (clarify whether an allegation against you has any basis in fact) when "hearsay evidence" allows him the luxury to ultimately deny any responsibility for the slander against you in the event that the allegation is disproven (even though outside the confines of Davids twisted mind, that would of course constitute a legal fiction as he directly MANAGES the information that he is presented on his site, in addition to blowing his own trumpet on it, as loudly as can, whenever he can) and in the meantime David materially benefits from malicious rumours that call into question, your veracity......

....while you are ethically quite right to challenge this Blackhat, I can understand why, from David's (Satanic) perspective, it would be a "win-win" situation for him....

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: February 26, 2008 01:26PM


You know and I know that with one phone-call you could confirm that what a recent Non-JC poster has posted on your forum about me is totally and completely false in every respect. I leave it up to your conscience whether to allow it to remain would dignify the "Publishing the Truth" thread.

I am still wondering what would happen to any Quaker members who might take up your invitation to join your forum? Surely you would not "gobble them up"?

Oh man, that's low.

Al, quit trolling and go get some therapy. I did and I feel a lot better. There's nothing to be ashamed of.

Al is obviously a deeply conflicted homosexual and seems to habitually project his self-loathing onto others. He accuses everybody of being gay and loves to start rumors and falsely "out" people. He is an internet troll and it's all a game to him.

Google "Al Antony Moody" or "Aly Antony Moody" and see what you come up with, Blackhat. Al is super-gay himself. I do not care who is gay and who is not, that is not the point. How could Al post all of these homophobic comments like that? How conflicted is he about his own sexuality?

There even used to be some photos of him dressed like a woman on this one web page, but they are gone now.

Al's already outed himself. Look at this; I am the one with issues?


By the way: how is Wayne, Aly?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2008 01:31PM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: February 26, 2008 06:12PM

I can confirm that David has moderated his forum appropriately, however, I will decline his invitation to join it. And I would caution any Quaker Members to look at what has happened to me before venturing into such an arena.

I have spoken my truth, my question about "Whipping the Kenyan Boy" remains unanswered, and I think the time has come to let events play out without my participation. Unless, of course, some other outrage like the whipping I keep asking about should occur..........

I was outed (funnily enough) for challenging a poster here about what looked like libel against a Jesus Christian!

I have continued to post because I believe that nobody should be silenced by bullying. I thank Apostate, especially, for his insightful and measured commentary, but as my interest in this matter is academic, not personal, I believe my conscience tells me that I have done what I could to alert any new recruits to the Jesus Christians of the dangers of such an involvement. In doing so, I myself have experienced just a small measure of what some of those who have been closely involved have experienced. To quote The Two Ronnies:

"Corbett: So it's "Goodnight" from me.
Barker: And it's "Goodnight" from him.
Both: Goodnight!"

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: Blackhat ()
Date: February 26, 2008 07:36PM


Looks like I was right about the disproportionate number of posts on the "Gay and Lesbians" forum. Looks like Dave is having a job bringing a couple of posters on that Forum into line............


I knew it was out of kilter, as someone who couldn't care less about such matters.

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Re: Sexual Deviance
Posted by: cait ()
Date: February 26, 2008 09:07PM


Looks like I was right about the disproportionate number of posts on the "Gay and Lesbians" forum. Looks like Dave is having a job bringing a couple of posters on that Forum into line............


I knew it was out of kilter, as someone who couldn't care less about such matters.

Hello Blackhat,

fortunately you're grown up, so there's no need to remind you of old adages like 'sticks and stones', and don't forget too, that the G & L Mardi Gras with all it's hype is coming up on the Sydney calendar. Nevertheless, I do welcome you to the experience of being 'loved' by those who consider you to be an enemy, and prayed for, by those who believe you to be persecuting them. I don't do links, but here is an example of my experience:


No matter. The boy meant no harm. Praise the Lord that God does forgive them, because they really do not know not what they do when they say such things.

I love Ashwyn as my son because he is, and I love Ross like a brother, because he has looked out for Ash most honourably over the last 3 years. In return, they seem to love me like poison ivy or a planters wart, and I could weep for it, because I just don't understand it, or why all my communications are met with a wall of stony silence.

I have to tell you too btw, that they do glean some really great fruit and vegies in bin-raiding. They provided us with some wonderful ingredients for meals when staying with us in the past, and you know, Ross maintains a healthy gluten-free diet.

I know that Ross and Ash have cut off their relations with us pretty much on the strength of their take on last year's Australia Story program, and the pain of that is that Dave and Ash had deliberately involved us in it; but what does dwelling on that achieve? Not too much. I just want to make a new start with Ashwyn in this new year, and am praying for that.

I don't normally choose to write here, because I believe that my doing so has offended Ashwyn in the past, but since he has not responded to anything I have written to him since January 18th, I am hard-pressed to know if he has received any of my emails in that time, and must use whatever venue is available to reach out to him.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: February 26, 2008 09:57PM

Its not often I feel so obliged, however;

I can confirm that David has moderated his forum appropriately...Blackhat

I thank you David, for doing so and acknowledge the responsibility you have shown to those who post on your site, in this instance....

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: February 26, 2008 11:27PM

Everybody, I was not making fun of Aly. Some of his "friends" over there at the other forum chastising me for "slandering" him.

My only intention was to point out that all of these vicious ad hominem attacks and homophobic comments that Al comes up with are all coming from a guy who publicly posts vile, filthy pornographic "poetry" on the internet, under his own name, for the whole world to access.

All I did was point out a gross inconsistency in his behavior.

Al, if you don't want the world to know that you are gay, then don't tell the whole world that you are gay via the medium of the Internet. Don't post pictures of yourself dressed up as your alter ego "Aly."

At the same time that Al is posting sodomy-themed "poetry" at gaypoetryonline, he is at the JC forum posting Bible quotes like he is some choir boy.

Talk about living a double life.

Talk about conflicted.

Talk about projection.

All I had to do was Google his name(s) to find that stuff. It was not hard, it was easy.

If you all over there were really his friends, you'd urge him to get some help and stop being such a trolling drama queen.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/26/2008 11:29PM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: zeuszor ()
Date: February 27, 2008 04:06AM

Here they are; I found the pix.


Look at the "photos" section and compare the pix of Al (sixth and seventh from the bottom) to that girl (second and third from the bottom).

The chin, the spacing between the eyes and eyebrows, the smile, they all match. Is this Al/Aly? I believe it is.

If you don't want people to see it, folks, don't put it on the internet.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/27/2008 04:14AM by zeuszor.

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Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Posted by: hello ()
Date: February 27, 2008 08:17AM

Now- you hopefully know that I have lots of love for you and you're always welcome at mine.x
I happen to love Al very much too. Sometimes he can be a bit naughty- and say hurtful things. We ALL have the potential to do that. I'd really prefer it if you take down that link.
Please take down the link. No one thinks badly of Blackhat! :)

Rick- please will you take down the post. Rightly or wrongly- Al is a human being. This forum shouldn't be a place where vulnerable people are exposed.

COMPASSION! C'mon Brian- you know you want to really! :)xx

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