Your statements could, in fact, be interpreted as slanderous when you make blanket, unfounded statement like "Get a real job" and "get off welfare." Though these things may be rooted in truth, they will only add fuel to the fire. Our job is to make sure our friends and family remember that they are loved; statements like that only increase the gap between us.
i am about tired of people telling me what I can & cannot say. I will not take any blame for any "gaps". Fuel to the fire??? Get that outta here! If I am slandering then you might want to note I am being harrassed!
I am an outsider looking in - a grown woman, I know my rights, this is 2012 almost 2013 not 1600. I dont have to seek permission from anyone to repeat what I hear or see!
I am brutally honest, I have no filter and if it comes in my head it is going to proceed out of my mouth. I respect those that respect me. I am protective of my loved ones! I stand firm in my beliefs! I will let people run over me faster than letting someone run over my family. I don't like the taste of crow!
But, to make all parties HAPPY, HAPPY, HAPPY; I am done with it all - except for what concerns me and my loved ones! If you have my personal email you are welcomed to keep in touch! Otherwise, I would like to extend my best wishes to everyone, I will continue to pray that the Lord's will be done!
Good Luck, Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and God Bless us ALL!
{This message has not been written out of anger, sarcasm or an attitude - if anything I have said has offended anyone - I apologize .}