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18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
Excellerated Money & You Robert Kiyosaki Exposed Robert Kiyosaki said the same thing in his first book "If You want to be Rich & Happy Don't Go to School?" and in the seminars mentioned in earlier posts about being of SERVICE TO HUMANITY and find what your 'TRUE PURPOSE' is etc. He thinks he is of SERVICE TO HUMANITY and says he doesn't NEED ANY
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Honestly, I've never heard of his seminars but I've read a couple of his books and they have helped me with MY finances. I just got "How to Quit Your Job" though and it was INCREDIBLY REPETITIVE. I don't know if that was a tactic or if they just needed to fill pages. It bored me. The funny thing was RK says you won't be fulfilled as a rich entrepreneur unless
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
Hi there Towest3, Great to hear from you, yet not so great your ex wife is still in the trance. For me its been a long process 12 years now. Although I've recovered to a degree, not completely yet. I thought I was over the 'hold and grip' of the brainwashing, however I was still operating under their POWERFUL SUGGESTIONS two years ago and still got involved with another cult.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Hey Wiser Aussie! Hello from Auckland NZ. I read your story and it is SO SIMMILAR like my wife (ex) three year long agony. R Kiyosaki was one of first autors whom suck her in braiwashing, mindcontroling coma. She is still in trance, everuthing is the same as in your post, plus conmen tony robbins is heavily involved to the stage that she think he is reincarnated JESUS even GOD personaly.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
EXCELLERATED BUSINESS SCHOOLS - MONEY & YOU SEMINAR MADE MY LIFE WORSE! ... Robert Kiyosaki, Blair Singer and Wayne Morgan Exposed! I did the seminar 'Money & You' in 1993 with Wayne Morgan and 'Powerful Presentations' seminar with Robert Kiyosaki. These two seminars and others are offered by Excellerated Business Schools. Back in the 1990's
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
MONEY & YOU - CREATED DISASTER! Thanks to Robert Kiyosaki, Wayne Morgan and Blair Singer! Excellerated Business Schools Seminars Made My Life Worse! 1. I became a seminar junky. Each seminar was a drug. The time between seminars was a painful process. I felt alone, isolated and depressed. Literally experiencing 'withdrawals'. It didn't take much convincing
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
Gulab Jamon, Thanks for your reply. Are the 'get rich quick schemes' working for your friend? I remember Robert Kiyosaki and Wayne Morgan ( the two presenters of the LGAT I did) said they weren't afraid of 'losing it all' because they've learnt the necessary skills and they would be multi millionaires again within 5 years. My partner came with me to t
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Gulab Jamon
QuoteWiser AussieGulab Jamon How do you know Kiyosaki, by the way? I don't. I've heard of the books and I have one friend in particular who is really into all these types of get-rich-quick schemes and seminars. This friend actually gave me the book "The Millionaire Mind" as a wedding gift! I would have rather had a million dollars, but oh well. ;-) The author's
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
Gulab Jamon Thanks for your sense of humour. Had a good laugh myself! How do you know Kiyosaki, by the way? Wiser Aussie
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Gulab Jamon
QuoteConcerned Oz The stage was furnished with a flip chart stand and a pot plant. do mean a POTTED plant, don't you? I can't imagine that someone like Kiyosaki would have illegal marijuana on the stage during a seminar! I'm getting quite a chuckle picturing it in my head. :lol:
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
MONEY & YOU THE "BLOCKS GAME" CAUSED MY BREAKDOWN Does anyone know more about Psychotic Breaks? I wonder if this is what happened to me in the 'blocks game'? Wiser Aussie
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
POWERFUL PRESENTATIONS - ROBERT KIYOSAKI & EXCELLERATED BUSINESS SCHOOLS SEMINAR Like I mentioned I did Money and You with Wayne Morgan as well as Creating Wealth. Finally met Kiyosaki in Powerful Presentations. Originally saw him on the The Midday Show back in 1993 hosted by Ray Martin when he was promoting "If You Want to be Rich and Happy Don't go to School?". I
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Concerned Oz
HI and welcome Wiser Aussie, Thanks for mentioning Wayne Morgan. I forgot his name. He led my LGAT Money and You too and Kiyosaki led the other two courses i did. i recall we all wanted to be like Wayne. Some of us for years also picked up his Texas accent slighty which i have written about last year in this thread. I fogot about no watches during the course and i also can't manage to
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Wiser Aussie
Hello Concerned Oz and Everyone, Finally I came across this forum and felt relieved there's someone whose done 'Money and You' and not saying its was the best thing that ever happened to them. Money and You Created Disaster in My Life too!.... It Made My Life Worse!. I did Money and You with the Austin Texas Presenter Wayne Morgan, after reading Robert Kiyosaki's fi
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
18 years ago
Concerned Oz
