Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: January 18, 2013 07:36AM
Hi folks
Yes, Rensil I agree that it's a bit strange for a retired man to be going to work with his wife but it makes me wonder 'for what purpose?'. Is it a regular thing? Does he have some particular knowledge which the school-kids need that their own teacher can't give them?
The curriculum and they way teachers have to perform has changed so much and so often over the past few years it's virutally impossible to keep up with it! Could it be that there is some kind of school initiative that calls for spouses or perhaps people with specific knowledge or qualifications to attend some of the classes? Perhaps it is a scheme introduced to reduce the school's salary bill for temps and student teachers? I say that because no one has said whether or not they think that GR is actually getting paid for attending these classes - if he is then that's a different matter entirely. Or, another thought, perhaps he has gone for a career-change and is now a student teacher? Without knowing more about the circumstances regarding his work in his wife's classes, it's difficult to say whether or not there is anything untoward about it.
I do wonder about everything SMC these days. When you have been brought up in such an organisation and had a particular set of beliefs brain-washed into you since birth, pulling apart those beliefs and rebuilding your faith, from the ground up, is a very difficult thing to do. When we were young we believed that Mr. Black and Miss Taylor were as holy as God because that was what was drummed into our pliable brains almost every day of the week, for years and years. Then, all of a sudden massive amounts of money are lost on the stock market and Mr. Black is demoted to being only human (how convenient to suddenly become human after so many years of Godlike status which was apparently unquestionable).
As you get older and, hopefully, a bit wizer you look back and begin to see things in a completely different light. You remember things which struck you as strange and not in keeping with christian behaviour but, at the time, you accepted because you were told the leaders were infallible and what they said and did was directly from God and to be obeyed without question.
At one point, in my early twenties, I struggled to believe there was a God at all when the people, who were telling me how I should live, were so hypocritical. All I could see around me was hypocrisy and that condescending manner which so many of the members adopted and all I wanted to do was punch them on their self-righteous noses!
It's actually very amazing how effective brain-washing is in a group, there is a very strange phenomenon about group behaviour which makes the individual conform even if they don't entirely agree with the rest of the group. I saw a great wee demonstration of this recently in a lift experiment (if I can find the link again I'll post it up for you all coz it's quite funny but eye-opening at the same time). To put it in a nut-shell, there is a group of about 5 people who are actors and all are entering a lift - there is one other person entering the lift, who's not in on the joke, the group of actors all stand facing the back wall of the lift (although there is no door there, just a blank lift wall) - by the time the lift reaches the next floor and the doors open, everyone including the stoodge is facing the back wall of the lift - another stoodge enters on the second floor and turns to face the open lift door (the opposite way from the group) - by the time the lift reaches the third floor and the doors open, the second stoodge is also facing the back wall of the lift! and so it goes on (putting hats on and taking them off between floors etc.). Very funny but quite an eye-opener as regards group behaviour.
So I've now concluded that there is psychology at work in everything, even from the pulpits of churches (some more than others). The trick is to recognise when you are behaving a certain way just because everyone else is behaving that way, or you feel a certain way because the rest of your group are feeling that way. Mentally you make yourself conform and then deceive your brain into believing you are still choosing as an individual, when in fact all you are doing is conforming to the group mentality. So the challenge is - are you going to flow with the tide like the other fish or are you going to be a salmon and push against the tide? Me? I'd rather be a salmon.
As always, much love and mega salmon hugggggggggs
God bless you all.