Re: "Jesus Christians," "Australian cult," Dave McKay
Date: December 19, 2007 09:52AM
I am a brother of the INFAMOUS David McKay. First time reader of your forum, first time poster. Trying to understand these rules, and how they apply to this forum:
Don't post false statements, contrived fiction, deliberately misleading statements, obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful and/or threatening comments, which may violate any laws.
Please understand that you are personally responsible for all your comments and actions through this message board.
The purpose of this message board is not to promote a specific religious and/or political viewpoint. Don't use it to preach or proselytize.
Vitriolic posts that personally attack people, will not be tolerated and are grounds for banning the author from this message board.
Any person that is here to cause trouble, start arguments and/or intimidate people, will be banned.
I am only posted because of recently becoming aware that my nearby elderly mother has been quoted (or quite possibly misquoted) all over this forum.
I am a regular church attender, and strive to be a good Christian, and I am sure my mother, Dave, and most of you would consider me to be on the other side of the fence from Dave because I do not practice Jesus' teachings in the same way as the JCs.
Being a website designed to control cults, and being that I see tons of scripture quoted here, I believed the posters to also be Christians until I found out there are a few forum rules which are unwritten.
RULE #1 - WWJD, obviously, he would sit at a computer keyboard, come up with a alias, and lamblast people in an anoymous fashion.
RULE #2 - If what is posted by someone else goes against my point of view, it is a blatant lie.
RULE #3 - If what is posted supports my point of view, then it is the gospel truth, not matter who the source.
I post here in regards to rule #3. My elderly mother is being utilized as a tool to fuel your hatemongering website, and the viciousness of how her words were used leaves me AGHAST. If you wish to believe the information (obviously, because it might support your point of view), then you must believe that I am one of the pious (devout, religious, honest) sons. So you must therefore believe me when I tell you it is FULL of falisies. I will not stoop to quibble about what is true and what is false, I will simply say: DO NOT UTILIZE WORDS FROM MY MOTHER (either quoted, or twisted) to support your war against Dave. By all means, have a blast at your unchristian namecalling, and quite possibly blast David for some of his erroneous beliefs or teachings, but,
I have no doubt someone on this forum will doubt I am really one of Dave's brother (because it doesn't support their point of view), and I am prepared to prove it if necessary to keep you away from me and my mother, but it will be on MY terms, because I don't trust any of you that post anoymously on this website. You must have something to hide.