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4 years ago
There is a short thread on this subject: The BBC reports that they are also active in the UK and gives some background on them. QuoteIsrael United in Christ (IUIC) was founded in 2003 in New York and is part of a movement called the Black Hebrew Israelites. It has around 40 churches or "schools" as they're known in the US - and its leader is a man who goes by the name of
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Yes. In Traumatic Narcissism, Daniel Shaw notes that psychoanalysts distinguish a whole bunch of forms of narcissism: QuoteNarcissism today is a public word in common parlance. When most people talk about narcissism, they are referring to self-centered, vain, exhibitionistic people, people who seek admiration from others, and who make everything about themselves. . . . When psychoanalysts t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Quotecorboy Daniel Shaw was disciple of Gurumayi, leader of SYDA yoga, Fallsberg New York. TRAUMATIC ABUSE IN CULTS: A PSYCHOANALYTIC PERSPECTIVE By Daniel Shaw “Using his own ten-year experience in Siddha Yoga under the leadership of Gurumayi, the author presents psychoanalytic conceptualizations of narcissism in an effort to develop a way of understanding cult leaders and their followe
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Brazil spiritual healer sentenced to 19 years for four rapes:
Forum: Celebrities associated with "cult-like" groups
4 years ago
The spiritual costume ... the hypnotic voice ... the withdrawal from external society and external reality ... the guru-figure dominating proceedings ... plenty of red flags for me.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Sorry to hear of your encounters with incompatible therapists. Licensing is usually based on having a graduate degree such as M.A., M.S.W., or Ph.D., together with 1-2 years experience. They don't look at the school of thought your therapist belongs to. The one you describe made some new-agey suggestions. Suggesting behaviors is one school of thought. The behaviors the therapist come
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
corboy Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > An article by Matthew Remski titled The Unbearable > Smugness of I Got Mine-ism Amongst Cult and > Ex-Cult Members. > > I was confused by the title of Matthew Remski's blog post, but the quote in the second paragraph makes it clear: "I don't know about others' experience, but I fo
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
More allegations about the world of yoga: QuoteSwami Vishnu-Devananda was covertly sexually active, apparently with multiple young women devotees, up until 1987. There were several people who left the Sivananda organization deeply wounded, with substantial long lasting consequences to this day.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
You’re welcome. To get back to Heather’s original question, what to do after surviving a cult, a woman in New Zealand is making a whole series of short videos on this subject. (Her parents belonged to some kind of pseudo-Christian cult in New Zealand while she was growing up.) The videos are quite good. Here is one of them. She is still making more, which you can find on her channel.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
The market is saturated. It’s become an aggressively competitive business: QuoteThe top six challenges these yoga studio owners face are: 1. Competing with other facilities 2. Attracting new students 3. Retaining students 4. Staying cash flow positive 5. Finding good teachers 6. Preserving the integrity of yoga Hence, Jade Richardson observes, the most aggressive competitors dif
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
neilo Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > Jade > Richardson article > > New article about problems in Ubud again and yoga > - and who Uma is working with. That’s an insightful and well documented article about what she calls the “creepy vibe that appears to be slithering over yoga mats across the planet”. Thanks for posting. When I first he
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Quotezizlz So the challenge after an awakening experience is to not get stuck in the spiritual-ego phase, in which one is still very deluded and prone to zealotry and grandiosity. Most "spiritual leaders" seem to be stuck in this phase. Bernadette Roberts calls these spiritual ego-masks the “archetypes” of the collective unconscious. The guru is an obvious archetype. The temptation t
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
I haven’t read all this thread, but the little I have read rings true for me. I have downloaded the free PDF to read offline.
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
The Falconer Wrote: ------------------------------------------------------- > bump > > To whom it may concern: the End Times Suvivors > Facebook group seems to have been deactivated. > Curious. I don't know if this is related, but there is also a Facebook group for A Voice in the Desert, where this notice appeared on September 22, 2019: QuoteI hope this doesn'
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
This YouTube claims that David McKay's "Jesus Christians" group is behind the YouTube channel "A Voice in the Desert" and may also operate the channel "End Times Survivors": "A Voice In The Desert... IS A CULT!" (uploaded April 6, 2018) Another allegation of Dave McKay involvement in the channel "End Times Survivors" was made in Cul
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
4 years ago
Your mention of research into the biochemical mechanisms of gurudom reminded me of the Biology of Kundalini website by Jana Dixon. I don't know if you've already seen it. She has a whole bunch of material on biochemistry, though most of it is related to kundalini. One page covers the projective mechanism in the context of spirituality. She sees guru-worship as a projection outward of ou
Forum: "Cults," Sects, and "New Religious Movements"
11 years ago
In regards to Stuthers belief in holiness and spiritual deepening I have to ask them what value do they think this has in the long scheme of things. Perhaps they think that being extra holy or spiritual will see to it that they are rewarded in heaven however this is not what the bible teaches. If you read the parable of the workers in the vineyard (matthew ch 20 v 1-16.) we can see that it doesn&
Forum: Destructive Churches
11 years ago
Hi I'm a first time poster and an all round stylish carrot. What amuses me is the fact that SMC leaders will use the criticism given on this forum and on Latigo as a tool to verify that what they are doing is from God declaring that the criticism is a form of persecution from the Devil. This argument is of course laughable, being criticized doesn't make you right if anything it is
Forum: Destructive Churches
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