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17 years ago
QuoteKarmaMachineQuotethe Christensens, the Paganos, Debbie Haugland I attended the school in Massapequa from 1977-1982. These are last names of classmates I attended with (If I remember correctly, Debbie, Craig and David- though I recall David leaving in 3rd grade (1981).... Wow, this thread has been an incredible discovery for me today. I hope to connect with some of you.Quote I knew Roy
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
17 years ago
I have escaped death a number of times. One time I was living at Moshav Me'or Modi'in and a bench press that I was lifting on snapped when I was lifting over 300 lbs. Additional times, I escaped what happened to me at Chabad's hands and I attempted suicide several times over the years. Luckily, I am doing better now.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
17 years ago
It is establsihed that Hickman died, Hove became an Orthodox Jew and is affilitated with Young Israel and does anyone know what happened to Don Smestead? It doesn't suprise me that they all went to the same Bible college. My father claimed they dreamed up the Ben Yishai/Shoresh Yishai scam years before they got together on LI. But my Dad overshot the mark when he thought it was sancti
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
17 years ago
The cult used to patrol the grounds of Christ Lutheran with guns but it seems that the group really went off the deep end. I will get into analyzing the postings this week so that I can get a feeling for the developements that have occured in the years since I left in May of '78. That's 29 years ago that I left and obviously it's been a long time. I would like to know how ma
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
18 years ago
QuoteSteveHi Everyone, I was once a member of the "Community" and still have family and friends in the group. I left in 1980 (or there about). I just heard today that Jack Hickman passed away after a long illness. He moved to Maine a while ago and died there. Hey Rich Green, I remember you from the Coffee House days. Steve You left about 2 years after I split. If Hickman ha
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
20 years ago
Quotemiranda Rich, If you could provide that website regarding John Hove I would appreciate it. It seems that Hove is allied with Young Israel. My family was involved with the Young Israel of Wavescrest and Bayswater where I was Bar Mitzvah. Here's the link: I have some serious questions about Hove's bio as it skirts the issue and doesn't mention his involvement with Jack Hi
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
20 years ago
Quotemiranda I saw in one of your posts, you mentioned the Alberti family. I know Steve Alberti. He left the group many years ago and is doing well. The Alberti's mother, Joan was a Hebrew Christian. She used to host bible studies in her house and I went to high school with her children. When I came back from Israel in '79, I used to go to a small temple and Steve Alberti u
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
20 years ago
Quotemiranda As far as I know there hasn't been any publicity. It seems like he's keeping a low profile this time around. I have to find out what John Hove is up to and whether or not he is still involved. Hove supposedly converted to orthodox Judaism and the story can be found on the web. If you can't find it, I'll locate it for you.
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
Quotemiranda I don't actually know how many members there are at this point. I only found out about the cult a few months ago. (RMG's reply: Have they gotten any newspaper publicity yet? Hickman used to like to get media attention.) I know people who are a part of it very well and always knew something was odd about them, but never imagined this. I also know the group is grow
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
Quotemiranda I don't actually know how many members there are at this point. I only found out about the cult a few months ago. I know people who are a part of it very well and always knew something was odd about them, but never imagined this. I also know the group is growing in numbers because many of the "20 somethings" are marrying each other within the group. I don't b
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
Quotemiranda Many people thought that it broke up, but it did not. Their headquarters are Colorado and Maine. Jack Hickman and Gary Coons are located in Colorado. What else do you want to know specifically? Maine, huh. My ex wife is from Maine. So Coons is still with him? I knew Gary and his sister. There were abouit 1K members in the old days. How many now? And what happened to t
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
Quotemiranda I can tell you that jack hickman is not dead, although he is very sickly. I am not a part of the cult, but I know about it. It is actually gaining in strength and numbers. I thought it disbanded it '84. Can you dig up more info on it and post it up?
