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13 years ago
I contend that animal sacrifice should be discontinued.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
Rabbi Yitzchak Fried has been diddling me for 14 years. I have told him that all concerts are to be paid for. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach always delegated major decisions regarding me to his subordinates. Rabbi Yeshua Witt blocked me from being on TV in Israel with him and Shlomo. I could have launched a career. Kesef midaber as my father says, "Money talks." See my posting about Rabbi M
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
I am still recovering from my 1995 trip to Israel. I was living with the Witts, Shlomo Carlebach's #1 couple. They split up, I went back to the States and it seems that I am on the verge of getting a new, really good position. One of the leaders in Ben Yishai (Shoresh Yashi) has contacted me and I hope to set up a meeting with him.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
I just played the guitar yesterday for Purim at the local Orthodox shul and I am being enlisted by my church to do some work playing the guitar there. I will keep you all posted. Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach said that "All the religions are like a flashlight." I need as much help as I can get. And as I posted before, "Don't be in such a hurry to die al Kiddush Hashem (aka do
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
I am in a precarious situation as the Orthodox Jews rented an apartment to me based on all the mitzvoth that I did. I overheard one of them say, "we have to get him away from the goyim." The church I belong to has enlisted me as per a commitee and that's really where I want to be.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
I have been used a lot in the world of religion. I believe that providence drags me in to these situations to get my energy involved in fighting back. I read that Rick Ross decided to become a cult buster based on a similar experience. Birds of a feather flock together.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
In a local restaurant a Christian fanatic told me in reply to my telling him that I did not believe Jesus walked on water, "Remember our conversation when you are burning in Hell!" I told him that I would risk it!
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
I am being blamed by the Carlebach Shul’s Rebbe, Rabbi Y. Saffrin of being responsible for destroying Israel’s “spiritual armor.” Here’s what happened: Everyone who has read my writings on this forum know about the various problems that I have experienced in the course of my life in regards to religion. In ’95, the Carlebach Shul’s leaders shipped me to Israel and I couldn’t fin
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
13 years ago
The International Church of Christ’s ( local branch near me in NJ is the Central Jersey Church of Christ ( and it meets at the North Brunswick Township High School on Sunday and on Wednesday for the Midweek Service. They gave me some food when I ran short and the leader, Johnny Rivera seemed like he really didn’t’ want to help out when I thanked him. River
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
14 years ago
Gross was my elder in the cult. The day my parents jumped me in the kitchen the day before my 18th birthday, he made arrangments for me to stay at the house in Deer Park.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
14 years ago
It may seem unusual, but I don’t have the same intensity of emotion in my hatred for Jack Hickman as I do for Chabad. Actually, I don’t hate Jack at all and Moishe Rosen, the founder of Jews for Jesus and I corresponded over it. Moishe told me that I should pray for Jack’s soul. We need to analyze why this is so. The Rick A. Ross Institute classifies Jews for Jesus as a cult and I concur. Ros
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
14 years ago
Hickman used to complain about children's rights. It turned out that when he was spanked as a child, his family used wood to hit him and he used to get splinters. It seems to me that he was abused himself. One of the people in the cult told me that my parents could do anything against me at al. I was of age and the cult member told me they could spank me. Well, the day of my 18th b
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
14 years ago
There was a 4th Demattteo, Larry. Paul used to brag how Frank Sinatra was a big mafia man. I wonder about Dynell. I think the whole thing was bad news.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
14 years ago
I am privy to a lot of what went on in Ben Yishai (later redubbed Shoresh Yashi) since I got involved when it was only an Evangelical Lutheran congregation. I remember the potluck dinner where we decided to become a “Messianic” congregation and how Hickman decided to reformulate the church as a Christian/Orthodox Jewish hybrid. Nevertheless, it says in Galatians that Judaizing is illegal in Chris
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
I am going to do an expose of this "praying father," the miracle worker next. He was the leader of Moroccan Jewry and did things like making amulets .
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
I think Hickman had some kind of mental illness himself. I heard that people spoke to his mother and she said he was sick. He dragged a lot of people down. Hickman said that alot of people got messed up by their parents and I think he was one of them.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
HIckman didn't llike children's rights. And when I was almost of age, someone in the cult told me that my parents could do anything they wanted to do to me. He also claimed that spanking "is a wonerful experience." Hickman related how he got wood spankings and sometimes he got splinters. I think some people are abusive and some parents abuse their children and sometimes they g
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
Shoresh Yashi had a "yeshiva" where they used to beat the children. Also, one of the adults I knew was ganged up on by the "elders" and they started smacking him around. It happened many years ago.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
Some people wanted me to go out and date Darleen Coons who is Gary Coons' sister. It seems that I could have asccended to power in that organization. I left and went to Israel.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
50. Oorah
Friday, July 31, 2009 My landlord gave me a CD (both audio and video content) called The Shmorg and it is by Oorah Kiruv Rechokim. See for their extensive website. It seems that they have been in business since ’80 and they claim an unusually high success rate. Well my family got trashed over all of this. They say that the key to their success is that they outreach a whole family
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
Oorah is another outreach organization. See for details.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
It seems that I was confused. Anne Marie Misiti told me that she never even heard of Rick Ross. So, I apologize for any damage I caused to them.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
What I am referring to is how the movement got fissured after the late Rabbi MM Schneerson died and how some people, the Boreinuniks, think he was God incarnate. Plus how Rabbi Moshe Yess claims that the Rebbe is not dead but is " hidden and will yet be revealed again."
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
There has been a good amount of information published on this website, mostly by me, about Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach, Moshav Me’or Modi’in and the Carlebach movement in general. What needs to be shown besides all the negative and problematic aspects of the BT movement and its leaders, is also the positive side of it which I why I went back a few times. Rabbi Yeshua Witt once told me that of
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
15 years ago
They came after me too, when I came back from Israel in '79. They sent a girl they knew I liked after me but by that time I wanted nothing to do with it.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
Hickman had certain strategies for people to live and surive in hard times. Sometimes, a number of couples would rent out a house and share the cost and they could live well and raise their children that way. Also, he saw the value of the teachings in Orthodox Judaism and he melded "Torah True Judaism" as some call it with a cultic version of Christianity.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
How many people are actually in this cult today?
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
The greatest sorrow about Jack was that he destroyed himself too. IN Hebrew the term for self destruction is shmad. I asked Rabbi Shlomo Carlebach about what happened and he told me that "Maybe he wanted to get more power and didn't want to work for it." My take is that he felt that there would be great value in adding spirituality from Orthodox Judaism to his cultic version of Chr
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
15 years ago
I will give Hickman one good review. At least Jack never told me "You'll starve" like Chabad did. They made sure my needs were taken care of when i was in the cult. It was so unfortunate that a church with so much to offer got so messed up. It really hurts me to see how Jack Hickman destroyed so many lives.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
16 years ago
Quotemennodoc Finally, however, one cannot make God an enemy. There is a story, also from the tradition of chutzpah k’lapei shamaya (audacity in the face of heaven), about reconciliation. One Yom Kippur, a Hasid said to God, “I’ve not had a good year, I’ve sinned in this and that. But you, Ribono shel Olam (Master of the Universe), you’ve also not had a good year. You let us fall prey to ou
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
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