Re: "Jesus Christians," Dave McKay, the "Truth Believers", "cult"
Date: March 15, 2012 09:19PM
I've recently received the following emails from the ''Melbourne Weasel'':
Date:Mon, 12 Mar 2012 11:11
For your eyes only. For me to get the best information, keep your mouth fucking shut,about who gave you this info.
There seems to be 2 break away groups. The Truth Believers are operating and organised in europe and united kingdom. No concrete evidence on who is a member,but they have pastoral support in the U.s.a, ireland and germany.
the 2nd group are calling themselves the Choosen, some have reverted to wearing robes like the J.c did in the 80s.
They have built up a new network of supporters in the U.S, mainly from another religious commune that merged. It appears Grace has been wooed back and has brought a single mum by the name of Trudie and baby daughter.
a new member named Jafar some hippy dude is co leader,and his brother Luke. and some korean girl named Tai San.
The twins are apart of this group and so is Jesse.
They dont have a website but they are on the west coast and texas
jeremy thinks that angelika and i and my friends margaret,emanunel and brad,will be supporting an australian launch.
Date:Mon, 12 Mar 2012 13:39
i got the info today.i spoke to them for like an hr and a half
Date:Wed, 14 Mar 2012 1:53
I left my number,and someone called.
an americian,said it was jeremy.
i didnt ask bout ross.
dave's dictates are not as strong as they were, as they are annoyed that he told them to expel a female member named Selene, as she is bulimic, and was accused of wasting food
Date:Wed, 14 Mar 2012 13:46
Im not sure of an exact location. but i feel it is l.a,nevada or texas, squatting in an abandoned church
Date:Wed, 14 Mar 2012 16:10
my gf and a friend named debbie mitchell, who lives in queensland,was thinking of joining the jc,but lack of female friends stopped her,but now she is heading to the states.
She has been approved to be a choosen. she told me,people may want to join,but gone is the offer after trial week.
she was selected,and thats just to attempt the trial week. they have gotten selective.
i was told today my gf is eligible,but i will never be