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
QuoteLynn Hickman to our family was not small potatoes. (RMG's reply: He didn't have a million followers is what I meant.The scope of his ministry was small as far as I knew about 2K people tops. Of course, if he was dealing with Profeta he had more clout than I previously knew.) I guess being Christian to begin we would look at things from a different view. I can appreciate your
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
First of all, Hickman may not be dead. He'd be old but check out the Social Security death index. Secondly, he was pretty small potatoes. Third, he was threatening to kill people who'd leave. He once made a speech that "even the dearest brother will have to be killed." After I left the cult, I went to israel. Hickman's people made frequent trips there and
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
QuoteLynn My stepsons and their mother were involved with a Jack Hickman who called himself "Abba". They were abused but we were unable to have him prosecuted although we brought charges. This was many years ago and I suppose he is dead. Any information any one has on him would be appreciated. I am haunted by what he did to these boys and how it tore the family apart. Shea Hecht o
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
21 years ago
QuoteLynn My stepsons and their mother were involved with a Jack Hickman who called himself "Abba". They were abused but we were unable to have him prosecuted although we brought charges. This was many years ago and I suppose he is dead. Any information any one has on him would be appreciated. I am haunted by what he did to these boys and how it tore the family apart. The Jack
Forum: Abusive and Controlling Relationships
16 years ago
Years ago, Rabbi Eliezer Shach came to Chabad for review. He wanted to see if the movement would accept him and if he could be integrated into their way of doing things. Chabad blew him off. Rabbi Shach went to the Ponevez Yeshiva in B'nei Brak, Israel and became the Rosh Yeshiva there. He also became a big thorn in Rabbi Schneerson's side Shach said that the Lubavitcher was a
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Monday, December 15, 2008 A few students from Rutgers U in New Jersey, were riding on one of the busses several years ago and they were in awe of the Landmark Forum. College campuses seem to be rife with problems revolving around cults and I think that schools should put our guides about being aware of bad organizations trying to recruit gullible young children. Parents should be
Forum: Recovery from Destructive Cults and Groups
16 years ago
Monday, December 15, 2008 Over 4 years ago, I went to Jews for Jesus headquarters in NYC and the whole thing sort of got botched. I had an appointment scheduled but they wanted me to call to confirm. They never told me to do that The second thing was that Ann Marie Misiti thought that Rick Ross paid me money, which is not true. I paid Rick once for a file on Chabad. Some of the p
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Years ago, when Chabad got involved to get me out of Ben Yishai, Shea told me that his father, JJ Hecht, used to get up literally on a soap box and cry out to Jews to not listen to the Christian missionaries. It seems to me that we have to do this in regards to Chabad too.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
The Hebrew term for outreach is actually kiruv. I speak Hebrew. Furthermore, the best way to combat them might be face to face. Go where they are speaking and head them off at the pass. Rick, do you have any ideas on this topic?
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Tuesday, September 30, 2008 One of the main problems about children going to Israel revolves around what happens when they go to the Kotel Erev Shabbat. It is there that the kiruv workers try to get the tourists away from their families and stay in a yeshiva in Israel. It seems to me that one way of defusing this problem is for the tour groups themselves to provide a Shabbat d
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
QuoteMichael SmithQuoterichardmgreen She already is on this site by me. I am not sure what you are talking about here. Quoterichardmgreen Judaism has very strict laws when it comes to sexuality, and well, what she is all about is really a quandary. Like I said, I just think she is the “Modern All American Red-Blooded Girl.” She does not follow all of the laws/customs. especially if
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Neshama mentions on her website that she is following in her father's footsteps. That is the basis for my reviewing her actions.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Saturday, September 13, 2008 Neshama was gifted with a beautiful voice and her father’s was admittedly not the best. God gave her the tools she needs to survive and I hope she will own up to her legacy. When her father did concerts it wasn’t just about some pretty melodies. He was a teacher and he was one of the leaders of the Jewish people (he had that book about How to Get Powe
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Look at Neshama's website. She mentions how she is following in her father's footsteps. I have more to comment later.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
The whole thing about Neshama's alleged living with her boyfriend needs to be analyzed. Essentially, in this day and age, people get married very late and almost no one hangs on until they are in their late 20's and 30's to have relations with the opposite sex. Not too long ago people used to get married when they were barely in puberty. My mom also told me that Shlomo Carl
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Neshama is trying to become a spokesperson for the Jewish community. That is the focus of my criticism of her. And yes, I am a fan of hers.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Friday, September 12, 2008 I just got Neshama’s new recording, One and One the other day. I have listened to it quite a bit and have some reflections on some of the lyrics and the copy on the CD jacket. First of all, the lyrics on the title cut; One and One mention something about, “The day before Creation, the day before the damage was done.” I haven’t the faintest idea of what
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
16 years ago
Thursday, August 28, 2008 I am surprised that the Carlebach’s and Chabad have not tried to sue the Institute. Neila has a ton of lawsuits our against people for publishing Shlomo’s teachings and the Carlebach daughters have a 2.4 million dollar lawsuit out against 8 Jewish music houses including Sameach Music, Eichler’s and Mostly Music. On my way to Israel in ’95, I lived at the
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
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