Denver latter got into the Excellerated learning Institute and Money and You LGAT,(a derivative of Est/landmark) of Robert Kiyosaki fame back in the early 1990's.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Coz to Oz! Good luck in your break. I personally think its very healthy to take a break from this sort of thing when one needs to. It seems to me that most people who get duped by LGAT's never really come to terms with it, and understand it. They seem to usually just blame themselves for falling short, or just move onto the next LGAT fad, or just stay hooked into it for decades. So in
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Concerned Oz
Hi Sonnie_dee, I would imagine besides the "normal" employment agreements such as payroll, tax and superannuation, there may be various types of confidentiality agreements relating to so called "Proprietary information". Not that you probably want to go down this path BUT, what LE refers to as proprietary info or tech is not. Lots of their "tech" is borrowed from
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Concerned Oz
Hi Coz - thanks for the link. When I was in my "Money and You" Robert Kiyosaki LGAT years ago, we thought we were fine too and Esties were poor victims of a horrible process. We did not realise our process was something quite similar. I feel that this is the case for the AR devotees. I noticed one of the posters from that thread talks about the firewalk in comparison to the LE pro
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteSL1993Elena, is there some link to this? Do you mean the connection between Buckminster Fuller and Werner Erhard? Try going to Amazon and doing a search. You can read a couple of pages that way. Ellen
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Elena, is there some link to this?
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
QuoteCosmophilospherI have to do a bit of a mea culpa on the Bucky Fuller and Werner Erhard connection. I just really didn't know that much about it, and i still don't. I found this link though. There are some ugly things about Bucky, no question. But personally, i have just read his books, and i found them to very unique, and very interesting. Carl Sagan was also a bit of a tr
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I just saw this guy named Darren Weeks on a financial TV news show, talking about how he has franchised RichDad's cashflow game. What is totally pathetic, is that the "journalists" are so credulous, and have done NO RESEARCH, and they don't ask these guys ANY tough questions. The journalists are like mindless talking heads. Why not have a robot ask lame questions? Th
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I have to do a bit of a mea culpa on the Bucky Fuller and Werner Erhard connection. I just really didn't know that much about it, and i still don't. I found this link though. There are some ugly things about Bucky, no question. But personally, i have just read his books, and i found them to very unique, and very interesting. Carl Sagan was also a bit of a troubled man, but i st
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
It looks like Werner Erhard had some links with Esalen.
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
I think Esalen is the link to most of these people. Bucky Fuller never had any money, so he took all sorts of teaching appointments all over the place. He was at Esalen a number of times. (halfway down) Also, i THINK that article stated that all the money from the Bucky and Werner seminar was going to go to Bucky, right? Like i said, Bucky always needed money just to pay his bills, s
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Concerned Oz
I understand your point about Bucky, Coz. I also understand what you mean about how taxing it is to stay with Bucky's writing and speaches. He seems not to process ideas and speach linealy but in series so to speak... I recall listening to his tapes in Kiyosaki's LGAT and his diction too was hard to follow but his mind is great. Earlier we had uncovered how Werner Erhard tried to
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Its my view that Erhard and Kiyoscamu just wanted to use some of Bucky's "credibility" to give themselves some legitimacy. Bucky worked with countless hundreds of people. Its also seems reasonable to me that Bucky was fairly naive in certain ways, and Erhard would have found it easy to play with him in the short-term. I can tell you, after reading most of Bucky's books, d
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Concerned Oz
The following report of a 1979 joint interview of R. Buckminster Fuller and Werner Erhard is quite interesting. Back then, both men seemed to be of similar minds. Readers of this thread will recall that Kiyosaki's LGAT used the "Generalised Principles" of Buckminster Fuller and that Kiyosaki had done Werner's Est. Kiyoskai's LGAT had components of Est and Landma
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
The idea that the Finance-Capitalists are parasites, he probably got from Bucky Fuller, as that's what he said."Fin-Cap" were going to wreck the world, according to Bucky. But now Kiyoscamu sees he can make a bundle by "training" people how to make 5 grand in 5 minutes from home. He doesn't talk about losing 5 grand in 5 minutes though. These poor folks are goin
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
19 years ago
Concerned Oz
QuoteHe basically says if you want to be rich, become an owner of a large, profitable corporation, AND become a professional financial trader, AND a professional real estate investor. I recall vividly in Kiyosaki's LGATs in Sydney during the early 1990's that so many times he castigated people for making money on the stock market. He referred to them as parasites because they did not
Forum: Large Group Awareness Training, "Human Potential"
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