Hi everyone. My name is Fran. I am a member of the Jesus Christians. I have visited your site frequently to see things from your perspective. I am not sure how much freedom of speech is allowed in this forum (ie. whether someone like me - a member of the targetted group - is writting). Since some of you have asked people to provide objective evidence, I thought I would contribute some based entirely on the fact that I AM a member, so I know what things go on and what does not go on in the Jesus Christians.
I would like to answer some of the issues raised (although I am a bit rushed at the moment for time, so I won't be able to contribute very much). I hope I can clarify some of the questions that people have, even though I realise that we may not all see eye to eye, and that we may still agree to disagree.
Actually the group called "Jesus Christians" appears to be little more than a personality-driven cult led by a former member of the notorious "Children of God" named David McKay.
I often wonder why people do not mention that David was only a member of the Children of God for three months, and that he specifically left when he found out that they were teaching sexual immorality (Flirty Fishing). And yet, those three months seem to continually be used as evidence that David is an inheritly evil man.
I personally have not been a member of that group, but I have done some pretty dumb things when I was young! I suppose people can use that as evidence that I can never be a Christian, but I would seriously question such reasoning.
Many members donated their kidneys to people at the suggestion of their leader McKay.
I have donated one of my kidneys. It is true that I first found out about the possibility of donating a kidney through Dave (who had watched a movie about it on a plane to Australia). However, I would be stupid to make such a serious decision on the basis of a suggestion from someone else. One of the things that we encourage people to do is to think for themselves, and to be ready to make a stand against anyone if you feel they are leading you to do something that goes against your conscience and what you feel God is personally saying to you.
Just as all you moderators would not donate a kidney simply because Rick Ross told you to do so, neither did I (nor any other JC that I know of) donate because of suggestion from someone else.
I am not aware that Jesus Christians has any mandated democratic process through a formal constitution, any government through an elected board, or financial transparency through a published independently audited financial report that details the groups buget and expenses.
I was not aware that people had to be so formal to be Christians. Neither am I aware that everyone in the world has to produce such public records. There are only around 25 Jesus Christians in the whole world. Such formality seems excessive. Nevertheless we have clear budget records of how every cent is spent between ourselves. We also DO have a democratic process when it comes to how to use funds or what project we are likely to invest time in.
By the way, do you publicly post an account of every cent that you spend? It wouldn't be fair to ask others to do something you don't do yourself.
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Dave does not like parents because they get in his way and perhaps he has not been very successful in that role himself.If they are all accusing him of the same thing, perhaps there is some substance to the allegation?
I would have to disagree with this statement, particularly because it incorrectly generalizes. Most of the JCs, including myself, have a good relationship with our parents. I have spent weeks living at my parents place any they have visited us when they have been near where we are. However, my parents didn't propagate lies about me or the Jesus Christians in the media, nor did they threaten with or use any physical violence. They just accepted that as an adult, I was free to choose what I want, and are confident that if I decide to do something else, then I will. But not all parents have that confidence with their children and so some react irrationally out of fear. Unfortunatley this often creates a self-fullfilling prophecy in that it causes us to hide when we think that someone is going to hurt us.
Dave has already admitted that he hid a 17 yr old from her parents in India until she reached the legal age of consent when she was formally recruited. The whole account is recorded in one of Dave's articles called 'The Great Escape' Some people in india considered that to be kidnapping too.
I am not sure what experience you have had in living in Developping Countries, but there are some things that are very different. In a predominantly Hindu and somewhat fundamentalist environment, what would you do if a 17 year old told you she was being sexually abused by her relatives and that she wanted to become a Christian? It is precisely because the Jesus Christians are willing to risk their own lives to protect such people (and to allow them to practise their religion freely) that puts them in such situations which present questions as to how best to deal with it. But, ehem, didn't Rick Ross physically and forcefully detain a 19 year old against his will? The Jesus Christians have never held anyone against their will. That's a big difference.
Dave was concerned about violence yet he sent him home? Or maybe Dave was not worried about violence but needed to get some information.
Damned if you do, and damned if you don't. That's the kind of attitude we have often encoutered with people who like to demonise us. No, Dave didn't need any information. Joe went home because we were not convinced that he had thought through all the issues involved in joining the community. You see, when parents falsely accuse us, print lies about us, and persecute us, it puts the person who is thinking about joining us under a lot of pressure (caused by the parents, media, etc. and not by us!). They often feel like they should joing straight away, whereas we want them to make a rational decision after having considered all the issues.
Dave made similar statements during the Bobby Kelly case, claiming (on air) at one stage that he didnt know where BK was, yet all the time he was with group members in a campsite in Surrey( where the Police finally found him) In other words Dave lied.
Dave did not know where Bobby Kelly was. Just because Bobby was with members of the Jesus Christians does not mean that Dave knew his whereabouts. They purposely did not tell him so that he would not know. So, no, Dave did not lie.
Interesting that he uses the word captured rather than rescued.
As I said before, we have never held anyone against their will. It was Bobby who did not want to be made a ward of state and to be manipulated by his pastor or the "exit-counseller". So, the police, acting on the basis of lies having been told about us, physically removed Bobby from where he wanted to be. I could hardly call that "rescuing".
Why would a parent have to contact a cult buster, and what exactly is a cult buster anyway?
I don't know why parents would have to. It is certainly something what we have not pressured parents to do! However, there are some people who want to manipulate parents for their own agendas. We often call them cult-busters, but they themselves often prefer the term "exit-counsellor". I think Rick Ross has had experience with this, so maybe you can ask him why parents have requested his help to remove their sons and daughters from religious groups they don't agree with.
Why on earth would any young man be scared to speak to the police in person?
Joe in fact has spoken several times to police in person. He has gone to different police stations and certified that he has not been kidnapped and has spent hours talking to police officers one on one about his situation. However, his parents, in cooperation with an exit-counsellor want him to go to a SPECIFIC police station, so they can detain him against his will.
The same thing happened to a young man in the U.K. The police called him on our mobile to inform him that he had been reported missing! When he went to a police station to confirm that he was not in fact missing, he was told that he had to go to another specific station. When he turned up at that specific station, he was met there by his mother, cousin and friends who all tried to physically detain him against his will. In the end his mother was arrested and held overnight for her behaviour.
Was Betty afraid too?
Yes she was. Kenya is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, and it is common knowledge that police can be bought for a price. So why shouldn't she be skeptical?
Well, that's all for now. Fran.