Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: sweetiepie ()
Date: March 01, 2007 05:50AM

Hey everybody this is my first post and I dont know what to write. You see I was apart of the ICOC for 3.5 yrs. I was recruited the second semester of my freshman year. I graduated and it has been about 1.5 sense I left. Things are still very hard. I dont know who to talk to. I really do not know where to start. I think sense I left the ICOC I wanted to deny being in a cult. I wanted to ignore it. but I find that hard to do, because Im different. Vulnerable, afraid, lonely. If anyone can relate or has been through this, give me a holla :wink:

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Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: abigail1977 ()
Date: March 20, 2007 01:11AM

if youd like to share your experience, please do. I was in a cult for 9 months and it was terrible. A christian cult.

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Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: sweetiepie ()
Date: March 23, 2007 04:03AM

Thanx for the reply. It so hard to be honest and open about my experience. Living day to day among people who have never experienced this--- I feel like I wear many mask daily. Im just trying to figure it all out. It is a miracle for me to admit that is was a Christian cult. Althought deep down inside I just dont want it to have been a cult. Im just confused. But anyway if you can keep up, my experiences are some what blurred. I just hate that period of my life so much because, of the now. The insecurity that I feel, the daily confusion--- Ive been around old friends and they tell me who I use to be and I cant believe it. I know that girl exist but she is not here. I got into a relationship with a high school boyfriend. He said you are not the girl that I was in love with in high school. I hated to hear those words--- although I know it is true. I dont know what those people did--- I dont know what values to hold on to which ones to let go. Which are my beliefs, which are thier forced beliefs. Life is hard. I read that I should continue to be patient with myself Im just ready for it to be over.

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Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: kath ()
Date: March 25, 2007 09:11PM

There's also a forum specifically for ex-members of the ICC, where a large number of ex-members share their experiences, you will find dozens of ex members of the ICC there who will know exactly what you've been through. I read their forum and the ICC seems a really nasty organisation to have been in. I have friends who were in the ICC and they found it very controlling and damaging.

[] you may have to join delphi to view, I'm not sure, it's free to do so anyway :)

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Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: sweetiepie ()
Date: April 04, 2007 01:57AM

Thank You Kath, I appreciate the resources. :)

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Re: Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: Search4Tomorrow ()
Date: October 22, 2007 12:16AM

I hear the ICOC are strict. But not entirely sure if I would consider them a cult. That word gets thrown around alot by alot of people who really dont understand what it means.

I have been a part of a few NRM in the past. And i am actually looking to find out a little more info about the ICOC. Especially in regards to their branch in Melbourne, Australia.
They seem to be invisable unlike the mainstream COC's.

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Re: Former member of International Church of Christ: It is a cult.
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: November 26, 2010 11:42PM

The International Church of Christ’s ( local branch near me in NJ is the Central Jersey Church of Christ ( and it meets at the North Brunswick Township High School on Sunday and on Wednesday for the Midweek Service. They gave me some food when I ran short and the leader, Johnny Rivera seemed like he really didn’t’ want to help out when I thanked him. Rivera also gave a speech about how no one in the whole operation he was leading measures up according to NJCOC’s criteria for Discipling. I also know their marriage counseling is going to ruin relationships. It seems no one can possibly be a true Christian. I refuse to go there again.

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Re: Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: cD7iM9kI0x ()
Date: October 22, 2011 12:40AM


I was in the ICOC for 4 yrs. I went to a counselling centre for cult recovery twice and I still went back after 3 yrs. I stayed 3 yrs and then replaced church with 12 step group. Now i left the 12 step group and I feel vulnerable to going back to ICOC. The ICOC is a cult.They are a deeply abusive group that wear sheeps clothing. I am out a year but I still feel vulnerable to going back.

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Re: Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: October 22, 2011 03:12AM

See []

There are some good articles here about recovery.

Also see []

This is a list of professional counselors with experience helping former cult members.

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Re: Former member of International Church of Christ
Posted by: Derek40 ()
Date: April 22, 2012 06:47PM

A definite cult - the so-called non-demoninational group- whereby you do not know who they are affiliated with, or their chain of command.
The ICC are a break off group of the original, and often name themselves after their local city (eg Sydney, London) - and you initially do not know that they from the off-shoot group, and not the original CoC.
Very confusing! Seach4Tomorrow exemplfies this.
There are various tools that define them as a cult, and numerous testimonies of ex-members prove this.
I was briefly involved with them on a University campus, but numerous warning signs made me feel uncomfortable after about 6 weeks, and walked away.
They have since been banned from many campuses due to their over-zealous recruiting techniques and accosting too many students.
The key feature is exclusivity - they are the only true church. Others are merely ""religious"".
After that is the mind control, having to confess your sins to them, and telling you will be going to hell if you don't change.
You are designated a disciple who you are accountable to, and will ""challenge"" you in every aspect of your life.
Many of the students back then were living together in groups, and the leader had actually disowned his own family.
After reading a number of testimonies, I think myself very lucky that I did not stay there any longer.

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