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5 weeks ago
Kidding aside, a daily meditation practice has been very helpful for me as I create more and more distance from the TLWF experience. As I've mentioned before, I use the Waking Up app. Highly recommend: changed wrote: The really sad thing is that Michael finally learned how to breathe through his belly just a few weeks ago. If he had learned much sooner, it could have helped him in
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
Creating room for each other: Posted by: Aleutian Date: September 08, 2018 08:33AM Reveal, I agree with you. I phrased my viewpoint in a harsh way. I´m just trying to come to grips with my own upbringing and trying to lose the strange fringe concepts taught to me, while at the same time retaining at least the belief in a higher power. To anyone that is agnostic or atheist...I respect y
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
The last comment at Jones's funeral: "The really sad thing is that Michael finally learned how to breathe through his belly just a few weeks ago. If he had learned much sooner, it could have helped him in so many situations. Better late than never, I guess. And before I forget, a big thanks to Michael's family for only charging us $39.99 to attend his funeral. The discount
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
oops..make that six close to five years ago
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
(close to five years ago--attempt at levity) Posted by: changedagain Date: August 22, 2018 11:05AM I hope I am not the only one who answered the latest confidential TLWF survey this way. Boy, I'll be in real trouble! Name something you have received by serving Christ in the Flesh PTSD Posted by: cultfree Date: August 22, 2018 01:46PM Hey changedagain. Is there a real anonym
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
Latest episode: Oops! I'm Snapping Out of It | Interview with Charlie Hajek and Mike White
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
6 weeks ago
References to the Catholic church, and the different stance JRS had vs. G & M: Posted by: ben there Date: February 19, 2007 11:48AM I think it was when I started hearing entire groups (like the catholic church, government officials, businesses, etc) 'judged' as being satan in the earth, the whore of babylon, the Nephilim, or whoever the bad guy of the night was...and all sort
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
7 weeks ago
Life decisions based on a lie: Posted by: changedagain Date: February 16, 2021 05:30AM Reep wrote: I, too, believed all of those things for many years, even after leaving the cult. And finally, I had to begin dealing with my own cognitive dissonance. Yes, the vision of the Kingdom John supposedly had back in '72, is a big one. Many life decisions were heavily influenced by that &q
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 months ago
Posted this morning: "A man just collapsed at the ATL airport. Unresponsive. Not breathing. Turning blue. All in an instant, strangers raced to his aid—some administering CPR, others grabbing the defibrillators nearby—as several of us stood praying. After a scary minute or so, he kicked a leg and started breathing, It would be another 5 minutes before paramedics arrived on the scene. W
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 months ago
I now realize that Puddington prefers to maintain a low profile in public, so I scrapped the idea of sending him a black & red 'Former Vessel of Satan' t-shirt. I doubt he would ever wear it to a function, even though I'm confident it would be a good conversation starter. Oh well--it's the thought that counts. #ThinkingOfYou #SatanicVessel
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 months ago
I may create a customized card for the holidays, with this being the theme. People need assurance. You are not a neph either
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
2 months ago
The latest episode of Oops! I'm in a Cult podcast: Apostolic Abuse | Interview with LuAnn Banoczi Note: I've know LuAnn for many years. She's a woman of integrity- definitely not a Neph. -Michael
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
3 months ago
Latest episode: The Cult Killed My Mom | Oops! I'm In a Cult
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
3 months ago
Updated stats: Comments: 12,589 Page views: 3,718,477 Thank you to all who have contributed to this discussion through the years-- including, but not limited to: UnapologeticallyJohn832, Reepicheep, puddington, kBOY, that little red flag, reveal, sierradawn, larrybobo, GSchaeff, Onion, Filthy Apron, PowerTrip, Saw enough, FCSLC, 4generation, Cloudwatcher, Lilith, Jez the Be
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
3 months ago
O.K.--that's it for me going down the political rabbit hole. Promise. Wishing everyone the best. -Michael Jones
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
3 months ago
The last line of an email I received today from an ex-cult member. It lifted my mood for some reason. P.S. I don't have any This Weeks. At least, none that I know of. Shudder
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
My wife says she is considering buying one of these Bibles, but plans to wait until the price drops to $2.99 Even at this lower price, she hopes they will sweeten the offer, perhaps including a 'Two Corinthians' MAGA hat--whatever the hell that is. She asked what I thought. I said I would pray about it, if she made me do so. I reminded her that I no longer pray voluntarily.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
If I buy one of these patriotic bibles, it would be just to read Two Corinthians. My bible, which went missing over 25 years ago, didn't include that book for some reason.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
On the topic of Shiloh University: Posted by: Factoverfiction Date: December 06, 2015 02:53AM (excerpt) The development of Shiloh University is scaring me. They offer a worthless DEAC accreditation at the cost of over $20,000 with no financial aid. They are attempting to sell it as the equivalent of a community college education, when the credits are not remotely transferable in the way
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
From December of 2015: Posted by: paleface Date: December 06, 2015 01:30AM Does anyone know when the prayers for the death of Martha Stevens started? Was it 1974 or so? Or was it earlier? Posted by: changedagain Date: December 06, 2015 02:21AM Not sure. It was in full swing when I joined in '76... BTW, I know some people get immersed in incompatible, hostile marriages--but l
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
Arthur Brooks, The Atlantic: (not sure if this is the best approach toward sociopaths, though--who use 'openness' to gain leverage)
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
Any individual demanding complete control over other people's lives must be thwarted. There's no quality of life without the presence of a functioning system of check & balances, which prevent wannabe tyrants from fulfilling their selfish ambition at the expense of nearly everyone else. Posted by: Reepicheep Date: May 17, 2019 07:43AM larry bobo wrote: I believe in most l
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
Timothy Snyder, American historian:
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
Emulating Kim Jong-Un. Note: again, the moderator can remove whatever content I post in this forum that he considers off-topic.
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
These are perhaps the most unruly tourists I've ever seen: "I'll tell you when you get too radical" -JRS (paraphrased)
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
4 months ago
A good friend of mine sent this clip to me today (link below). I think it is worth a listen. Again, the moderator can remove it if he considers it's too political for this forum:
Forum: Former Cult Members and Affected Families
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